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Compiling HDF-JAVA Source on Windows

Source Files

After you download and extract the source package, you will have the HDF Java native C code and the Java source code for JNI, HDF-Object package and HDFView. You need to compile the C source and Java source separately. The following instructions tell you how to build the C source in Visual C++ and the Java source from batch file.

HDF Java Product Source
Source directory Description
hdf-java/native/hdflib/ C header files and C source files for HDF4 Java Native Interface
hdf-java/native/hdf5lib/ C header files and C source files for HDF5 Java Native Interface
hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/hdflib/ Java source files for HDF4 Java Native Interface
hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/hdf5lib/ Java source files for HDF5 Java Native Interface
hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/object/ Java source files for HDF-Object package
hdf-java/ncsa/hdf/view/ Java source files for HDFView


You need the following libraries in order to compile the HDF Java products.

Compile the HDF Java Native C

To compile the HDF Java Native C code, you need to have Microsoft Visual C++ installed on your machine. Two Windows Makefiles hdf-java/windows are provided to help you to build the C source code.
Makefile to compile HDF4 Java Native C, native/hdflib/*.c files
Winsock functions, Ws2_32.lib, must be included, i.e. LINK32_FLAGS=... ws2_32.lib ...
Makefile to compile HDF5 Java Native C, native/hdf5lib/*.c files
You will need the nmake tool to run the makfile. The nmake tool come with Microsoft Visual C++. The first step is to configure the makfile. Edit the nt_makefile to set the dependent libraries and other requirements.

Compile the HDF Java Source Code

To compile the HDF Java Source Code, you need to have jdk1.5.0 or above installed on your machine. A batch file under hdf-java/windows is provided to help you to build the Java source code.
Batch to compile HDF Java source
You will need to configure the batch file before you run it. Edit the batch file to set the dependent libraries and other requirements.


@REM =======================================================================
@REM Batch file to compile the HDF Java source code
@REM =======================================================================

@REM set up your java home directory(requires jdk1.5.0 or above), for example
@REM SET JAVAHOME=d:\java\jdk1.5.0

@REM set up "HDF JAVA Product" home directory, for example
@REM SET HDFJAVA=D:\work\hdf-java

Running the HDF Java code

After successfully run the makefile and batch file, the binaries of the HDF Java products are packed and put at $(JAVAHOME)\lib.

Binary file Description
lib/jhdf.jar The Java HDF Interface, accesses the native HDF4 library
lib/jhdf5.jar The Java HDF5 Interface, accesses the native HDF5 library
lib/jhdfobj.jar The common HDF object package, ncsa.hdf.object
lib/jhdf4obj.jar The HDF4 object package, ncsa.hdf.object.h4
lib/jhdf5obj.jar The HDF5 object package, ncsa.hdf.object.h5
lib/jhdfview.jar The ncsa.hdf.view package, for HDFView only.
      jhdf.dll The native HDF4 library and JNI implementation (called by jhdf.jar)
      jhdf5.dll The native HDF5 library and JNI implementation (called by jhdf5.jar)

Set the following batch file to run the HDFView


@REM =======================================================================
@REM Batch file to run the HDFView
@REM =======================================================================

@REM set up your java home directory(requires jdk1.5.0 or above), for example
@REM SET JAVAHOME=d:\java\jdk1.5.0

@REM set up "HDF JAVA Product" home directory, for example
@REM SET HDFJAVA=D:\work\hdf-java

@REM Do not make changes under this line unless you know what you are doing.
@REM =======================================================================


@REM set the JNI classpath
set JNI_CLASSPATH=%HDFJAVA%/lib/jhdf.jar;%HDFJAVA%/lib/jhdf5.jar

@REM set the object package classpath
set OBJ_CLASSPATH=%HDFJAVA%/lib/jhdfobj.jar;%HDFJAVA%/lib/jhdf4obj.jar;


%JAVAHOME%\bin\java -mx999m -classpath %CLASSPATH% ncsa.hdf.view.HDFView -root %HDFJAVA%

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