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15.10 Converting Several RIS8 Images to One 3D SDS: ristosds

15.10.1 General Description

The ristosds utility creates a single HDF file consisting of a three-dimensional SDS from a set of HDF files containing one or more raster images. All images in the input HDF files must have the same dimensions. If a palette is to be included with the images, it should be in the first HDF input file. Only one palette can be associated with the images; any additional palette data encountered by the utility after the first palette has been processed will be ignored.

15.10.2 Command-line Syntax

ristosds input-filename-1, input-filename-2, ... input-filename-n [-o output-filename]

15.10.3 Examples

The contents of a directory consists of 20 files named storm001.hdf, storm002.hdf, ... storm020.hdf. Each file contains a single RIS8 with a 100 x 200 raster image. A file that combines these 20 raster images into a 32-bit floating-point SDS with the dimensions 100 x 200 x 20 can be created with the following ristosds command:

ristosds storm*.hdf -o storm.hdf

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HDF User's Guide - 05/19/99, NCSA HDF Development Group.