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This is a single node and is defined in the following structure:

typedef struct HL_Node {
   HL_Type type;        /* the type of node */
   char name[256];      /* the node's name */
   int ndims;           /* the number of dimensions in the array */
   hsize_t dims[4];     /* the dimensions of each of ndims */
   unsigned char* data; /* actual  data */
   char format[64];     /* the string representation of the data type */
   hid_t typeId;        /* reference to HDF's internal type management */
   size_t dSize;        /* size of one value in data */
   HL_DataType dataType;/* identifies whether data is single or an array */
   hid_t hdfId;         /* like typeId: for internal use */
   HL_NodeMark mark;    /* is this node marked? */
   HL_CompoundTypeDescription* compoundDescription; /* a list of compound
type descriptions*/
} HL_Node;
