""" This example shows how to read and write data to a dataset using gzip compression (also called zlib or deflate). The program first writes integers to a dataset using gzip, then closes the file. Next, it reopens the file, reads back the data, and outputs the type of compression and the maximum value in the dataset to the screen. """ import numpy as np import h5py FILE = "h5ex_d_gzip.h5" DATASET = "DS1" DIM0 = 32 DIM1 = 64 CHUNK0 = 4 CHUNK1 = 8 def run(): # Initialize the data. wdata = np.zeros((DIM0, DIM1), dtype=np.int32) for i in range(DIM0): for j in range(DIM1): wdata[i][j] = i * j - j with h5py.File(FILE, 'w') as f: dset = f.create_dataset(DATASET, (DIM0, DIM1), chunks=(CHUNK0, CHUNK1), compression='gzip', dtype='