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Reading an HDF5 file containing a compound type

This example shows how an HDF5 file containing a compound type in it can be read. It will read the file ``compound_test.hdf'' that was generated above.

import _pyhl
import _rave_info_type

# There is no meaning creating the type
obj = _rave_info_type.object()
aList = _pyhl.read_nodelist(``compound_test.hdf'')

# Select everything for retrival
aNode = aList.getNode(``/myCompoundAttribute'')

# Translate from the string representation to object

# Display the values
print ``XSIZE=''+`obj.xsize`
print ``YSIZE=''+`obj.ysize`
print ``XSCALE=''+`obj.xscale`
print ``YSCALE=''+`obj.yscale`
