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Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.

HDF Bulletin: HDF5-1.8.15 Patch1

The HDF5-1.8.15 Patch 1 release is now available. It corrects the problem that was reported in HDF5-1.8.15 that caused compile failures in C++ applications depending on the order that header files where included.

The HDF5-1.8.15 Patch 1 release can be obtained from The HDF Group Downloads page:


It can also be obtained directly from:


The documentation has not changed with this release.

If you are using the HDF5-1.8.15 release and are a C++ user, we highly recommend that you move to the HDF5-1.8.15 Patch 1 release.

- - Last modified: 14 October 2016