This example shows how to read and write compound datatypes to an attribute.
The program first writes compound structures to an attribute with a dataspace
of DIM0, then closes the file. Next, it reopens the file, reads back the data,
and outputs it to the screen.
import numpy as np
import h5py
FILE = "h5ex_t_cmpdatt.h5"
DIM0 = 4
def run():
# Create the compound datatype.
dtype = np.dtype([("Serial number", np.int32),
("Location", h5py.special_dtype(vlen=str)),
("Temperature", np.float),
("Pressure", np.float)])
wdata = np.zeros((DIM0,), dtype=dtype)
wdata['Serial number'] = (1153, 1184, 1027, 1313)
wdata['Location'] = ("Exterior (static)", "Intake", "Intake manifold",
"Exhaust manifold")
wdata['Temperature'] = (53.23, 55.12, 103.55, 1252.89)
wdata['Pressure'] = (24.57, 22.95, 31.23, 84.11)
with h5py.File(FILE, 'w') as f:
dset = f.create_dataset(DATASET, data=0)
dset.attrs.create(ATTRIBUTE, wdata, dtype=dtype)
with h5py.File(FILE) as f:
rdata = f[DATASET].attrs[ATTRIBUTE]
print("%s:" % ATTRIBUTE)
print("\tSerial number: {0}".format(rdata["Serial number"]))
print("\tLocation: {0}".format(rdata["Location"]))
print("\tTemperature: {0}".format(rdata["Temperature"]))
print("\tPressure: {0}".format(rdata["Pressure"]))
if __name__ == "__main__":