Nov. 18, 1994. HDF3.3r4 users: We apologize for a mistake in the version number of the HDF3.3r4 release. The version number contains Major Version, Minor Version, Release number and a description string. For example for HDF3.3r3 the version number is: Major_v: 3 Minor_v: 3 Release: 3 String: "NCSA HDF Version 3.3 Release 3, Feburary 1994" In HDF3.3r4, which was released on Oct. 20, 1994, the version number was not updated entirely. The Release says '4' but the String still says "NCSA HDF Version 3.3 Release 3, Feburary 1994". This information is written into HDF files and can be read by calling Hgetfileversion(). This is potentially confusing for users who use the String (instead of Major_v, Minor_v and Release) to find the release number of the file. Note that if your call to Hgetfileversion() gives the following result Major_v: 3 Minor_v: 3 Release: 4 String: "NCSA HDF Version 3.3 Release 3, Feburary 1994" that the correct version number is given by Major_v, Minor_v, and Release. Many thanks to Doug Ilg and other users for pointing out this problem for us. We have put a patch, hdf3.3r4patch01 on the NCSA ftp server in subdirectory: HDF/HDF3.3r4/patches/ and a patched source file hfile.h in: HDF/HDF3.3r4/patches/patchedsrc/hdf/src/. Sorry for the inconvenience.