# # This example creates an HDF5 file compound.h5 and an empty datasets /DSC in it. # import h5py import numpy as np # # Create a new file using default properties. # file = h5py.File('compound.h5','w') # # Create a dataset under the Root group. # comp_type = np.dtype([('Orbit', 'i'), ('Location', np.str_, 6), ('Temperature (F)', 'f8'), ('Pressure (inHg)', 'f8')]) dataset = file.create_dataset("DSC",(4,), comp_type) data = np.array([(1153, "Sun ", 53.23, 24.57), (1184, "Moon ", 55.12, 22.95), (1027, "Venus ", 103.55, 31.23), (1313, "Mars ", 1252.89, 84.11)], dtype = comp_type) dataset[...] = data # # Close the file before exiting # file.close() file = h5py.File('compound.h5', 'r') dataset = file["DSC"] print("Reading Orbit and Location fields...") orbit = dataset['Orbit'] print("Orbit: ", orbit) location = dataset['Location'] print("Location: ", location) data = dataset[...] print("Reading all records:") print(data) print("Second element of the third record:", dataset[2, 'Location']) file.close()