The following is one of several sample programs illustrating
the use of Szip compression in HDF4.
The entire set can be found
in the subdirectory h4_examples/
/* This program writes and reads 16-bit integer data using SZIP compression */ #include <hdf.h> #include <szlib.h> #define FILE_NAME16 "SDS_16_sziped.hdf" #define SDS_NAME "SzipedData" #define RANK 2 #define WIDTH 6 #define LENGTH 9 int main() { /************************* Variable declaration **************************/ int32 sd_id, sds_id; intn status; int32 dim_sizes[2], array_rank, num_type, attributes; char name[MAX_NC_NAME]; comp_info c_info; int32 start[2], edges[2]; int16 fill_value = 0; /* Fill value */ int i,j; int num_errs = 0; /* number of errors so far */ int16 out_data[LENGTH][WIDTH]; int16 in_data[LENGTH][WIDTH] = { 100,100,200,200,300,400, 100,100,200,200,300,400, 100,100,200,200,300,400, 300,300, 0,400,300,400, 300,300, 0,400,300,400, 300,300, 0,400,300,400, 0, 0,600,600,300,400, 500,500,600,600,300,400, 0, 0,600,600,300,400}; /********************* End of variable declaration ***********************/ /* Create the file and initialize SD interface */ sd_id = SDstart (FILE_NAME16, DFACC_CREATE); /* Create the SDS */ dim_sizes[0] = LENGTH; dim_sizes[1] = WIDTH; sds_id = SDcreate (sd_id, SDS_NAME, DFNT_INT16, RANK, dim_sizes); /* Define the location, pattern, and size of the data set */ for (i = 0; i < RANK; i++) { start[i] = 0; edges[i] = dim_sizes[i]; } /* Fill the SDS array with the fill value */ status = SDsetfillvalue (sds_id, (VOIDP)&fill_value); /* Initialize parameters for SZIP */ /* other parameters are automatically set by HDF */ c_info.szip.pixels_per_block = 2; /* even number from 2-32 */ c_info.szip.options_mask = SZ_NN_OPTION_MASK; /* or SZ_EC_OPTION_MASK */ c_info.szip.options_mask |= SZ_RAW_OPTION_MASK; /* Set the compression */ status = SDsetcompress (sds_id, COMP_CODE_SZIP, &c_info); /* Write data to the SDS */ status = SDwritedata(sds_id, start, NULL, edges, (VOIDP)in_data); /* Terminate access to the data set */ status = SDendaccess (sds_id); /* Terminate access to the SD interface and close the file to flush the compressed info to the file */ status = SDend (sd_id); /* * Verify the compressed data */ /* Reopen the file and select the first SDS */ sd_id = SDstart (FILE_NAME16, DFACC_READ); sds_id = SDselect (sd_id, 0); /* Wipe out the output buffer */ memset(&out_data, 0, sizeof(out_data)); /* Read the data set */ start[0] = 0; start[1] = 0; edges[0] = LENGTH; edges[1] = WIDTH; status = SDreaddata (sds_id, start, NULL, edges, (VOIDP)out_data); /* Compare read data against input data */ for (j = 0; j < LENGTH; j++) { for (i = 0; i < WIDTH; i++) if (out_data[j][i] != in_data[j][i]) { fprintf(stderr, "Bogus val in loc [%d][%d] in compressed dset, want %ld got %ld\n", j, i, (long)in_data[j][i], (long)out_data[j][i]); num_errs++; } } /* Terminate access to the data set */ status = SDendaccess (sds_id); /* Terminate access to the SD interface and close the file */ status = SDend (sd_id); /* Return the number of errors that's been kept track of so far */ return 0; }