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Up: Testing
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Testing involves creating a new project in Microsoft Visual C++. This
same strategy should be applied when building the `hlenc',
`hldec' and `hllist' binaries.
- 1.
- Start a new project by selecting ``File - New -
Projects - Win32 Console Application''. Add appropriate
Project name (test) and Location in this same window. Then
select ``An empty project''.
- 2.
- Tools - Options - Directories. Add paths to
the HL-HDF header files and the newly build library `hlhdf.lib'. Make
sure the paths to the HDF5 headers and library are there as well.
- 3.
- Project - Add to Project - Files. Go to where
`test_raveobject.c' is located and add it.
- 4.
- Project - Settings - C/C++. Set
appropriate warning level and optimization.
- 5.
- Project - Settings - Link -
Object/library modules. Add `hlhdf.lib hdf5.lib zlib.lib' in this
order to the beginning of this list.
- 6.
- Build - Build test.exe
- 7.
- Open a DOS console and change to the directory containing
`test.exe'. Execute test write to create an HDF test
file. Execute test read to query the contents of this file. If
this works, then you can be confident that your HL-HDF library works.