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This web site is no longer maintained (but will remain online).
Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.

HDF5 FAQ -- How is HDF5 different than HDF4 ?

What are the Most Noticeable Differences between HDF4 and HDF5?

How is the HDF5 Data Model Different from HDF4?

How is the HDF5 API Different?

What features does HDF4 have that HDF5 does not (yet) provide?

What features does HDF5 have that HDF4 does not?

How do I....?

...convert software that uses HDF4 to start using HDF5?

...use HDF5 data with the HDF4 library and vice-versa?

...convert data from HDF5 to HDF4?

...convert data from HDF4 to HDF5?

...find out what is in an HDF5 file?

...create HDF4 objects in HDF5?

...create and use "String" data?

...create a Chunked/Compressed Dataset?

...read/write a sub-set or sub-sample of a Dataset

...find the tag and ref of an HDF5 object?

...locate and access specific objects in an HDF5 file?

...write or access global attributes in HDF5?

- - Last modified: 31 January 2017