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HDF5 Fortran Examples in Source Code

HDF5 Introductory Examples for Fortran  
More advanced example of using hyperslabs. hyperslab.f90
Shows concept of mounting files. mountexample.f90
Shows nested derived type. nested_derived_type.f90
Creates and reads a dataset with a compound datatype. compound.f90
Creates and reads a dataset with a complex compound datatype (F2003). compound_complex_fortran2003.f90
Creates and reads a dataset with a compound datatype (F2003). compound_fortran2003.f90
Shows how to use Parallel HDF5. ph5example.f90
Creates, stores, and dereferences object references. refobjexample.f90
Creates, stores, and dereferences references to dataset regions. refregexample.f90
Reads, writes a dataset with F2003 features. rwdset_fortran2003.f90
Shows how to select elements in a dataset. selectele.f90

- - Last modified: 04 November 2016