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Chapter 5 Vgroups (V API)

5.1 Chapter Overview
5.2 The Vgroup Data Model
5.2.1 Vgroup Names and Classes
5.2.2 Vgroup Organization
5.2.3 An Example Using Vgroups
5.3 The Vgroup Interface
5.3.1 Vgroup Interface Routines
5.3.2 Identifying Vgroups in the Vgroup Interface
5.4 Programming Model for the Vgroup Interface
5.4.1 Accessing Files and Vgroups: Vstart and Vattach
5.4.2 Terminating Access to Vgroups and Files: Vdetach and Vend
5.5 Creating and Writing to a Vgroup
5.5.1 Assigning a Vgroup Name and Class: Vsetname and Vsetclass
5.5.2 Inserting Any HDF Data Object into a Vgroup: Vaddtagref
5.5.3 Inserting a Vdata or Vgroup Into a Vgroup: Vinsert
5.6 Reading from Vgroups
5.6.1 Locating Vgroups and Obtaining Vgroup Information Locating Lone Vgroups: Vlone Sequentially Searching for a Vgroup: Vgetid Obtaining the Name of a Vgroup: Vgetname Obtaining the Class Name of a Vgroup: Vgetclass Locating a Vgroup Given Its Name: Vfind Locating a Vgroup Given Its Class Name: Vfindclass
5.6.2 Obtaining Information about the Contents of a Vgroup Obtaining the Number of Objects in a Vgroup: Vntagrefs Obtaining the Tag/Reference Number Pair of a Data Object within a Vgroup : Vgettagref Obtaining the Tag/Reference Number Pairs of Data Objects in a Vgroup: Vgettagrefs Testing Whether a Data Object Belongs to a Vgroup: Vinqtagref Testing Whether a Data Object within a Vgroup is a Vgroup: Visvg Testing Whether an HDF Object within a Vgroup is a Vdata: Visvs Locating a Vdata in a Vgroup Given Vdata Fields: Vflocate Retrieving the Number of Tags of a Given Type in a Vgroup: Vnrefs Retrieving the Reference Number of a Vgroup: VQueryref Retrieving the Tag of a Vgroup: VQuerytag
5.7 Deleting Vgroups and Data Objects within a Vgroup
5.7.1 Deleting a Vgroup from a File: Vdelete
5.7.2 Deleting a Data Object from a Vgroup: Vdeletetagref
5.8 Vgroup Attributes
5.8.1 Obtaining the Vgroup Version Number of a Given Vgroup: Vgetversion
5.8.2 Obtaining Information on a Given Vgroup Attribute: Vattrinfo
5.8.3 Obtaining the Total Number of Vgroup Attributes: Vnattrs
5.8.4 Setting the Attribute of a Vgroup: Vsetattr
5.8.5 Retrieving the Values of a Given Vgroup Attribute: Vgetattr
5.8.6 Retrieving the Index of a Vgroup Attribute Given the Attribute Name: Vfindattr
5.9 Obsolete Vgroup Interface Routines
5.9.1 Determining the Next Vgroup or Vdata Identifier: Vgetnext
5.9.2 Determining the Number of Members and Vgroup Name: Vinquire
5.10 Vgroup Backward Compatibility Issues
5.10.1 Vset Implementation Integrated into the Vgroup Interface

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HDF User's Guide - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.