From Wed Aug 3 00:07:30 2005 Subject: RE: cygwin question Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 15:07:15 +1000 I am happy to help with some info about using HDF4 under cygwin. I have been using HDF4 under cygwin constantly for quite a few years. I did build HDF4.2r0 from source but have not done this for HDF4.2r1. I ran configure using the following command: env CFLAGS=3D'-ansi -D_BSD_SOURCE -DHAVE_NETCDF' FC=3DNONE \ ./configure --prefix=3D"$HOME/hdf/HDF4.2r0install" I defined HAVE_NETCDF because I also wanted to use the Unidata netCDF library. I set FC=3DNONE because I did not need the Fortran library. In fact cygwin was one of the platforms under which I tested the scalar problem I reported a few days ago. So I have attached the Makefile I used for this purpose. This should give much of the info needed. Note that I am using Microsoft Visual C++6.0. The directory c:/dav480/hdf/42r1-win/ was created by downloading file 42r1-win.ZIP and extracting it into the directory c:/dav480/hdf/. Hope this helps -- I am happy to provide further details. Harvey Harvey Davies, CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research, Private Bag No. 1, Aspendale 3195 E-mail: Office: 03 9239 4556 Mobile: 04 2241 7563 > -----Original Message----- > From: HDF User Support [] > Sent: Wednesday, 3 August 2005 02:05 > To: Davies, Harvey (CMAR, Aspendale) > Subject: cygwin question >=20 >=20 > Hi Harvey, >=20 > I have another user asking about cygwin and HDF, and I found an > old message (2002) from you that says you got HDF to build with cygwin! > Since I just happened to recently get a message from you, I thought I'd > ask about this, in case you might remember. She would like to know if > you > used ./configure to do the build. >=20 > In your message you had said: >=20 >=20 > I have both > * used the standard windows binaries under cygwin > * compiled & used hdf4 under cygwin > It all works OK. >=20 > I found I needed to copy the HDF .dll files into the same directory as > the .exe file, otherwise dynamic loading had problems. The main thing > you > need to be careful about in makefiles is that windows compilers & > linkers > need file paths in windows form (e.g. "C:\mydir\prog.c" rather than > "/c/mydir/proc.c"). You can use the cygwin utility "windows_path" to > automate this name conversion. >=20 > Any help would be appreciated! > Thanks! > -Barbara >=20 > +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ > Barbara Jones, HDF Helpdesk > National Center for Supercomputing Applications > University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign >=20 > > > +--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+--+ >=20 ------_=_NextPart_001_01C597E9.372E1774 Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="Makefile" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Description: Makefile Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Makefile" UFJPRz1zY2FsYXINCg0Kc2NhbGFyLmhkZjogJChQUk9HKS5leGUNCgkkKFBST0cpLmV4ZQ0KDQok KFBST0cpLmV4ZTogJChQUk9HKS5vYmogDQoJbGluayAtbm9kZWZhdWx0bGliIC1yZWxlYXNlIC1v dXQ6JChQUk9HKS5leGUgXA0KCSAgICAnYzovZGF2NDgwL2hkZi80MnIxLXdpbi9yZWxlYXNlL2Rs bC9oZDQyMW0ubGliJyBcDQoJICAgICdjOi9kYXY0ODAvaGRmLzQycjEtd2luL3JlbGVhc2UvZGxs L2htNDIxbS5saWInIFwNCgkgICAgJ2M6L2RhdjQ4MC9oZGYvemxpYjEyMi9saWIvemRsbC5saWIn IFwNCgkgICAgJ2M6L2RhdjQ4MC9oZGYvanBlZy02Yi9saWJqcGVnLmxpYicgXA0KCSAgICAnYzov UFJPR1JBfjEvTUlDUk9TfjMvVkM5OC9saWIvbXN2Y3J0LmxpYicgXA0KCSAgICAnYzovUFJPR1JB fjEvTUlDUk9TfjMvVkM5OC9saWIvb2xkbmFtZXMubGliJyBcDQoJICAgICdjOi9QUk9HUkF+MS9N SUNST1N+My9WQzk4L2xpYi9rZXJuZWwzMi5saWInIFwNCgkgICAgJChQUk9HKS5vYmogDQoNCiQo UFJPRykub2JqOiAkKFBST0cpLmMNCgljbCAtYyAtSSdjOi9kYXY0ODAvaGRmLzQycjEtd2luL3Jl bGVhc2UvaW5jbHVkZScgLW5vbG9nbyAtTUQgLU94IC1XMSAkKFBST0cpLmMNCg0KY2xlYW46DQoJ cm0gKi5vYmogKi5leGUNCg== ------_=_NextPart_001_01C597E9.372E1774--