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Who can use HL-HDF? Anyone who works with scientific data can use HL-HDF, whether it be research and development with a limited amount of data or management of vast volumes of data in operational environments.

Who has worked on this project? The programming has been performed by Anders Henja from Adcore, Norrköping. Daniel Michelson has coordinated the project. Mike Folk and Quincey Koziol of the HDF group at the NCSA have also been very helpful. An ``ad hoc reference group'' has followed the project's progress. This group consists of the following people:

Øystein Godøy The Norwegian Meteorological Institute
Harri Hohti Finnish Meteorological Institute
Otto Hyvärinen Finnish Meteorological Institute
Pirkko Pylkkö Finnish Meteorological Institute
Per Kållberg European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting and SMHI
Hans Alexandersson SMHI
Bengt Carlsson SMHI
Adam Dybbroe SMHI
Jörgen Sahlberg SMHI
