Adding support for extending error reporting in HDF5 breaks down into a few simple use cases. Note that these use cases only discuss new features, the existing HDF5 error API should be used to iterate over the HDF5 error stack, etc.
Register client library with error API use case scenario:
Push client library error onto error stack use case scenario:
Switch error stack use case scenario:
Display error stack use case scenario:
Unregister client library error information use case scenario:
A list of existing API specifications.
Both H5Eget_major and H5Eget_minor are replaced by a single function H5Eget_mesg.
A list of new API specifications.
We can provide macros similar to our internal macros, HGOTO_ERROR, HGOTO_DONE. They will reduce the length of codes.
Example programs corresponding to use cases:
Register client library with error API example:
Push client library error onto error stack:
Swich error stack:
Display error stack with error class IDs, and dynamicly added major and minor error code.
Unregister client library error information: