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Chapter 8

General Raster Images (GR API)

8.1 Chapter Overview

This chapter describes the general raster (GR) data model, the GR interface (also called the GR API), and the interface routines used to manipulate GR data objects. The GR data model is designed to provide a flexible means of manipulating raster images. In addition to the GR interface, HDF provides two interfaces for manipulating raster data. The DFR8 interface works with 8-bit raster images and is described in Chapter 6, 8-Bit Raster Images (DFR8 API). The DF24 interface is designed for 24-bit raster images and is described in Chapter 7, 24-bit Raster Images (DF24 API).

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HDF User's Guide - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.