Call the Doctor - HDF(5) Clinic

Table of Contents

Clinic 2022-11-29

Your questions


Types in the HDF5 Data Model

  • Data Model

    In the realm of HDF5, there are usually two data models in play.

    • HDF5 Data Model

      A data model is an abstract, self-contained, logical definition of the data structures, data operators, etc., that together make up the abstract machine with which users interact.

      Metaphor: A data model in this sense is like a programming language, whose constructs can be used to solve many specific problems but in and of themselves have no direct connection with any such specific problem.

      This is the sense in which I will be using the term 'data model.' I'm talking about HDF5 files, groups, datasets, attributes, transfers, etc.

      An implementation of a given data model is a physical realization on a real machine of the components of the abstract machine that together constitute that model. There are currently two implementations of the HDF5 data model:

      1. HDF5 library + file format
      2. Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS)
    • Domain-specific Data Model

      A data model is a model of the data (especially the persistent data) of some particular domain or enterprise.

      Metaphor: A data model in this sense is like a specific program written in that language — it uses the facilities provided by the model, in the first sense of that term, to solve some specific problem.

      We sometimes call this an HDF5 profile, the mapping of domain concepts to HDF5 data model primitives.

  • Types

    In essence, a type is a set of (at least two) values — all possible values of some specific kind: for example, all possible integers, or all possible character strings, or all possible XML documents, or all possible relations with a certain heading (and so on).

    (Some people require types to be named and finite.)

    To define a type, we must:

    1. Specify the values that make up that type.
    2. Specify the hidden physical representation for values of that type. (This is an implementation issue, not a data model issue.)
    3. Specify a selector operator for selecting, or specifying, values of that type.
    4. Specify admissible type conversions and renderings.
    • Atomicity

      The notion of atomicity has no absolute meaning; it just depends on what we want to do with the data. Sometimes we want to deal with an entire set of part numbers as a single thing, sometimes we want to deal with individual part numbers within that set—but then we’re descending to a lower level of detail, or lower level of abstraction.

    • Scalar vs. Nonscalar Types

      Loosely, a type is scalar if it has no user visible components and nonscalar otherwise. As atomicity, this has no absolute meaning. Some people treat 'scalar' and 'atomic' as synonymous.

    • Values vs. Variables

      Variables hold values. They have a location in space and time. Values "transcend" space and time.

      • Questions
        1. What is the type of an HDF5 dataset?
        2. Is it a variable or a value?
        3. Is it scalar/nonscalar/atomic?
        4. What is an HDF5 datatype?
        5. What is the type of an HDF5 attribute?
        6. (How) Is an HDF5 user-defined function a dataset? (Extra credit!)
  • HDF5 Datatypes

    The primary function of HDF5 datatypes is to describe the element type and physical layout of datasets, attributes, and maps. Documentation is a secondary function.

    HDF5 supports a set of customizable basic types and a mechanism, datatype derivation, to compose new datatypes from existing ones. Any datatype derivation is rooted in atomic datatypes.

    What's wrong with this figure? Nothing, but it's important to understand the context.

    1. What does 'Atomic' mean? (Not derived by composition. Composite = non-atomic = molecular)
    2. Why is an Enumeration not 'Atomic'? (Derives from a integer datatype.)
    3. Why are Array and Variable Length not 'Atomic'? (Ditto. Derive from other datatype instances)

    'Atomic' is an overloaded term in this context.

    • Attribute values are treated as atomic under transfer by the HDF5 library
    • Dataset values are not atomic because of partial I/O
      • Selections
      • Fields (for compounds)
    • Dataset element values are atomic, except, records (values of compound)

Clinic 2022-10-04

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Starry HDF clinic line-up going forward

  • 1st Tuesday of the month: Dana Robinson (HDF Engineering, Community)
  • 2nd Tuesday: John Readey (HSDS, Cloud) – starting Oct 11
  • 3rd Tuesday: Aleksandar Jelenak (Pythonic Science, Earth Science)
  • 4th Tuesday: Scot Breitenfeld (HPC, Research)
  • (In the unlikely event that there is a) 5th Tuesday: Gerd Heber + surprise guest

Clinic 2022-09-27

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

Nada. (Just catching up on the forum…)

Clinic 2022-08-30

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Where is the "official" HDF5 standard?
  • Proposed HDF Clinic format change
    • Four themed events per month:
      Ecosystem (Aleksandar Jelenak)
      HDF5 & Python, R, Julia, other formats & frameworks, etc.
      HSDS (John Readey)
      HDF5 & Cloud, Kubernetes, server-less, etc.
      HPC (Scot Breitenfeld)
      Parallel I/O, file systems, DAOS, diagnostics, troubleshooting, etc.
      Engineering (Dana Robinson)
      Everything about getting involved and contributing to HDF5, PRs, issues, releases, new features, etc.
    • We might have to adjust the weekday/time
    • Thoughts?

Clinic 2022-08-23

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

Clinic 2022-08-16

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • HDF5 1.13.2 is out. Get it here!
      • Highlights: Onion VFD, Subfiling VFD
      • Dana?
  • Forum
    • Collective VDS creation

      We have data scattered across thousands of processes. But each process does not own an hyperslab of the data. It actually owns a somewhat random collection of pieces of data, which are all hyperslabs. To write this data to a file collectively, I first tried to make each process select a combination of hyperslabs using H5Scombine_hyperslab.

      … Now I am trying to reproduce this behaviour using VDS: all pieces are written in a dataset in disorder. Another dataset (virtual this time) maps all pieces in the right order. It works when using 1 process!

      The problem: I am unable to create this VDS in a collective way.

      -> is it possible to create a VDS collectively ?

      • H5Scombine_hyperslab is for point selections only
      • Neil's answer RE: VDS

        For the VDS question: to create a VDS collectively every process needs to add every mapping. This conforms with the way collective metadata writes in HDF5 generally work - every process is assumed to make exactly the same (metadata write) calls with exactly the same parameters. It would be possible to implement what you are describing as a high level routine which would call H5Pgetvirtual then do an allgather on the VDS mappings, but for now it’s easiest to handle it in the user application.

        It’s also worth noting that there are some other limitations to parallel VDS I/O:

        • printf style mappings are not supported
        • The VDS must be opened collectively
        • When using separate source file(s), the source file(s) cannot be opened by the library while the VDS is open.
        • When using separate source file(s), data cannot be written through the VDS unless the mapping is equivalent to 1 process per source file
        • All I/O is independent internally (possible performance penalty)
        • Each rank does an independent open of each source file it accesses (possible performance penalty)

        I should also note that VDS is not currently tested in the parallel regression test suite so there may be other issues.

    • 9BN rows/sec + HDF5 support for all python datatypes

      A minor update tablite has reached 2k downloads in the past month, and now has support for arbitrary python classes. (example 1)

    • Allocating chunks in a specific order?
      Is there a way to allocate (not necessarily write) unfiltered chunks in a specific order?
      Mimic w/ H5Pset_external. Then what?
  • Engineering Corner

Tips, tricks, & ruminations

  • Dealing w/ concurrency "in" HDF5: ZeroMQ
    from datetime import datetime
    import h5py
    from time import sleep
    import zmq
    context = zmq.Context()
    socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB)
    socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'camera_frame')
    with h5py.File('camera_data.hdf5', 'a') as file:
        now = str(
        g = file.create_group(now)
        topic = socket.recv_string()
        frame = socket.recv_pyobj()
        x = frame.shape[0]
        y = frame.shape[1]
        z = frame.shape[2]
        dset = g.create_dataset('images', (x, y, z, 1), maxshape=(x, y, z, None))
        dset[:, :, :, 0] = frame
        while True:
            i += 1
            topic = socket.recv_string()
            frame = socket.recv_pyobj()
            dset.resize((x, y, z, i+1))
            dset[:, :, :, i] = frame
            print('Received frame number {}'.format(i))
            if i == 50:
    • The HDF5 library as an application extension acts like a wall for threads
    • Before that wall becomes more permeable, maybe client/server is the better approach?
    • Let's have a forum discussion around a suitable HDF5 ZeroMQ protocol!

Clinic 2022-08-09

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Backporting H5Dchunk_iter to 1.12 and 1.10?
    • Using HDF5 for file backed Array
      • Sample

        // Describe the dimensions. This example would mimic a 3D regular grid
        // of size 10 x 20 x 30 with another 2D array of 60 x 80 at each grid point.
        std::array<size_t, 3> tupleDimensions = {10, 20, 30};
        std::array<size_t, 2> componentDimensions = {60, 80};
        // Instantiate the DataArray class as an array of floats using the file
        // /tmp/foo.hdf5" as the hdf5 file and “/data” as the internal hdf5 path
        // to the actual data
        DataArray data("/tmp/foo.hdf5", "/data", tupleDimensions, componentDimensions);
        // Now lets loop over the data
        for(size_t z = 0; z < 10; z++)
          for(size_t y = 0; y < 20; y++)
            for(size_t x = 0; x < 30; x++)
              size_t index = // compute proper index to the tuple
              for(size_t pixel = 0; pixel < 80 * 60; pixel++)
                data[index + pixel] = 0;
      • Responses from Steven (Mr. H5CPP) and Rick (Mr. HDFql)
        • Sliding cursors are coming to HDFql

          int count;
          HDFql::execute("SELECT FROM dset INTO SLIDING(5) CURSOR");
          count = 0;
          // whenever cursor goes beyond last element, HDFql automatically retrieves
          // a new slice/subset thanks to an implicit hyperslab
          // (with start=[0,5,10,...], stride=5, count=1 and block=5)
          while(HDFql::cursorNext() == HDFql::Success)
              if (*HDFql::cursorGetDouble() < 20)
          std::cout << "Count: " << count << std::endl;
    • H5P_set_filter cd_values Parameter
      • Start w/ the filter registry
      • Filter maintainers are responsible, ultimately
  • Engineering Corner

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Datatype conversion - reloaded
    What if source and destination datatype are of different size?
    We use a conversion buffer!
    #include "hdf5.h"
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    // our conversion function
    // HACK: in a production version, you would inspect SRC_ID and DST_ID, etc.
    herr_t B32toU64(hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, H5T_cdata_t *cdata, size_t nelmts,
                    size_t buf_stride, size_t bkg_stride, void *buf, void *bkg,
                    hid_t dxpl)
      herr_t retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      switch (cdata->command)
      case H5T_CONV_INIT:
        printf("Initializing conversion function...\n");
        // do non-trivial initialization here
      case H5T_CONV_CONV:
        uint32_t* p32 = (uint32_t*) buf;
        uint64_t* p64 = (uint64_t*) buf;
        // the conversion happens in-place
        // since we don't want to overwrite elements, we need to
        // shift/convert starting with the last element and work our
        // way to the beginning
        for (size_t i = nelmts; i > 0; --i)
          p64[i-1] = (uint64_t) p32[i-1];
      case H5T_CONV_FREE:
        printf("Finalizing conversion function...\n");
        // do non-trivial finalization here
      return retval;
    int main()
      int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      // in-memory bitfield datatype
      hid_t btfd = H5T_NATIVE_B32;
      // in-file unsigned integer datatype
      hid_t uint = H5T_STD_U64LE;
      // register our conversion function w/ the HDF5 library
      assert(H5Tregister(H5T_PERS_SOFT, "B32->U64", btfd, uint,
                         &B32toU64) >= 0);
      // sample data
      uint32_t buf[32];
      for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
        buf[i] = 1 << i;
        printf("%u\n", buf[i]);
      hid_t file = H5Fcreate("foo.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
      hid_t fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]) {32}, NULL);
      hid_t dset = H5Dcreate(file, "integers", uint, fspace,
                             H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
      hid_t dxpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_XFER);
      // we supply a conversion buffer where can convert up to 6 elements
      // at a time (48 = 6 x 8)
      unsigned char tconv[48];
      H5Pset_buffer(dxpl, 48, tconv, NULL);
      // alternative: the HDF5 library will dynamically allocate conversion
      // and background buffers if we pass NULL for the buffers
      // H5Pset_buffer(dxpl, 48, NULL, NULL);
      // the datatype conversion function will be invoked as part of H5Dwrite
      H5Dwrite(dset, btfd, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, dxpl, (void*) buf);
      // housekeeping
      assert(H5Tunregister(H5T_PERS_SOFT, "B32->U64", btfd, uint,
                         &B32toU64) >= 0);
      return retval;

Clinic 2022-08-02

Your questions


On the tar to h5 converter: Does the (standard) compactor simply skip the >64K tar file entries if ones are encountered (w/ log or error message), or must they all conform to 64K limit? Also, what was the typical range on the number of files extracted/converted? –Robert

Currently, the code will skip entries >64K, because the underlying H5Dcreate will fail. (The logic and code can be much improved.) It's better to first run archive_checker_64k and see if there are any size warnings. The h5compactor and h5shredder were sucessfully run on TAR archives with tens of millions of small images (<64K).

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Variable length list of strings
      • What's a string?
        • What the user meant: array of characters
      • Ergo: list of variable-length strings ""= list of arrays of characters of varying length
      • This is not the same as an HDF5 dataset of variable-length strings
      • Aleksandar's example:

        import h5py
        import numpy as np
        import string
        vlength = [3, 8, 6, 4]
        dt = h5py.vlen_dtype(np.dtype('S1'))
        with h5py.File('char-ragged-array.h5', 'w') as f:
            dset = f.create_dataset('ragged_char_array', shape=(len(vlength),),
            for _ in range(len(vlength)):
                dset[_] = np.random.choice(list(string.ascii_lowercase),
        • Sample output:

          HDF5 "char-ragged-array.h5" {
          GROUP "/" {
             DATASET "ragged_char_array" {
                DATATYPE  H5T_VLEN { H5T_STRING {
                   STRSIZE 1;
                   STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLPAD;
                   CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
                   CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
                DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 4 ) / ( 4 ) }
                DATA {
                (0): ("g", "b", "x"), ("k", "j", "u", "u", "i", "p", "a", "t"),
                (2): ("t", "i", "b", "x", "u", "y"), ("q", "i", "r", "h")
  • Engineering Corner

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • 9BN rows/sec + HDF5 support for all python datatypes
    • Forum post
    • Tablite GitHub repo
    • Tutorial
    • Where is HDF5?

      from tablite.config import H5_STORAGE


    • Simple schema: tables -> columns -> pages (via attributes)

      /                        Group
      /column                  Group
      /column/1                Dataset {NULL}
      /column/16               Dataset {NULL}
      /page                    Group
      /page/1                  Dataset {3/Inf}
      /page/2                  Dataset {3/Inf}
      /table                   Group
      /table/1                 Dataset {NULL}
      /table/3                 Dataset {NULL}

Clinic 2022-07-26


  • The VSCode extension for HDF5 works with NetCDF-4 files
    • I grabbed a netCDF-3 file. Duh!

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Little HDF5 helpers for ML
    • Use case: Tons of tiny image, audio, or video files
      • Poor ML training I/O performance, especially against PFS
      • Can't read w/o un-tar-ing (uncompressing)
      • No parallel I/O
    • tar2h5 - convert Tape ARchives to HDF5 files
      • Different optimizations
        • Size optimization (compact datasets)
        • Duplicate removal (SHA-1 checksum)
        • Compression

Clinic 2022-07-19

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

Clinic 2022-07-12

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5-style datatype conversion
    • Use case: A lot of data coming from devices in physical experiments are bitfields. To be useful for analysts, the data needs to be converted to engineering types and units. Does that mean we always must store 2 or more data copies?
      • There is no intrinsic reason to have multiple copies, but there might be other reasons, e.g., performance, to maintain multiple copies.
      • How do we pull this off? Filters? (No! Same datatype…)
        • Datatype transformations!
    • Example: Use an in-memory bitfield representation and store as a compound w/ two fields
    • Code

      #include "hdf5.h"
      #include <assert.h>
      #include <stdint.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      #include <stdlib.h>
      // our compound destination type in memory
      typedef struct
        uint16_t low;
        uint16_t high;
      } low_high_t;
      // our conversion function
      // HACK: in a production version, you would inspect SRC_ID and DST_ID, etc.
      herr_t bits2cmpd(hid_t src_id, hid_t dst_id, H5T_cdata_t *cdata, size_t nelmts,
                       size_t buf_stride, size_t bkg_stride, void *buf, void *bkg,
                       hid_t dxpl)
        herr_t retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        switch (cdata->command)
        case H5T_CONV_INIT:
          printf("Initializing conversion function...\n");
          // do non-trivial initialization here
        case H5T_CONV_CONV:
          // the conversion function simply splits and swaps bitfield halves
          low_high_t* ptr = (low_high_t*) buf;
          for (size_t i = 0; i < nelmts; ++i)
            uint16_t swap = ptr[i].low;
            ptr[i].low = ptr[i].high;
            ptr[i].high = swap;
        case H5T_CONV_FREE:
          printf("Finalizing conversion function...\n");
          // do non-trivial finalization here
        return retval;
      int main()
        int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        // in-memory bitfield datatype
        hid_t btfd = H5T_NATIVE_B32;
        // compound of two unsigned shorts
        hid_t cmpd = H5Tcreate(H5T_COMPOUND, 4);
        H5Tinsert(cmpd, "low", 0, H5T_NATIVE_USHORT);
        H5Tinsert(cmpd, "high", 2, H5T_NATIVE_USHORT);
        // register our conversion function w/ the HDF5 library
        assert(H5Tregister(H5T_PERS_SOFT, "bitfield->compound", btfd, cmpd,
                           &bits2cmpd) >= 0);
        // notice that the conversion function is its own inverse
        assert(H5Tregister(H5T_PERS_SOFT, "compound->bitfield", cmpd, btfd,
                           &bits2cmpd) >= 0);
        // sample data
        uint32_t buf[32];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
          buf[i] = 1 << i;
          printf("%ud\n", buf[i]);
        // we could check the conversion in-memory, in-place
        //H5Tconvert(btfd, cmpd, 32, buf, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
        hid_t file = H5Fcreate("cmpd.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
        hid_t fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]) {32}, NULL);
        hid_t dset = H5Dcreate(file, "shorties", cmpd, fspace,
                               H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
        // the datatype conversion function will be invoked as part of H5Dwrite
        H5Dwrite(dset, btfd, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, (void*) buf);
        // the datatype conversion function will be invoked as part of H5Dread
        H5Dread(dset, btfd, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, (void*) buf);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
          printf("%ud\n", buf[i]);
        // housekeeping
        assert(H5Tunregister(H5T_PERS_SOFT, "compound->bitfield", cmpd, btfd,
                           &bits2cmpd) >= 0);
        assert(H5Tunregister(H5T_PERS_SOFT, "bitfield->compound", btfd, cmpd,
                           &bits2cmpd) >= 0);
        return retval;
    • Datatype conversions do what it says on the tin and sometimes are just what you need
    • Don't confuse them with filters!
      • With HDF5-UDF it is possible to implement datatype conversions via filters, but at the expense of additional datasets

Clinic 2022-07-05

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • HDF5 1.10, 1.12 dramatic drop of performance vs 1.8
      • Recap: h5open_f/h5close_f overhead, chunk size 1 issue…
      • User provided a nice table

        chunk size data (bytes) metadata (bytes)
        1 120000 1128952
        50 120000 26456
        2048 122880 3400
        131072 524288 3400
      • No compression
      • Steven Varga suggested that
        1. The application might benefit from a dedicated I/O handler, and he provided a multithreaded queue example
        2. Data generationn can be decoupled from recording via ZeroMQ, and he provided an example with the generator (sender) in Fortran and the recorder (receiver) in C
    • Issue w/ memory backed files
      • We are able to reproduce the issue!
      • Slowdown in H5Oget_info because of H5O_INFO_ALL option
      • The difference between the in-file and in-memory image sizes can be explained by incremental (re-)allocation in the core VFD
      • The real issue is this:

        HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.13.2-1) thread 0:
        #000: H5F.c line 837 in H5Fopen(): unable to synchronously open file
          major: File accessibility
          minor: Unable to open file
        #001: H5F.c line 797 in H5F__open_api_common(): unable to open file
          major: File accessibility
          minor: Unable to open file
        #002: H5VLcallback.c line 3686 in H5VL_file_open(): open failed
          major: Virtual Object Layer
          minor: Can't open object
        #003: H5VLcallback.c line 3498 in H5VL__file_open(): open failed
          major: Virtual Object Layer
          minor: Can't open object
        #004: H5VLnative_file.c line 128 in H5VL__native_file_open(): unable to open file
          major: File accessibility
          minor: Unable to open file
        #005: H5Fint.c line 1964 in H5F_open(): unable to read superblock
          major: File accessibility
          minor: Read failed
        #006: H5Fsuper.c line 450 in H5F__super_read(): unable to load superblock
          major: File accessibility
          minor: Unable to protect metadata
        #007: H5AC.c line 1396 in H5AC_protect(): H5C_protect() failed
          major: Object cache
          minor: Unable to protect metadata
        #008: H5C.c line 2368 in H5C_protect(): can't load entry
          major: Object cache
          minor: Unable to load metadata into cache
        #009: H5C.c line 7315 in H5C__load_entry(): incorrect metadata checksum after all read attempts
          major: Object cache
          minor: Read failed
      • It appears that the superblock checksum (in versions 2, 3) is not correctly set or updated
      • Maybe this is a corner case of the use of HDF5 file image w/ core VFD? Investigating…
    • Authenticated AWS S3
      • Use of the read-only S3 VFD w/ Python?

      The ros3 driver is very slick. It works great for public h5 files.

      I am trying to perform a read of an H5 file using ros3 that requires authentication credentials. I have been successful in using h5ls/h5dump in accessing an h5 file against an authenticated AWS S3 call using –vfd=ros3 and –s3-cred=(<region,<keyid>,<keysecret>).

      However, I cannot get this to work with h5py.

      • The user answered his on question, h5py does support this VFD and AWS credentials as documented here
      • He also commented that this is not limited to AWS S3, but also works with other S3-compatible storage options
      • And he's looking for HSDS on GCP (Google Cloud)

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • What others are doing with HDF5
    • Subscribe for alerts on Google Scholar
      Alert query
      Most relevant results
    • You will get 2-4 emails a week with about 6-10 citations
    • Recent highlights
      • Fission Matrix Processing Using the MCNP6.3 HDF5 Restart File
      • Towards A Practical Provenance Framework for Scientific Data on HPC Systems

        So we derive an I/O-centric provenance model, which enriches the W3C PROV standard with a variety of concrete sub-classes to describe both the data and the associated I/O operations and execution environments precisely with extensibility.

        Moreover, based on the unique provenance model, we are building a practical prototype which includes three major components: (1) Provenance Tracking for capturing diverse I/O operations; (2) Provenance Storage for persisting the captured provenance information as standard RDF triples; (3) User Engine for querying and visualizing provenance.

      • Stimulus: Accelerate Data Management for Scientific AI applications in HPC

        … a lack of support for scientific data formats in AI frameworks. We need a cohesive mechanism to effectively integrate at scale complex scientific data formats such as HDF5, PnetCDF, ADIOS2, GNCF, and Silo into popular AI frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Caffe. To this end, we designed Stimulus, a data management library for ingesting scientific data effectively into the popular AI frameworks. We utilize the StimOps functions along with StimPack abstraction to enable the integration of scientific data formats with any AI framework. The evaluations show that Stimulus outperforms several large-scale applications with different use-cases such as Cosmic Tagger (consuming HDF5 dataset in PyTorch), Distributed FFN (consuming HDF5 dataset in TensorFlow), and CosmoFlow (converting HDF5 into TFRecord and then consuming that in TensorFlow) by 5.3x, 2.9x, and 1.9x respectively with ideal I/O scalability up to 768 GPUs on the Summit supercomputer. Through Stimulus, we can portably extend existing popular AI frameworks to cohesively support any complex scientific data format and efficiently scale the applications on large-scale supercomputers.

      • DIARITSup: a framework to supervise live measurements, Digital Twins modelscomputations and predictions for structures monitoring.

        DIARITSup is a chain of various softwares following the concept of ”system of systems”. It interconnects hardware and software layers dedicated to in-situ monitoring of structures or critical components. It embeds data assimilation capabilities combined with specific Physical or Statistical models like inverse thermal and/or mechanical ones up to the predictive ones. It aims at extracting and providing key parameters of interest for decision making tools. Its framework natively integrates data collection from local sources but also from external systems. DIARITSup is a milestone in our roadmap for SHM Digital Twins research framework. Furthermore, it intends providing some useful information for maintenance operations not only for surveyed targets but also for deployed sensors.

        Meanwhile, a recorder manage the recording of all data and metadata in the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF5). HDF5 is used to its full potential with its Single-Writer-Multiple-Readers feature that enables a graphical user interface to represent the saved data in real-time, or the live computation of SHM Digital Twins models for example. Furthermore, the flexibility of HDF5 data storage allows the recording of various type of sensors such as punctual sensors or full field ones.

      • It's impossible to keep up, but always a great source of inspiration!
  • Next time: datatype conversions

Clinic 2022-06-27

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • VFD SWMR beta 2 release
      • Testers wanted
    • 2022 HDF5 Release Schedule announced


      • HDF5 1.8.x and 1.12.x are coming to an end (1.8.23, 1.12.3)
      • HDF5 1.10.x and 1.14.x are here to stay for a while
        • Performance work over the Summer
        • HDF5 1.13.2: Selection I/O, VFD SWMR, Onion VFD (late July/early August)
        • HDF5 1.13.3: Multi-dataset I/O, Subfiling (late September/early October)
        • HDF5 1.14.0 in late December/early January
    • We are hiring
    • Speed up cloud access using multiprocessing! by John Readey (Mr. HSDS)

      Each file is slightly more than 1 TB in size, so downloading the entire collection would take around a month with a 80 Mbit/s connection. Instead, let’s suppose we need to retrieve the data for just one location index, but for the entire time range 2007-2014. How long will this take?

  • Forum
    • How efficient is HDF5 for data retrieval as opposed to data storage?

      I would like to a keyed 500GB table into HDF5, and then then retrieve rows matching specific keys.

      For an HDF5 file, items like all the data access uses an integer “row” number, so seems like I would have to implement a 'key to row number map" outside of HDF5.

      Isn’t retrieval more efficient with a distributed system like Spark which uses HDFS?

      • Too open-ended question w/o additional context
      • There are no querying or indexing capabilities built into HDF5
      • Can something like this be implemented on top of HDF5? It's been done many times, for specific requirements.
      • Are other tools more efficient? Maybe. Maybe not.
    • HDF5 1.10, 1.12 dramatic drop of performance vs 1.8
      • Profiling (gperftools) revealed

        85% of the time is spent in H5Fget_obj_count.

      • The user correctly inferred that this is related to frequent h5open_f/h5close_f, and an issue we covered in the past
        • Bug in h5f_get_obj_count_f & fixed in PR#1657 by Scot.
      • After applying that fix performance is on par w/ 1.8
      • Happy ending! (almost)

        h5stat output:
        Summary of file space information:
        File metadata: 1201344 bytes
        Raw data: 99260 bytes
        Amount/Percent of tracked free space: 0 bytes/0.0%
        Unaccounted space: 17392 bytes
        Total space: 1317996 bytes
        • Greater than 1:10 data to metadata ratio
          • Usually means trouble
        • Culprit: chunk size of 1
    • Issue w/ memory backed files
      • Still puzzled

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • SWMR (old) and compression "issues" - take 2
    • Free-space managment is disabled in the original SWMR implementation
    • Can lead to file bloat when compression is enabled & overly aggressive flushing
    • Question: How does the new SWMR VFD implementation behave?
      • Untested, but should work in principle
    • There is an updated VFD SWMR RFC

Clinic 2022-06-21

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • VFD SWMR beta 2 release
      • Testers wanted
    • HDFView 3.1.4 released
      • Some confusion around versioning
        • HDFView 3.2.x series is based on the HDF5 1.12.x releases.
        • HDFView 3.1.x series is based on the HDF5 1.10.x releases.
        • HDFView 3.3.x series will be based on the future 1.14.x releases.
      • Known issue in 3.2.0: HDFView crashes on an attribute of VLEN of REFERENCE
  • Forum
    • Check if two identifiers refer to the same object
      • H5I module
      • Identifiers are transient
      • Pre-defined and user-defined identifier types
      • Pre-defined IDs identify HDF5 objects but also VFL and VOL plugins, etc.
      • User-defined ID types must be first registered w/ the library before use
        • Certain functions are only available for user-defined IDs

          [1] H5Iobject_verify: Object atom/Unable to find ID group information
              cannot call public function on library type
      • Assuming pre-defined HDF5 IDs for objects, use H5Oget_info to retrieve a structure that contains an address or token which can then be compared
    • Issue w/ memory backed files
      • Workflow:
        1. Create a memory-backed file (w/ core VFD)
        2. Make changes
        3. Get a file image (in memory) and share w/ another process (shared mem. or network)
        4. Create another memory-backed file from this file image
      • Should work just fine w/ H5P[g,s]et_file_image
    • Multithread Writing to two files
      • Some users don't know how to help themselves.

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • SWMR (old) and compression "issues"
    • Reports:
    • Elena answered in both cases
    • It's not a bug but a "feature"
    • File space recycling is disabled in SWMR mode
    • Every time a dataset chunk is flushed, new space is allocated in the file
    • How to alleviate?
      • Keep the chunk in cache & flush only once it's baked
      • Don't compress edge chunks
    • Bigger picture: We need a feature (in-)compatibility matrix! Long overdue!
    • Question: How does the new SWMR implementation behave?

Clinic 2022-06-14

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 command-line tools and HDF5 path names w/ special characters
    • Example: /equilibrium/time_slice[]&profiles_2d[]&theta_SHAPE
    • We have a problem!
    • h5ls
      • First try

        gerd@penguin:~$ h5ls equilibrium.h5/equilibrium/time_slice[]&profiles_2d[]&theta_SHAPE
        [2] 8959
        [3] 8960
        -bash: profiles_2d[]: command not found
        -bash: theta_SHAPE: command not found
        [3]+  Exit 127                profiles_2d[]
        gerd@penguin:~$ time_slice[]**NOT FOUND** ^C
        [2]+  Exit 1                  h5ls equilibrium.h5/equilibrium/time_slice[]
      • Double quotes to the rescue

        gerd@penguin:~$ h5ls "equilibrium.h5/equilibrium/time_slice[]&profiles_2d[]&theta_SHAPE"
        time_slice[]&profiles_2d[]&theta_SHAPE Dataset {107/Inf, 3/Inf, 2/Inf}
    • h5dump
      • First attempt

        gerd@penguin:~$ h5dump -pH -d "/equilibrium/vacuum_toroidal_field&b0" equilibrium.h5
        HDF5 "equilibrium.h5" {
        DATASET "/equilibrium/vacuum_toroidal_field&b0" {
           DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
           DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 107 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED ) }
           STORAGE_LAYOUT {
              CHUNKED ( 107 )
              SIZE 656 (1.305:1 COMPRESSION)
           FILTERS {
           FILLVALUE {
              VALUE  -9e+40
           ALLOCATION_TIME {
      • Second attempt

        gerd@penguin:~$ ~/packages/bin/h5dump -pH -d "/equilibrium/time_slice[]&profiles_2d[]&z_SHAPE" equilibrium.h5
        HDF5 "equilibrium.h5" {h5dump error: unable to get link info from "/equilibrium/time_slice[]&profiles_2d"}

      Not good. Need to investigate.

Clinic 2022-06-07

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • I can't create a compound datatype with XXX (too many) fields
    • Cause: size limitation of the datatype message
    • Possible solutions:
      1. Break up the compound type into multiple compound types
      2. Use a group and make each field a dataset
      3. Use an opaque type and store metadata to parse
      4. Use multiple (extendible) 2D datasets
        • One dataset for each field datatype
        • Keep the field metadata (names, order) in attributes

Clinic 2022-05-24

Your questions

Element order preservation in point selections?

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • 2022 European HDF5 Users Group (HUGE)
      • Website
      • Registration for in-person attendance is now closed.
      • You can still register for online attendance. Please do!
      • May 31 - June 2, 2022
      • Face-to-face/online hybrid hosted at ITER in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
    • HDF5 1.10.9-2-rc-1 source available for testing
      • Parallel Compression improvements
      • First steps toward a Doxygen-based “User Guide”
      • HDF5 is now tested and supported on macOS 11.6 M1
  • Forum

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Awkward arrays
    • Project home
    • Awkward Array: Manipulating JSON-like Data with NumPy-like Idioms
      • SciPy 2020 presentation by Jim Pivarski
      • Watch this!
    • How would you repesent something like this in HDF5? (Example from Jim's video)

      import awkward as ak
      array = ak.Array([
          [{"x": 1,  "y": [11]},
           {"x": 4,  "y": [12, 22]},
           {"x": 9,  "y": [13, 23, 33]}],
          [{"x": 16, "y": [14, 24, 34, 44]}]
      • Compound? Meh! Empty or partial records? Variable-length sequences… =:-O
      • Columnar layout
        • Pick an iteration order
        • Put record fields into contiguous buffers
        • Keep track list offsets

          outer offsets:  0,                     3,  3, 5
          content for x:  1,  4,      9,            16
          offsets for y:  0,  1,      3,             6,            10
          content for y: 11, 12, 22, 13, 23, 33,    14, 24, 34, 44
        • A picture is worth a thousand words (screenshot from Jim's presentation) awkward.png
          • See the HDF5 structure?
            • You can store both iteration orders, if that's what you need
    • Food for thought: Sometimes HDF5 is about finding balance between appearance and performance
    • We will have a few HEP (High-Energy Physics)-themed presentations at HUG Europe 2022
      • You have been warned ;-)

Clinic 2022-05-17

Your questions

Element order preservation in point selections?

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • 2022 European HDF5 Users Group (HUGE)
      • Website
      • Registration for in-person attendance is now closed.
      • You can still register for online attendance. Please do!
      • May 31 - June 2, 2022
      • Face-to-face/online hybrid hosted at ITER in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
    • Release of HDFView 3.2.0
      • SWMR support (configurable refresh timer)
      • Display and edit attribute data in table views, the same way as datasets
      • Read and display non-standard floating-point numbers
    • HDF5 VOL Status Report – Exascale Computing Project
      • Includes early DAOS VOL connector performance numbers
    • HSDS Data Streaming Arrives
      • 100 MB (configurable) cap on HTTP request size
        • Otherwise 413 - Payload Too Large error
        • Increasing the max_request_size can help only if HSDS Docker container or Kubernetes pod has sufficient RAM
        • Now what? Streaming to the rescue!
          • Let clients see bytes returning from the server while that is still processing the tail chunks in the selection
  • Forum
    • HDF5 write perf - Regular API vs Direct Chunk on uncompressed dataset
      • We provided a little test program to eliminate as many layers as possible
      • The user ran the tests and obtained these results (seconds via clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID,.)):

        - direct chunk hyperslab chunk hyperslab contiguous
        regular 1.631005 3.368258 2.069583
        never fill 1.632858 1.641345 2.069205
        latest fmt 1.643421 3.233817 2.068250
        never fill + latest format 1.633859 1.611976 2.029573
      • Why is hyperslab contiguous consistently 25% slower than the chunky versions?
        • Perhaps some extra buffer copying going on here??? TBD
    • Failures with insufficient disk space
      • The HDF5 library state appears to be inconsistent after a disk-full error (ENOSPC)
        • What's the state of a file in that situation? (Undefined)
          • Recovering to the last sane state is harder than it may seem, if not impossible
        • But things appear to be worse: The library crashes (assertion failure) on shutdown
          • Open handle accounting is screwed up
      • See the reproducer in last week's notes!
      • It appears that the problem might be Windows-specific.
        • @Dana tried to reproduce the problem under Linux and couldn't
        • Nobody has come forward so far with a non-Windows error report
    • Corrupted file due to shutdown

      Thank you for all your help and all of the very useful pointers. I managed to recover the data in the file. I did not get all the names of the datasets but with the mentioned attribute i was able to reconstruct the data.

      Thank you and all the best, Christian

      • Great!
      • A lost business opportunity ;-), but also a sign that skill, determination, and documentation go a long way
      • Our way always was and will be: Open-Source Software and Specifications

Tips, tricks, & insights

Next time…

Clinic 2022-05-10

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Select mulptiple hyperslabs in some order
      • (Hyperslab) Selections can be combined via set-theoretic operations (union, intersection, …)
      • There's an implicit (C or Fortran) ordering of the selected grid points, i.e., (within commutativity rules of set theory) the order of those operations doesn't matter
      • What about point selections?
    • hdf5 vs hf file
      • Naming conventions (extensions) for HDF5 files
      • Technically, it doesn't matter
      • Tools, such as HDFView, use search filters, e.g., *.h5 and *.hdf5
    • HDF5 write perf - Regular API vs Direct Chunk on uncompressed dataset
      • h5py has write_direct and write_direct_chunk
        • About a 50% difference in performance. Why?
      • What could slow down H5Dwrite (vs H5Dwrite_chunk) when having no data conversion, no data scattering (contiguous layout), no chunking, no filters?
    • Failures with insufficient disk space
      • The HDF5 library state appears to be inconsistent after a disk-full error (ENOSPC)
        • What's the state of a file in that situation? (Undefined)
          • Recovering to the last sane state is harder than it may seem, if not impossible
        • But things appear to be worse: The library crashes (assertion failure) on shutdown
          • Open handle accounting is screwed up
      • Reproducer

        #include "hdf5.h"
        #include <stdint.h>
        #include <stdlib.h>
        #define SIZE (1024 * 1024 * 128)
        int work(const char* path)
          int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
          uint8_t* data = (uint8_t*) malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*SIZE);
          for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
            *(data+i) = i % 256;
          hid_t fapl = H5I_INVALID_HID;
          if ((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS))
              == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_fapl;
          if (H5Pset_fclose_degree(fapl, H5F_CLOSE_STRONG) < 0) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_file;
          hid_t file = H5I_INVALID_HID;
          if ((file = H5Fcreate(path, H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl))
              == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_file;
          hid_t group = H5I_INVALID_HID;
          if ((group = H5Gcreate(file, "H5::Group", H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
                                 H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_group;
          hid_t fspace = H5I_INVALID_HID;
          if ((fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]) {(hsize_t) SIZE}, NULL))
              == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_fspace;
          hid_t dset = H5I_INVALID_HID;
          if ((dset = H5Dcreate(group, "H5::Dataset", H5T_NATIVE_UINT8, fspace,
                                H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT))
              == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_dset;
          if (H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_UINT8, fspace, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT, data) < 0) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_write;
          printf("Write successed.\n");
          if (H5Fflush(file, H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL) < 0) {
            retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_flush;
          printf("Flush succeeded.\n");
          if (H5Dclose(dset) < 0) {
            printf("H5Dclose failed.\n");
          if (H5Sclose(fspace) < 0) {
            printf("H5Sclose failed.\n");
          if (H5Gclose(group) < 0) {
            printf("H5Gclose failed.\n");
          if (H5Fclose(file) < 0) {
            printf("H5Fclose failed.\n");
          if (H5Pclose(fapl) < 0) {
            printf("H5Pclose failed.\n");
          return retval;
        int main()
            int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
            retval &= work("O:/foo.h5"); // limited available space to force failure
            retval &= work("D:/foo.h5"); // lots of free space
            return retval;
    • External datasets relative to current directory or HDF5 file as documented?
      • Documentation error: Thanks to the user who reported it.

Tips, tricks, & insights

Next time…

Clinic 2022-04-26

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • 2022 European HDF5 Users Group (HUG)
      • Website
      • May 31 - June 2, 2022
      • Face-to-face at ITER in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
      • Reserve your spot before telling your friends! ;-)
    • HDF5 1.12.2 is around the corner
      • As early as this week
  • Forum
    • Bug? H5TCopy of empty enum
      • Is an empty enumeration datatype legit?
      • I couldn't find that ticket @Elena mentioned a while ago
        • Where is it?

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Documentation - variable-length datatype description seems incomplete (doesn't mention global heap)
    • Interesting GitHub issue

      I'm working on trying to decode an HDF5 file (attached) manually using the specification (for the purpose of writing rust code for a decoder that quickly extracts raw signal data from nanopore FAST5 files)…

    • Tools of the trade h5dump, h5debug, h5check
    • Highlights gaps/inaccuracies/inconveniences in the file format specification
      • Bit-level representation of variable-length string datatypes
        • What's a parent type? (spec. doesn't say)
        • What's the parent type of a VLEN string? (character)
        • (How) Is it encoded in the datatype message?
      • Use of the global heap for VLEN data
        • Not discussed where VLEN datatype message is discussed
    • Sample

      HDF5 "perfect_guppy_3.6.0_LAST_gci_vs_Nb_mtDNA.fast5" {
      GROUP "/" {
         ATTRIBUTE "file_version" {
            DATATYPE  H5T_STRING {
               STRSIZE H5T_VARIABLE;
               STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
               CSET H5T_CSET_UTF8;
               CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
            DATA {
            (0): "2.0"
         GROUP "read_44dcef85-283e-4782-b7b1-1c9a0f682597" {
            ATTRIBUTE "run_id" {
               DATATYPE  H5T_STRING {
                  STRSIZE H5T_VARIABLE;
                  STRPAD H5T_STR_NULLTERM;
                  CSET H5T_CSET_ASCII;
                  CTYPE H5T_C_S1;
               DATASPACE  SCALAR
               DATA {
               (0): "cb45e5bda47a362d52bcfa146df9083b463bf65e"
    • 2.0\0 is 322e 3000 in hex.
      • Let's find it!

Clinic 2022-04-19

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • 2022 European HDF5 Users Group (HUG)
      • Website
      • May 31 - June 2, 2022
      • Face-to-face at ITER in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
      • Reserve your spot before telling your friends! ;-)
    • HDF5 1.12.2-3-rc-1 source available for testing
      • Parallel compression improvements backported from HDF5 1.13.1
    • HSDS v0.7beta13
      • Support for Fancy Indexing
        • Unlike with h5py though, HSDS works well with long lists of indexes by parallelizing access across the chunks in the selection.
        • For example, retrieving 4000 random columns from a 17,520 by 2,018,392 dataset demonstrated good scaling as the number of HSDS nodes was increased:
          • 4 nodes: 65.4s
          • 8 nodes: 35.7s
          • 16 nodes: 23.4 s
      • The limit on the number of chunks accesses per request has been removed chunk_1000.png
  • Forum
    • Help Request regarding Java 3.3.2
      • Switched from HDF Java 2.6.1 to 3.3.2 & seeing errors not seen before
      • Artifact of checking for HDF5 Image convention attributes
      • Prior versions ignored exceptions silently 8-(
      • Now we have "expected errors"???
    • h5f_get_obj_count_f Extremely Buggy?
      • User is trying to use h5fget_obj_count_f to establish the number of open handles; it appears that the result depends on the number of times h5open_f was called (???)
      • Calling H5open w/ the C-API is usually not necessary and multiple calls have no side-effects
      • h5open_f (Fortran API) appears to behave differently, buggy?
      • Fixed by Scot Breitenfeld in HDFFV-11306 Fixed #1657
        • What a turnaround!
    • C++ Read h5 cmpd (/struct) dataset that each field is vector
      • User's data

        typedef struct { std::vector FieldA, FieldB, FieldC; } TestH5;
        TestH5.FieldA = {1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0}; // similar to FieldB, FieldC
      • How to read this TestH5 using C++?

      This brings us to today's …

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • How H5CPP makes you ask the right questions

    (All quotations from Steven Varga's response!)

    The expression below is a [templated] Class datatype in C++, placed in a non-contiguous memory location, requiring scatter-gather operators and a mechanism to dis-assemble reassemble the components. Becuase of the complexity AFAIK there is no automatic support for this sort of operation.

    template <typename T>
    struct TestH5{
        std::vector<T> FieldA, FieldB, FieldC;

    The structure above maybe modelled in HDF5 in the following way:

    • (Columnar) /group/[fieldA, fieldB, fieldC] fast indexing by columns, more complex and slower indexing by rows; also easier read/write from Julia/Python/R/C/ etc…
    • (Records) by a vector of tuples: std::vector<std::tuple<T,T,T>> where you work with a single dataset, fast indexing by rows and slower indexing by columns
    • (Blocked) exotic custom solution based on direct chunk write/read: fast indexing of blocks by row and column wise at the increased complexity of the code.
    • (Hybrid) …

    H5CPP provides mechanism for the first two solutions:

    TestH5<int> data = {std::vector<int>{1,2,3,4},
    h5::fd_t fd = h5::create("example.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
    h5::write(fd, "/some_path/fieldA", data.fieldA);
    h5::write(fd, "/some_path/fieldB", data.fieldB);
    h5::write(fd, "/some_path/fieldC", data.fieldC);

    Ok the above is simple and well behaved, the second solution needs a POD struct backing, as tuples are not supported in the current H5CPP version (the upcoming will support arbitrary STL)

    struct my_t {
       int fieldA;
       int fieldB;
       int fieldC;

    You can have any data types and arbitrary combination in the POD struct, as long as it qualifies as POD type in C++. This approach involves H5CPP LLVM based compiler assisted reflection – long word, I know; sorry about that. The bottom line you need the type descriptor and this compiler does it for you, without lifting a pinky.

    std::vector<my_t> data;
    h5::fd_t fd = h5::create("example.h5",H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
    h5::write(fd, "some_path/some_name", data);

    This approach is often used in event recorders, hence there is this h5::append operator to help you out:

    h5::ds_t ds = h5::open(...);
    for(const auto& event: event_provider)
      h5::append(ds, event);

    Both of the layouts are used to model sparse matrices, the second resembling COO or coordinate of points, whereas the first is for Compressed Sparse Row|Column format.

    Slides are here, the examples are here.

    best wishes: steve

    Go on and read the rest of the thread! There is a lot of good information there (layouts, strings, array types, …).

Clinic 2022-04-12

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • 2022 European HDF5 Users Group (HUG)
      • Website
      • May 31 - June 2, 2022
      • Face-to-face at ITER in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
      • Reserve your spot before telling your friends! ;-)
  • Forum
    • What kind of STL containers do you use in your field?
      • Does anybody use the STL? ;-)
    • Bug? H5TCopy of empty enum
      • Looks like one
    • Broken HDF5 file cannot be opened
      • Don't make a fuzz! ;-)
      • Cornering the HDF5 library by feeding it random byte sequences as attribute and link names (or values)
      • Mission accomplished! fuzz.png
    • Automated formatted display of STL-like containers
      g++ -I./include -o pprint-test.o   -std=c++17 -DFMT_HEADER_ONLY -c pprint-test.cpp
      g++ pprint-test.o -lhdf5  -lz -ldl -lm  -o pprint-test
      list:[95,284,24,124,49,40,200,108,281,251,57, ...]
      stack<T,deque<T>>:[54,278,66,70,230,44,121,15,58,149,224, ...]
      stack<T,list<T>>:[251,82,278,86,66,40,278,45,211,225,271, ...]
      queue<T,list<T>>:[ARPl,dddmHT,mEiCJ,OVEYS,FIJi,jbQwb,tpJnpj,rlCRoKn,nBKjJ,KPlU,jatsUI, ...]
      multimap<short,list<int>>:[{ALpPkqbJ:[6,6,8,7,8,5,7,8,5,5,6, ...]},{AwsHR:[8,5,6,6,5,6,7,6,7,6,8, ...]},{HtLQMvHv:[5,7,6,7,8,6,7]},{KbseLYEs:[5,8,6,8]},{RzsJm:[7,6,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,8,7, ...]},{XpNSkhDa:[7,5,8,8,7,8,5,5,5]},{cXPImNk:[6,8,6,5,8,7,5,6,6,8,6, ...]},{gkKHyh:[5,8,6,6,6,6,5,5,6]},{iPmaraP:[7,6,7,6,7,7,5,7,5,7,7, ...]},{pLmqL:[6,5,5,5,6]}]
      pair<string,vector<int>>:{iLclgkjnoY:[2,5,6,6,7,3,7,3,3,4,8, ...]}
      tuple<string,list<int>,vector<float>,short>:<[TaPryDWKv,attpFqqIc,geHwbX,vdZ,kvruDeaxpZ,dSOqbVpr,jTciLPgBbI,duc,yUZiCP,zGrTsweTk,LNouX, ...],4,5.81555,[2,3,5,6,8]>
    • Group Overhead - File size problem for hierarchical data

      We found that a group has quite a memory overhead (was it 2 or 20 kb?).

      • How was that measured?
      • What's in a group?
      • Responses from Steven, John, and GH
      • The figure quoted looks unusual/too high
    • H5Pset_est_link_info regression in 1.13.1?
      • Yup, looks like it!
      • Compact vs. dense group storage
      • The documentation has a few clues
    • Corrupted file due to shutdown

      I have a problem with a HDF5 file created with h5py. I have the suspicion that the process writing to the file was killed.

      • Try common household tools

        strings -t d file.h5
      • Then reach for the heavier guns (h5check)

Tips, tricks, & insights

Clinic 2022-04-05

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • 2022 European HDF5 Users Group (HUG)
      • Website
      • May 31 - June 2, 2022
      • Face-to-face at ITER in Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
      • Reserve your spot before telling your friends! ;-)
    • ASCR Workshop January 2022 on the Managment and Storage of Scientific Data
  • Forum
    • File remains open after calling HD5F.close
      • Context: .NET, HDF5.PInvoke migrating from 1.8.x to 1.10.x
      • Biggest change: switch to 64-bit handles
      • Symptoms: Change in unit test behavior, file closure
      • User forgot to switch from int to long in one place
      • C-style typedef has no equivalent in C#; hack:

        #if HDF5_VER1_10
        using hid_t = System.Int64;
        using hid_t = System.Int32;
      • How to discover open handles?

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 applications and clients in Cloud-based environments


    • Application-centric
      • Object
        • Application is completely isolated from storage details
      • File
        • Application is potentially "exposed" to storage details via a file-centric view
    • Service-centric
      • State-less
      • Cloud-native
      • Weak consistency

Clinic 2022-03-29

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Error: Read failed
      • Got a sample, nothing unusual
      • Core VFD works just fine
      • Need to find a way to reproduce the behavior (I/O kernel)
      • Mystery continues
    • Symbolic links with relative path
      • What's the meaning of 'relative' in HDF5? W.r.t. handle (file, group, …)!
      • .. does and cannot mean what it does in a shell (no tree structure)
      • Special characters in link names? (/, ., ./, /./)
      • .., ..., etc., and spaces are legitimate link names
    • Refresh object so that external changes were applied
      • The state of an open HDF5 file is a hybrid (in-memory, in-file)
      • Simultaneously opening an HDF5 file in different processes with one or more writers, without inter-process communication, creates a coherence problem! (and potentially a consistency problem…)
        • Don't go there!
        • Use SWMR, IPC, or I/O request queue!
    • Read Portion of Dataset
      • That's what HDF5 is all about
      • Great responses from a number of people
      • Most comprehensive example by Steven (H5CPP)

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 applications and clients in Cloud-based environments


    • Application-centric
      • Object
        • Application is completely isolated from storage details
      • File
        • Application is potentially "exposed" to storage details via a file-centric view
    • Service-centric
      • State-less
      • Cloud-native
      • Weak consistency

Clinic 2022-03-22

Your questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

(Out of time…)

Clinic 2022-03-15

Your questions

Re: split/multi driver question from Session 55. On review, just would like to confirm:

Once the member files (-s.h5, -b.h5, …) are written with the MULTI driver (most likely on a POSIX filesystem), they must remain co-located.
No, however care must be used when re-opening them.
They can, however, be copied into a (read-only) S3 bucket.
An application can read the S3 multi HDF5 "file" by configuring both the MULTI file driver and the ROS3 driver
Yes, but this is untested.
There is no provision for putting the raw data -r.h5 on S3 and the others (-s.h5, -b.h5, -g.h5, -l.h5, -o.h5) on a local POSIX filesystem.
This should be possible, but has not been tested, AFAIK.

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

(Out of time…)

Clinic 2022-03-08

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • HDF5 1.13.1 release
      • Release notes
      • Blog post Parallel compression improvements in HDF5 1.13.1
        • Bug fixes & performance improvements and better support for collective I/O
        • Much improved IOR results from Cori at NERSC
        • For parallel dataset creation early allocation was the only option
          • Incremental file space allocation is now supported for datasets created in parallel but only if they have filters applied to them
  • Forum
    • Extent the dataspace of an existing attribute
      • Storing multiple physical quantities in a single scalar dataset, e.g., velocity, density and temperature of a cubic with dimensional elements of 101 x 71 x 51 , the dataset would have for example an extent of (3, 101, 71, 51)
      • How to keep track of quantity metadata, e.g., unit symbol?
        • What to do if we add a (e.g., fourth) quantity to the dataset?
      • Idea

        Store the quantity metadata in an array-like attribute

      • Problems
        • H5T_ARRAY class datatypes are fixed rank and extent
        • Attribute dataspaces are not extendable
      • Solutions

        All solutions come with different trade-offs!

        • Assuming this doesn't happen too often: extend/re-write the attribute on each dimension change
        • Use a variable-length sequence (VLEN) datatype: read/re-write the attribute on each dimension change
        • Use a "shared" attribute (=attribute that is an object reference to an extendable dataset)

          For the use case at hand, the sharing aspect is not important. It's the extendability of the object-referenced dataset.


          Figure 1: A "shared" attribute

    • Memory Leak while Reading Data?
      • Loop over a directory of HDF5 files and populate a list of per-file dictionaries
      • A bit of a mystery; appears to happen only under macOS
        • No issues under Windows w/ h5py 2.x or 3.x, according to the user

Tips, tricks, & insights

(Out of time…)

Clinic 2022-03-01

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Can Compound Dataset been compressed?
    • Hdf5 crosscompile to arm64
    • Memory management in H5FD_class_t
      • When the VFL layer was created (~1998?) there were only RAM and HDDs
      • With GPU, FPGA, and other near-data computing devices there are new types of memory, storage, and storage access paths
      • The (de-)allocation VFD callbacks deal with (de-)allocation of (virtual) file space
      • I/O acceleration depends on device-specific memory
      • Avoid reams of device specific conditonally-compiled allocation code
      • Since the application selects a device-specific VFD, extend the H5FD_class_t interface with generic device-memory (de-)allocation callbacks
      • My colleague Jordan Henderson recently added a control callback and a corresponding op-code.

         * Defining H5FD_FEAT_MEMMANAGE for a VFL driver means that
         * the driver uses special memory management routines or wishes
         * to do memory management in a specific manner. Therefore, HDF5
         * should request that the driver handle any memory management
         * operations when appropriate.
        #define H5FD_FEAT_MEMMANAGE 0x00010000
        herr_t (*ctl)(H5FD_t *file, uint64_t op_code, uint64_t flags,
                      const void *input, void **output);

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 extension APIs - Virtual File Layer (VFL)


    Figure 2: HDF5 extension APIs (Elena Pourmal, The HDF Group)

    • No VFL toolkit, but using an existing VFD (= VFL plugin) is a good starting point, see files called H5FD*.[c,h] in the HDF5 source tree.
    • Example: read-only VFD plugin for Hadoop File System (HDFS)

Clinic 2022-02-22

Your Questions

Clarification/explanation on John Readey’s "seismic data" post regarding using native HDF5 as an HSDS "single object". –Robert Seip

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Unable to open a Dataset in my HDF5 file
      • It often helps to read what people are actually asking…
      • I'm glad my colleague Aleksandar did just that and clarified that the way to obtain a NumPy array from a dataset is

        phrase_numpy = phrase[...]

        and not

        phrase_numpy = np.array(phrase)
    • Read subgroups parallel bug?
      • Poor performance of H5Lget_name_by_idx or H5Literate with large numbers of links
      • Running against BeeGFS
      • File sizes of 1-2 GB
      • Better strategy: Use HDF5 core VFD (H5Pset_fapl_core) to load into memory and then do the iteration without I/O at memory speed.
    • Help with broken file
      • Sad story
      • We talked about the HDF5 file state about a year ago
        • There are currently no user-level transactions in HDF5, making file content vulnerable to application crash
      • Familiarity with the file format specification and h5debug can help to inspect parts of an HDF5 file that is in an inconsistent state
      • A proper discovery tool of recoverable information would be great & we even have ideas how to do it
        • There are comments in the file format specification such as this:

          The ASCII character string "SNOD" is used to indicate the beginning of a symbol table node. This gives file consistency checking utilities a better chance of reconstructing a damaged file.

          Alas, those "file consistency checking utilities" never materialized.

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • How do HDF5-UDF work?

    Currently, they are repesented as chunked datasets with a single chunk. That's why they work fine with existing tools. The UDF itself is executed as part of the HDF5 filter pipeline. Its code is stored in the dataset blob data plus metadata and managed by the UDF handler.


    Figure 3: H5Dwrite_chunk


    Figure 4: HDF5-UDF overview (Lucas C. Villa Real)

    • Example: Virtualization of CSV files through HDF5-UDF

      def dynamic_dataset():
          udf_data = lib.getData("GreatestAlbums")
          udf_dims = lib.getDims("GreatestAlbums")
          # The file is encoded as ISO-8859-1, so instruct Python about it
          with open("albumlist.csv", encoding="iso-8859-1") as f:
              # Read and ignore the header
              for i, line in enumerate(f.readlines()):
                  # Remove double-quotes and newlines around certain strings
                  parts = [col.strip('"').strip("\n") for col in line.split(",")]
                  udf_data[i].Number = int(parts[0])
                  udf_data[i].Year = int(parts[1])
                  lib.setString(udf_data[i].Album,  parts[2].encode("utf-8"))
                  lib.setString(udf_data[i].Artist,  parts[3].encode("utf-8"))
                  lib.setString(udf_data[i].Genre,  parts[4].encode("utf-8"))
                  lib.setString(udf_data[i].Subgenre,  parts[5].encode("utf-8"))
    • Resources

Clinic 2022-02-15

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Read compound data to buffer
      • HDFView screenshot of a compound dataset
      • Simple & elegant HDFql solution

        #include <iostream>
        #include "HDFql.hpp"
        struct data
            unsigned long long timestamp;
            int order;
            int serial_number;
            double temperature;
            double pressure;
            int int_array[2][2];
        int main(int argc, char *argv[])
           struct data values[4];
           HDFql::execute("select from h5ex_t_cmpd.h5 DS1 into memory 0");
           for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
               std::cout << "Timestamp=" << values[i].timestamp << std::endl;
               std::cout << "Order=" << values[i].order << std::endl;
               std::cout << "Serial number=" << values[i].serial_number << std::endl;
               std::cout << "Temperature=" << values[i].temperature << std::endl;
               std::cout << "Pressure=" << values[i].pressure << std::endl;
               std::cout << "IntArray[0][0]=" << values[i].int_array[0][0] << std::endl;
               std::cout << "IntArray[0][1]=" << values[i].int_array[0][1] << std::endl;
               std::cout << "IntArray[1][0]=" << values[i].int_array[1][0] << std::endl;
               std::cout << "IntArray[1][1]=" << values[i].int_array[1][1] << std::endl;
           return 0;
    • Can we use external links to read-only data in writable files?
      • Interesting follow-up from Thomas Kluyver (h5py project)
        • h5py does not currently expose H5Pset_elink_acc_flags
        • Would be easy to do in the low-level API
        • High-level API unclear
      • Ambiguous error message; API failure due to insufficient permissions vs. non-existent file or directory
    • Read subgroups parallel bug?
      • Goal: Determine the link names of blocks of subgroups in a group in parallel.
      • Idea: Assign a link index range to each MPI process and fire away: H5Lget_name_by_idx.
      • Issues:
        • MPI hangs; not sure why…
        • H5Lget_name_by_idx is an expensive call, looping over idx makes it worse
          • Parallel file systems don't like it
        • H5Literate + callback would be better, but not much
          • To many small reads will be a drag on performance
      • The real question is what the underlying use case is about.
        • Maybe a dataset of object references instead of a group would be more suitable?

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Do you need a link or a reference?
    HDF5 link

    Explicit, unidirectional, named association between a source (HDF5 group) and a destination

    src -------> dst
    HDF5 (object) reference

    An HDF5 datatype whose values represent references (pointers) to HDF5 objects in the same or other HDF5 files.

    • Similarities
      • Links can be used in the role of a (non-value) reference
        • A link can be "de-referenced" by link traversal
      • References can be used as implicit links
        • A reference can be "traversed" by address/token resolution
    • Differences
      • Links
        • Are inseparable from groups and not values of an HDF5 datatype
        • Have a name
        • Can be dangling
      • References
        • Are values of an HDF5 datatype
        • We can store them in attributes and datasets
        • Have no name other than their implicit position
        • Cannot dangle

Clinic 2022-02-08

Your Questions


Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel? Yes!

#include "hdf5.h"
#include "mpi.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv)
  // boilerplate
  int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  if (MPI_Init(&argc, &argv) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_mpi;

  MPI_Comm comm = MPI_COMM_WORLD;
  int size, rank;
  if (MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size) != MPI_SUCCESS ||
      MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &rank) != MPI_SUCCESS) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_file;

  hid_t fapl = H5I_INVALID_HID;
  if ((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) == H5I_INVALID_HID ||
      H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl, comm, MPI_INFO_NULL) < 0) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_file;

  hid_t file = H5I_INVALID_HID;
  if ((file = H5Fcreate("sel_par.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl))
      == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_file;

  // 1D filespace, size of communicator
  hid_t fspace = H5I_INVALID_HID;
  if ((fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]) {2*size}, NULL)) ==
      H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_fspace;

  hid_t dset = H5I_INVALID_HID;
  if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "ints", H5T_STD_I32LE, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                        H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dset;

  // 2-element memory space
  hid_t mspace = H5I_INVALID_HID;
  if ((mspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]) {2}, NULL)) ==
      H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_mspace;

  int data[2] = { 2*rank, 2*rank+1 };

  // 1. Make a (single) point selection in memory
  // 2. Make a hyperslab selection in the file
  // 3. Write
  if (H5Sselect_elements(mspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, 1, (hsize_t[]){0}) < 0 ||
      H5Sselect_hyperslab(fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, (hsize_t[]){2*rank}, NULL,
                          (hsize_t[]){1}, (hsize_t[]){1}) < 0 ||
      H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mspace, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT, data) < 0) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_write;

  if (fapl != H5I_INVALID_HID)



  return retval;


penguin:~$ mpiexec -n 4 ./sel_par
penguin:~$ h5dump sel_par.h5
HDF5 "sel_par.h5" {
GROUP "/" {
   DATASET "ints" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 8 ) / ( 8 ) }
      DATA {
      (0): 0, 0, 2, 0, 4, 0, 6, 0

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

Back next time.

Clinic 2022-02-01

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDFView binaries for Debian and Ubuntu
    • They are well-hidden :-(
      • It takes four clicks to get there (if you know where to go…)
    • Current version (HDFView 3.1.3) link
    • Download an unpack (tar -zxvf ...)
    • Content Debian installer and README.txt
    • Install w/ sudo dpkg -i hdfview_..._amd64deb
    • Installation directories /opt/hdfview/[bin,lib,share]
    • Launch w/ /opt/hdfview/bin/HDFView (add to your PATH as needed)
    • Does it need to be this hard?
  • One Stop HDF5 - HDF Lab
    • Your registration w/ the HDF Group website is the ticket
    • Home directory w/ 10 GB of free storage
    • HSDS, h5py, h5cc
    • Plenty of examples (Jupyter notebooks, Python scripts, etc.)
    • Coming soon: h5web
  • h5web
    • Developed by ESRF
    • React components for data visualization and exploration
      • "HDFView for the browser"
    • GitHub
    • Supports HDF5 files in POSIX file systems & HSDS
    • A JupyterHub plugin, jupyterlab-h5web, is available

Clinic 2022-01-25

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • Auth0 authentication issues (apologies…)
    • VOL tutorial postponed
      • New date February 25th, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. (Central)
      • You can still register
  • Forum
    • Does the MPI driver lock the file?
      • Yes, but I don't understand the user's description

      I implemented a stride which tells the generation script how much work is being sent to each slave from the master. Now I have 4 datasets and each dataset has something like 400k entries. Each slave rank will write to all 4 datasets.

      Now if I set the stride to a low value (10), the generation is way faster than if I set it to a big value (1024).

      I wasn’t able to find how parallelism is exactly implemented. From the above behaviour it looks like the file is being locked which then blocks my whole programm, especially if the stride is big (more time for the other ranks to run into a lock and be idle inbetween). Is that really the case? I write data continously, so theoretically there is no need for a lock. Is is possible to tell the driver “don’t lock the file”?

      • What's a 'stride'? (not a hyperslab stride…)
      • Parallelism is implemented through MPI-I/O
      • How does a file lock block the program?
      • File locks can be disabled programmatically or via environment variable
    • H5Datatype with variable length: How to set the values?
      • HDFql is adding support for variable-length datatypes in JAVA

        // declare Java class that "mimics" the HDF5 compound dataset
        class Data
            int myDimension;
            int myShapeType;
            int myInterpolationType;
            int myIntegrationType;
            int myNumberOfNormalComponents;
            int myNumberOfShearComponents;
            ArrayList myConnectivity;
            ArrayList myFaceConnectivity;
        // declare variables
        Data write[] = new Data[1];
        Data read[] = new Data[1];
        // create HDF5 file 'myFile.h5' and use (i.e. open) it
        HDFql.execute("CREATE AND USE FILE myFile.h5");
        // create compound dataset 'myDataset'
        HDFql.execute("CREATE DATASET myDataset AS COMPOUND(myDimension AS INT, myShapeType AS INT, myInterpolationType AS INT, myIntegrationType AS INT, myNumberOfNormalComponents AS INT, myNumberOfShearComponents AS INT, myConnectivity AS VARINT, myFaceConnectivity AS VARINT)");
        // populate variable 'write' with dummy values
        write[0] = new Data();
        write[0].myDimension = 1;
        write[0].myShapeType = 2;
        write[0].myInterpolationType = 3;
        write[0].myIntegrationType = 4;
        write[0].myNumberOfNormalComponents = 5;
        write[0].myNumberOfShearComponents = 6;
        write[0].myConnectivity = new ArrayList();
        write[0].myFaceConnectivity = new ArrayList();
        // write content of variable 'write' into dataset 'myDataset'
        HDFql.execute("INSERT INTO myDataset VALUES FROM MEMORY " + HDFql.variableRegister(write));
        // read content of dataset 'myDataset' and populate variable 'read' with it
        HDFql.execute("SELECT FROM myDataset INTO MEMORY " + HDFql.variableRegister(read));
        // display content of variable 'read'
        System.out.println("myDimension: " + read[0].myDimension);
        System.out.println("myShapeType: " + read[0].myShapeType);
        System.out.println("myInterpolationType: " + read[0].myInterpolationType);
        System.out.println("myIntegrationType: " + read[0].myIntegrationType);
        System.out.println("myNumberOfNormalComponents: " + read[0].myNumberOfNormalComponents);
        System.out.println("myNumberOfShearComponents: " + read[0].myNumberOfShearComponents);
        for(int i = 0; i < read[0].myConnectivity.size(); i++)
                System.out.println("myConnectivity: " + read[0].myConnectivity.get(i));
        for(int i = 0; i < read[0].myFaceConnectivity.size(); i++)
                System.out.println("myFaceConnectivity: " + read[0].myFaceConnectivity.get(i));

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 - the better TXT format
    • Source in GitHub repo
    • Basic idea (Joe Lee): Store text files as compressed byte streams in HDF5 files.
    • Pros:
      • Passes the diff test
      • Size reduction
      • Portable metadata + rich annotation
        • Unicode encoding
        • Dataset region references
    • Cons:
      • Not suitable as editor back-ends

Clinic 2022-01-18

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS)
    • "HDF5 as a Service"
    • REpresentational State Transfer (REST)
    • HDF Lab has a few examples
    • Let's do it! (from Emacs)
    • HDF5 file "=" HSDS domain
    • Querying a domain

        "root": "g-d38053ea-3418fe27-5b08-db62bc-9076af",
        "class": "domain",
        "owner": "admin",
        "created": 1622930252.3698952,
        "limits": {
          "min_chunk_size": 1048576,
          "max_chunk_size": 4194304,
          "max_request_size": 104857600
        "compressors": [
        "version": "0.7.0",
        "lastModified": 1623085764.3507726,
        "hrefs": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "database",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "groupbase",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "typebase",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "root",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "acls",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "parent",
            "href": ""
      // GET
      // HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      // Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      // Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 18:05:26 GMT
      // Server: Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS) for HDFLab
      // X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
      // Content-Length: 1020
      // Connection: keep-alive
      // Request duration: 1.576781s
    • Querying the HDF5 root group w/ resource ID g-d38053ea-3418fe27-5b08-db62bc-9076af

        "links": [
            "class": "H5L_TYPE_HARD",
            "id": "g-d38053ea-3418fe27-3227-467313-8ebf63",
            "created": 1622930252.985488,
            "title": "g1",
            "collection": "groups",
            "target": "",
            "href": ""
            "class": "H5L_TYPE_HARD",
            "id": "g-d38053ea-3418fe27-96ba-7678c2-3d4bcb",
            "created": 1622930252.5707703,
            "title": "g2",
            "collection": "groups",
            "target": "",
            "href": ""
        "hrefs": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "home",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "owner",
            "href": ""
      // GET
      // HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      // Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      // Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 18:05:26 GMT
      // Server: Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS) for HDFLab
      // X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
      // Content-Length: 1125
      // Connection: keep-alive
      // Request duration: 0.149993s
    • Let's look at a dataset

        "id": "d-d38053ea-3418fe27-cb7b-00379e-75d3e8",
        "root": "g-d38053ea-3418fe27-5b08-db62bc-9076af",
        "shape": {
          "class": "H5S_SIMPLE",
          "dims": [
          "maxdims": [
        "type": {
          "class": "H5T_FLOAT",
          "base": "H5T_IEEE_F32BE"
        "creationProperties": {
          "layout": {
            "class": "H5D_CHUNKED",
            "dims": [
          "fillTime": "H5D_FILL_TIME_ALLOC"
        "layout": {
          "class": "H5D_CHUNKED",
          "dims": [
        "attributeCount": 0,
        "created": 1622930252,
        "lastModified": 1622930252,
        "domain": "/shared/tall.h5",
        "hrefs": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "root",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "home",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "attributes",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "data",
            "href": ""
      // GET
      // HTTP/1.1 200 OK
      // Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
      // Date: Tue, 29 Nov 2022 18:05:26 GMT
      // Server: Highly Scalable Data Service (HSDS) for HDFLab
      // X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
      // Content-Length: 1116
      // Connection: keep-alive
      // Request duration: 0.215345s
    • Check it out with your favorite REST client!

Clinic 2022-01-11

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • select hyperslab of VL data
      • Two issues:
        1. Getting the selections right
        2. Dealing w/ VLEN data

          struct s_data {
              uint64_t b;
              uint16_t a;
          struct ext_data3 {
              uint64_t a;
              uint32_t b;
              int16_t nelem;
              struct s_data data[3];  // <- ARRAY
          struct ext_data {
              uint64_t a;
              uint32_t b;
              int16_t nelem;
              struct s_data data[];   // <- VLEN
          • Nested compound (surface) datatype
          • Attempted byte-stream representation as \0-terminated VLEN string
    • Dynamically change the File Access Property List
      • File access properties
        • Vs. file creation properties
      • Set before file creation or file open

        hid_t fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
        H5Pset_alignment(fapl, threshold, alignment);
        H5Fopen(..., fapl) or  H5Fcreate(..., fapl)
      • What is the use case for changing them dynamically?
        • Wouldn't make sense for some properties, e.g., VFD
        • Dynamic alignment changes, why?

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 snippets
    • Developer productivity
      • IntelliSense in VSCode
      • Language Server Protocol (LSP)
      • Emacs has support for LSP via lsp-mode
        • Resource-intensive
        • Not a templating mechanism
      • YASnippet is a template system for Emacs
      • Easy to install and configure

        (use-package yasnippet
          (yas-triggers-in-field t)
          (setq yas-snippet-dirs "~/.emacs.d/snippets")
          (yas-global-mode 1))
      • A (growing) set of snippets can be found here
      • Demo

Clinic 2022-01-04

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements

    Happy New Year!

  • Forum
    • Repair corrupted file
      • There's no general tool for that (yet)
      • Rigorous error checking and resource handling goes a long way

          __label__ fail_file;
          hid_t file, group;
          char  src_path[] = "/a/few/groups";
          if ((file = H5Fcreate("o1.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULTx2)) ==
               H5I_INVALID_HID) {
            ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
            goto fail_file;
          // create a few groups
            __label__ fail_group, fail_lcpl;
            hid_t lcpl;
            if ((lcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_LINK_CREATE)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
              ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
              goto fail_lcpl;
            if (H5Pset_create_intermediate_group(lcpl, 1) < 0) {
              ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
              goto fail_group;
            if ((group = H5Gcreate(file, src_path, lcpl, H5P_DEFAULTx2)) ==
                 H5I_INVALID_HID) {
              ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
              goto fail_group;
          // create a copy
          if (H5Ocopy(file, ".", file, "copy of", H5P_DEFAULTx2) < 0) {
            ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
      • This looks pretty awkward, but there's some method to the madness…

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • A GUI for HDFql
    • HDFql is the La-Z-Boy of HDF5 interfaces
      • SQL is convenient and concise because we say what we want (declarative) rather than how to do it (imperative).
    • Example (evaluate with C-c C-c):

      CREATE DATASET my_group/my_dataset AS double(3) ENABLE zlib LEVEL 0 VALUES(4, 8, 6)
      SELECT FROM DATASET my_group/my_dataset
    • Really?

      h5dump -p my_file.h5
    • Homework: What's the line count of an program written in C?
    • Emacs supports the execution of source code blocks in Org mode
    • HDFql comes with a command line interface
    • Combine the two w/ a snippet of Emacs Lisp code

      ;; We assume that HDFqlCLI is in the path and that is in
      ;; the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
      (defun org-babel-execute:hdfql (body params)
        "Execute a block of HDFql code with org-babel."
        (message "executing HDFql source code block")
         (format "HDFqlCLI --no-status --execute=\"%s\"" body) ""))
      (push '("hdfql" . sql) org-src-lang-modes)
      (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("hq" . "src hdfql"))
    • The rest is cosmetics
    • See this GitHub repo for HDF5 support in Emacs
    • Fork and create a PR, if you are interested in pushing this forward!

Clinic 2021-12-21

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements

    Nothing to report.

  • Forum
    • Memory management in conversions of variable length data types
      • Reading data represented as HDF5 variable-length sequences. => hvl_t

        typedef struct {
            size_t len; /**< Length of VL data (in base type units) */
            void * p;   /**< Pointer to VL data */
        } hvl_t;
      • Who owns the memory attached to p?
      • The caller! Clean up w/ H5Dvlen_reclaim (pre-HDF5 1.12.x) or H5Treclaim (HDF5 1.12+)
    • Read/write compound containing `std::string` using native C hdf5 lib
      • Don't pass C++ objects as arguments to C library functions!
        • You might get lucky, but you are relying on compiler peculiarities.
          • Your luck will run out eventually.
      typedef struct {
          int     serial_no;
          std::string location;  // CHANGED FROM char* to std::string
          double  temperature;
          double  pressure;
      } sensor_t;
    • Merge 2 groups from the same h5 file
      • Simple example

        /G1/D + /G2/D ---> /G3/( Σ = /G1/D + G2/D )
      • In this simple example, we want to "append" the elements of the dataset /G2/D to the elements of the dataset /G1/D
      • Question: Is copying dataset elements problematic?
        Use virtual datasets! The also provides maximum flexibility in defining Σ and mapping the constituent datasets.
        • If you are using an older version of HDF5, you could define a dataset of region references to fake virtual datasets. This is much less convenient.
        Pedestrian approach: create a new (joint) dataset which can accommodate the constituent datasets and read and write the elements from the constituents.
        • Wrinkle: The constituent datasets are too large and to fit into memory.
          • Page your way through the constituents!

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • A GUI for HDFql
    • HDFql is the La-Z-Boy of HDF5 interfaces
      • SQL is convenient and concise because we say what we want (declarative) rather than how to do it (imperative).
    • Example (evaluate with C-c C-c):

      CREATE DATASET my_group/my_dataset AS double(3) ENABLE zlib LEVEL 0 VALUES(4, 8, 6)
      SELECT FROM DATASET my_group/my_dataset
    • Really?

      h5dump -p my_file.h5
    • Homework: What's the line count of an program written in C?
    • Emacs supports the execution of source code blocks in Org mode
    • HDFql comes with a command line interface
    • Combine the two w/ a snippet of Emacs Lisp code

      ;; We assume that HDFqlCLI is in the path and that is in
      ;; the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
      (defun org-babel-execute:hdfql (body params)
        "Execute a block of HDFql code with org-babel."
        (message "executing HDFql source code block")
         (format "HDFqlCLI --no-status --execute=\"%s\"" body) ""))
      (push '("hdfql" . sql) org-src-lang-modes)
      (add-to-list 'org-structure-template-alist '("hq" . "src hdfql"))
    • The rest is cosmetics:
      • Syntax highlighting ("font locking" in Emacs-speak)
      • Auto-indentation
      • Sessions
      • Ping me (Gerd Heber), if you are interested in pushing this forward!

On behalf of The HDF Group, I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Stay safe & come back next year!

Clinic 2021-12-07

Your Questions

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode
  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • We had a great webinar Accelerate I/O operations with Hermes
      • Stay tuned for the recording on YouTube
      • The Hermes project now has its forum category
        • Follow announcements, ask questions, participate!
    • Release of HDF5-1.13.0
      • An odd release number?
        • Experimental vs. maintenance releases see here
        • "Experimental" is not a fig leaf for "shoddy"
        • Experimental releases receive as much TLC as maintenance releases
      • Highlights:
        • VOL layer updates (DAOS, pass-through, async.)
        • VFD layer updates
          • Dynamic loading
          • GPUDirect VFD
      • Performance improvements
      • h5dwalk tool

        [ bin]$ mpiexec -n 4 ./h5dwalk -o show-h5dump-h5files.log -T ./h5dump
        [ bin]$ more show-h5dump-h5files.log
        Command: ./h5dump -n /home/riwarren/Sandbox/HDF5/GITHUB/hdf5/tools/testfiles/tnestedcmpddt.h5
        HDF5 "/home/riwarren/Sandbox/HDF5/GITHUB/hdf5/tools/testfiles/tnestedcmpddt.h5" {
          group /
          dataset /dset1
          dataset /dset2
          dataset /dset4
          dataset /dset5
          datatype /enumtype
          group /group1
          dataset /group1/dset3
          datatype /type1
    • VOL tutorial moved to January 14, 2022!
      • Covers the basics needed to construct a simple terminal VOL connector
      • Great New Year's resolution ;-)
  • Forum
    • Working with packed 12-bit integers
    • H5Datatype with variable length: How to set the values?
      • Too many half-baked HDF5 Java interfaces (including our own)
      • How can we better engage with that community?
      • HDFql?
    • Which layout shall I use?
      • Acquiring a lot of small (< 8K) messages
      • Which (dataset) layout is best for performance?
        • What is layout?
      • It depends…
        • How is performance measured?
        • How will the messages be accessed?
    • Controlling BTree parameters for performance reasons
      • Import large number of images (~5 million) as chunked datasets
      • ~10-20 million groups for indexing
      • Can B-tree parameters do magic? (No)
      • Two kinds of B-trees, file-wide configuration via FCPL

        // group links
        herr_t H5Pset_sym_k(hid_t plist_id, unsigned ik, unsigned lk);
        // dataset chunk index
        herr_t herr_t H5Pset_istore_k(hid_t plist_id, unsigned ik);
      • Other potential remedies
        • File format improvements
        • Reduce the number of objects by stacking images, e.g., by resolution
    • VFD SWMR beta 1 release
      • Will the HDF5 SWMR VFD be a plugin?
        • I don't know for sure.
          • No. See Dana's response.
    • Virtual Data Set

      For our application, we need to return an error in case the caller tries to read data from a VDS and some of the referenced files that store the requested data are not available.

      • Currently, users cannot change the error behavior of VDS functions
      • Pedestrian approach: parse the VDS metadata to detect missing files

Tips, tricks, & insights

No time for that, today.

Clinic 2021-11-23

Your Questions


Under Compatibility and Performance Issues we say

Not all HDF5-1.10 releases are compatible.

What does that mean and why?

  • API incompatibility (not file format!) introduced in HDF5 1.10.3
Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?
  • It appears to work for simple examples in sequential mode:
#include "hdf5.h"

#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  __label__ fail_file, fail_fspace, fail_dset;
  int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  hid_t file, fspace, dset, mspace;
  int data[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};

  if((file = H5Fcreate("sel.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) ==
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_file;

  if ((fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]) {10}, NULL)) ==
      H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_fspace;

  if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "ints", H5T_STD_I32LE, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                        H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dset;

  if ((mspace = H5Scopy(fspace)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_copy;

  // 1. Make a point selection in memory
  // 2. Make a hyperslab selection in the file
  // 3. Write
  if (H5Sselect_elements(mspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, 3, (hsize_t[]){3, 1, 6}) < 0 ||
      H5Sselect_hyperslab(fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET, (hsize_t[]){4}, NULL,
                          (hsize_t[]){1}, (hsize_t[]){3}) < 0 ||
      H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, mspace, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT, data) < 0) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_write;

  return retval;

  • The ouput file produce looks like this:

HDF5 "sel.h5" {
GROUP "/" {
   DATASET "ints" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 10 ) / ( 10 ) }
      DATA {
      (0): 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 6, 0, 0, 0

  • I have yet to try parallel mode

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

No time for that, today.

Clinic 2021-11-16

Your Questions


Under Compatibility and Performance Issues we say

Not all HDF5-1.10 releases are compatible.

What does that mean and why?

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Mochi - 2021 R&D100 Winner
    • Mochi project page
    • Collaboration between ANL, LANL, CMU, and The HDF Group
    • See Jerome Soumagne's HUG 2021 presentation
    • Changes in scientific workflows
    • Composable data services and building blocks
    • Micros-services rather than monoliths
    • A refined toolset for modern architectures and demanding applications
  • Who wants to share their favorite hack/trick?

Clinic 2021-11-09

Your Questions


Under Compatibility and Performance Issues we say

Not all HDF5-1.10 releases are compatible.

What does that mean and why?

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

We didn't get to this last time…

  • H5Dread / H5Dwrite Symmetry
    • Syntax

      herr_t H5Dwrite
        hid_t dset_id,
        hid_t mem_type_id,  // the library "knows" the in-file datatype
        hid_t mem_space_id, hid_t file_space_id,
        hid_t dxpl_id, const void* buf
      herr_t H5Dread
        hid_t dset_id,
        hid_t mem_type_id,  // the library "knows" the in-file datatype
        hid_t mem_space_id,  hid_t file_space_id,
        hid_t dxpl_id, void* buf
    • Necessary conditions for this to work out
      1. The in-memory (element) datatype must be convertible to/from the in-file datatype. (With the exception of VLEN strings, VLEN types a la hvl_t are not convertible to ragged arrays!)
      2. The dataspace selections in-memory and in the file must have the same number of selected elements. (Be careful when using H5S_ALL for one of mem_space_id or file_space_id!)
      3. The buffer must be big enough to hold at least the number of selected elements (in their native representation).
        • For parallel, the number of elements written/read by this MPI rank

Clinic 2021-11-02

Your Questions


Under Compatibility and Performance Issues we say

Not all HDF5-1.10 releases are compatible.

What does that mean and why?

Can a point selection be written to/read from a hypserslab selection? Does this work in parallel?

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
    • HDF5 1.10.8 Release
      • Release notes
        • CMake no longer builds the C++ library by default
        • HDF5 now requires Visual Studio 2015 or greater
        • On macOS, Universal Binaries can now be built
        • CMake option to build the HDF filter plugins project as an external project
        • Autotools and CMake target added to produce doxygen generated documentation
        • CMake option to statically link gcc libs with MinGW
        • File locking now works on Windows
        • Improved performance of H5Sget_select_elem_pointlist
        • Detection of simple data transform function "x"
      • Interesting figure
      • Under Compatibility and Performance Issues is
    • Try the HDF5 SWMR VFD Beta!
  • Forum
    • H5Dget_chunk_info performance for many chunks?
      • Task: Get all of the chunk file offsets + sizes
      • Solution: H5Dchunk_iter
      • Caveat: Currently only available in the development branch
      • Note: We covered this function and an example in our clinic on [2021-08-03 Tue]
    • Open HDF5 when it is already opened in HDFVIEW

      Is there a way (probably file access property) to open the file multiple times (especially when it is opened in HdfView) and allow to read/write it? May the problem be solved if I build hdf5 with multithreads option ON ?

      • Except for specific use cases (SWMR), this is a bad idea
      • Why? Remember this figure?


    • Append HDF5 files in parallel

      I have thousands of HDF5 files that need to be merged into a single file. Merging is simply to append all groups and datasets of one file after another in a new output file. The group names of the input files are all different from one another. In addition, all datasets are chunked and compressed.

      My question is how do I merge the files in parallel?

      My implementation consists of the following steps: …

      • That's a tough one
      • Two options
        1. Don't copy any data, just reference existing data (via external links)
        2. Copy data as fast as you can
          • (MPI) parallel make this more complicated
    • Reading variable length data from hdf5 file C++ API
      • Got milk matching H5Dread and H5Dwrite?

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • H5Dread / H5Dwrite Symmetry
    • Syntax

      herr_t H5Dwrite
        hid_t dset_id,
        hid_t mem_type_id,
        hid_t mem_space_id, hid_t file_space_id,
        hid_t dxpl_id, const void* buf
      herr_t H5Dread
        hid_t dset_id,
        hid_t mem_type_id,
        hid_t mem_space_id,  hid_t file_space_id,
        hid_t dxpl_id, void* buf
    • Necessary conditions for this to work out
      1. The in-memory (element) datatype must be convertible to/from the in-file datatype.
      2. The dataspace selections in-memory and in the file must have the same number of selected elements.
      3. The buffer must be big enough to hold at least the number of selected elements (in their native representation).
        • For parallel, the number of elements written/read by this MPI rank

Clinic 2021-10-28

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Who is afraid of h5debug?
    • A useful tool to explore the "guts" of the HDF5 file format
    • There's even a nice guided tour by Quincey Koziol from 2003
      • HDF5 1.4.5 was released [2003-02-02 Sun]
      • HDF5 1.6.0 was released [2003-07-03 Thu]
    • Compiling and running example1.c produces this output:

      %h5debug example1.h5
      Reading signature at address 0 (rel)
      File Super Block...
      File name (as opened):                             example1.h5
      File name (after resolving symlinks):              example1.h5
      File access flags                                  0x00000000
      File open reference count:                         1
      Address of super block:                            0 (abs)
      Size of userblock:                                 0 bytes
      Superblock version number:                         0
      Free list version number:                          0
      Root group symbol table entry version number:      0
      Shared header version number:                      0
      Size of file offsets (haddr_t type):               8 bytes
      Size of file lengths (hsize_t type):               8 bytes
      Symbol table leaf node 1/2 rank:                   4
      Symbol table internal node 1/2 rank:               16
      Indexed storage internal node 1/2 rank:            32
      File status flags:                                 0x00
      Superblock extension address:                      18446744073709551615 (rel)
      Shared object header message table address:        18446744073709551615 (rel)
      Shared object header message version number:       0
      Number of shared object header message indexes:    0
      Address of driver information block:               18446744073709551615 (rel)
      Root group symbol table entry:
         Name offset into private heap:                  0
         Object header address:                          96
         Cache info type:                                Symbol Table
         Cached entry information:
            B-tree address:                              136
            Heap address:                                680
    • It matches the output from 2003 except for
      • The root group's object header address is 96 (in 2021) vs. 928 (in 2003)
      • The root's B-tree is at 136 vs. 384
      • The root group's local heap is at 680 vs. 96
    • Happy HDF5 exploring!

Clinic 2021-10-19

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Something's compressed:
#include "hdf5.h"

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main()
  __label__ fail_file, fail_dtype, fail_dspace, fail_dcpl, fail_dset, fail_write;
  int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
  hid_t file, dspace, dtype, dcpl, dset;

  if ((file = H5Fcreate("vlen.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT))
      == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_file;

  if ((dtype = H5Tvlen_create(H5T_STD_I32LE)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dtype;

  if ((dspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]){2048},
                                 (hsize_t[]){H5S_UNLIMITED})) ==
      H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dspace;

  if ((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dcpl;

  if (H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 1, (hsize_t[]) {1024}) < 0 ||
      H5Pset_deflate(dcpl, 1) < 0
      //H5Pset_fletcher32(dcpl) < 0
      ) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dset;

  if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "dset", dtype, dspace, H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl,
                        H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
    retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
    goto fail_dset;

    int data[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
    size_t offset[] = {0, 1, 3, 6};
    hvl_t buf[2048];
    size_t i;

    // create an array that looks like this:
    // { {0}, {1,2}, {3,4,5}, {6,7,8,9}, ...}
    for (i = 0; i < 2048; ++i)
        size_t rem = i%4;
        buf[i].len = 1 + rem;
        buf[i].p = data + offset[rem];

    if (H5Dwrite(dset, dtype, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, buf) < 0)
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_write;






  return retval;

  • h5dump -pBH vlen.h5

HDF5 "vlen.h5" {
   ISTORE_K 32
GROUP "/" {
   DATASET "dset" {
      DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 2048 ) / ( H5S_UNLIMITED ) }
         CHUNKED ( 1024 )
         SIZE 5772 (5.677:1 COMPRESSION)
      FILTERS {

  • N.B. What's compressed are the in-file counterparts of hvl_t structures, not the integer sequences!
  • Filtering fails, if we enable Fletcher32

Clinic 2021-09-28

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?
  • Did Elena will answer that?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 references
    • HDF5 datatype
    • Pre-HDF5 1.12.0 referents limited to dataset regions and objects
    • Starting w/ HDF5 1.12.0 referents can be HDF5 attributes
      • Support for querying and indexing
      • API clean-up
    • Basic life cycle examples in RM

Clinic 2021-09-21

Clinic 2021-08-31

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?
  • Elena will answer that next week!

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Using a custom filter
    #include "hdf5.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    // an identity filter function which just prints "helpful" messages
    size_t filter(unsigned int flags, size_t cd_nelmts,
                  const unsigned int cd_values[], size_t nbytes, size_t *buf_size,
                  void **buf) {
      buf_size = 0;
      if (flags & H5Z_FLAG_REVERSE) {
        // read data, e.g., decompress data
        // ...
      } else {
        // write data, e.g., compress data
        // ...
      return nbytes;
    int main()
      // boilerplate
      __label__ fail_register, fail_file, fail_dspace, fail_dcpl, fail_dset,
      int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      hid_t file, dspace, dcpl, dset;
      // custom filter
      H5Z_class_t cls;
      cls.version = H5Z_CLASS_T_VERS; = 256;
      cls.encoder_present = 1;
      cls.decoder_present = 1; = "Identity filter";
      cls.can_apply = NULL;
      cls.set_local = NULL;
      cls.filter = &filter;
      // register the filter
      if (H5Zregister(&cls) < 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_register;
      if ((file = H5Fcreate("filter.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT))
          == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_file;
      if ((dspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]){2048},
                                     (hsize_t[]){H5S_UNLIMITED})) ==
          H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dspace;
      if ((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dcpl;
      // play with early chunk allocation and fill time
      if (H5Pset_filter(dcpl,, 0|H5Z_FLAG_MANDATORY, 0, NULL) < 0 ||
          //H5Pset_alloc_time(dcpl, H5D_ALLOC_TIME_EARLY) < 0 ||
          //H5Pset_fill_time(dcpl, H5D_FILL_TIME_NEVER) < 0 ||
          H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 1, (hsize_t[]) {1024}) < 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "dset", H5T_STD_I32LE, dspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                            dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      // write something to trigger the "compression" of two chunks
        int data[2048];
        if (H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data)
            < 0) {
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
          goto fail_write;
      // housekeeping
      // unregister the filter
      if (H5Zunregister( < 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
      return retval;

Clinic 2021-08-24

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 Compound Datasets and (Relational) Tables: Don't be fooled!
    • Append to compound dataset
    • 'Row' as in 'table row' or 'matrix row' share the same spelling, but that's where the similarity ends!
      • HDF5 datasets are not tables
    #include "hdf5.h"
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main()
      __label__ fail_file, fail_dspace, fail_dset, fail_extent;
      int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      hid_t file, dspace, dcpl, dset;
      if ((file = H5Fcreate("foo.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) ==
          H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_file;
      // create a 1D dataspace of indefinite extent, initial extent 0 (elements)
      if ((dspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]){0}, (hsize_t[]){H5S_UNLIMITED}))
          == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dspace;
      // allocate space in the file in batches of 1024 dataset elements
      if ((dcpl = H5Pcreate(H5P_DATASET_CREATE)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dcpl;
      if (H5Pset_chunk(dcpl, 1, (hsize_t[]){1024}) < 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      // create the dataset
      // (replace H5T_STD_I32LE with your favorite datatype)
      if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "(4-byte) integers", H5T_STD_I32LE, dspace,
                            H5P_DEFAULT, dcpl, H5P_DEFAULT)) ==
          H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      // grow from here!
      // "add one row"
      if (H5Dset_extent(dset, (hsize_t[]){1}) < 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_extent;
      // "add 99 more rows"
      // 100 = 1 + 99
      if (H5Dset_extent(dset, (hsize_t[]){100}) < 0) {
        retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_extent;
      // you can also shrink the dataset...
      return retval;

Clinic 2021-08-17

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?
Are there or should there be special considerations when preserving HDF-5 files for future use? I support a research data repository at University of Michigan and we occasionally receive these files (also netCDF and HDF-5 created by MATLAB).
  • HDF5 feature use
    • Relative paths, hard-coded paths (e.g., in external links)
    • Dependencies such as plugins
  • Metadata
    • Faceted search, catalog, digest
    • Check sums
  • TODO: Create some guidance!

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Alignment of Direct Write Chunks
      • Store large 1D datasets across multiple HDF5 file
      • Receive compressed chunks w/ fixed number of samples/chunk
      • Want to use direct chunk write
      • Problem: Chunks may contain boundary chunks containing samples that belong to different datasets in different files
      • Sub-optimal solution: Decompress the chunk, separate the samples, & use some kind of masking value on the next dataset
      • Better solution?

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Virtual Datasets (VDS)
    • Logically, HDF5 datasets have a shape (rank or dimensionality) and an element type
    • Physically, HDF5 datasets have a layout (in a logical HDF5 file): contiguous, chunked, compact, virtual
    • A virtual dataset is an HDF5 dataset of virtual layout (- duh!)
    • Virtual layout: some or all of the dataset's elements are stored in constituent datasets in the same or other HDF5 files, including other virtual datasets(!)
    • Like any HDF5 dataset, HDF5 datasets of virtual layout have a shape (a.k.a. dataspace) and an element type (a.k.a datatype)
    • Virtual datasets are constructed by specifying how selections(!) on constituent datasets map to regions in the virtual dataset's dataspace
    • Main API call: H5Pset_virtual

      2: herr_t H5Pset_virtual(hid_t       vds_dcpl_id,   // VDS creation properties
      3:                       hid_t       vds_dspace_id, // VDS dataspace
      4:                       const char* src_file_name, // source file path
      5:                       const char* src_dset_name, // source dataset path
      6:                       hid_t       src_space_id); // source dataspace select.
    • Sometimes multiple calls to H5Pset_virtual are necessary, but there's support for printf-style format strings to describe multiple source files & datasets
    • Typically, a VDS is just a piece of (HDF5-)metadata
    • How does that lead to a better solution? Use VDS to correct for data acquisition artifacts!
    • Two approaches
      1. Write the "boundary chunk" to both datasets/files
      2. Write the "boundary chunk" to only one dataset/file
    • In either case, we use VDS as a mechanism to construct the correct (time-delineated) datasets
    • Main practical differences between 1. and 2.:
      • Unless the data is WORM (write-once/read-many), there is a potential coherence problem in 1. because we have two copies of the halo data
      • When accessing a dataset whose boundary chunk ended up in another file, under 2., the HDF5 library has to open another file and dataset, and locate the chunk
    • The canonical VDS reference is RFC: HDF5 Virtual Dataset
      • Good source of use cases and examples
      • Not everything described in the RFC was implemented, e.g., datatype conversion
      • h5py has a nice interface for VDS

Clinic 2021-08-10

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • What is SWMR & what's new w/ VFD SWMR?
    • SWMR = Single Writer Multiple Readers
    • Use case: "Process collaboration w/o communication"
      • Read from an HDF5 file that is actively being written
      • "w/o communication" = no inter-process communication (IPC) required
    • That's a big ask!
      • How do we ensure that the readers don't read invalid, inconsistent, or corrupt data?
      • How do we ensure that readers eventually see updates?
        • Can we bound that delay?
      • Does this require any special HW/SW support?
    • Initial release in HDF5 1.10.0 (March 30 2016)
    • Limitations of the first implementation
      • No support for new items, e.g., objects, attributes, etc., no deletion
        • Dataset append only
      • Reliance on strict write ordering and atomic write guarantee as per POSIX semantics
        • Many file systems don't do that, e.g., NFS
      • Implementation touches most parts of the HDF5 library: high maintenance cost
    • What VFD SWMR brings
      • Arbitrary item and object creation/deletion
      • Configurable bound (maximum time) between write and read
      • Easier to maintain because of VFD-level implementation
      • Relaxed storage requirements, i.e., the implementation can be modified to support NFS or object stores
    • How is it done?
      • Writer generates periodic snapshots of metadata at points when it's known to be in a consistent state
        • These snapshot live outside the HDF5 file proper
      • Readers' MD requests are satisfied from snapshots or unchanged MD in the HDF5 file
      • Devil's in the detail, e.g., to guarantee time between write and read, we need to bound the maximum size of MD changes and use page buffering
        • See the RFC for the details

Clinic 2021-08-03

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?
I’m interested in PyDarshan and its analysis of HDF5 Darshan Logs. The current resource that I have is this. Any other reference or documentation that you could point out? Thank you (Marta Garcia, ANL)

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • New function H5Dchunk_iter
    • Lets you iterate over dataset chunks, for example, to explore variability in compression
    • Currently in the develop branch

    Let's write a simple "chunk analyzer!"

    • Basic idea

      Provide an HDF5 file name as the single argument.

      #include "hdf5.h"
      #include <stdlib.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      static herr_t visit_cb(hid_t obj, const char *name, const H5O_info2_t *info,
                             void *op_data);
      int main(int argc, char **argv)
        int retval = EXIT_SUCCESS;
        hid_t file;
        char path[] = {"/"};
        if (argc < 2) {
          printf("HDF5 file name required!");
          return EXIT_FAILURE;
        if ((file = H5Fopen(argv[1], H5F_ACC_RDONLY, H5P_DEFAULT)) ==
            H5I_INVALID_HID) {
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
          goto fail_file;
        // let's visit all objects in the file
        if (H5Ovisit(file, H5_INDEX_NAME , H5_ITER_NATIVE , &visit_cb, path,
                     H5O_INFO_BASIC) < 0) {
          retval = EXIT_FAILURE;
          goto fail_visit;
        return retval;
    • Callback for H5Ovisit
      static int chunk_cb(const hsize_t *offset, uint32_t filter_mask, haddr_t addr,
                          uint32_t nbytes, void *op_data);
      herr_t visit_cb(hid_t obj, const char *name, const H5O_info2_t *info,
                      void *op_data)
        herr_t retval = 0;
        char* base_path = (char*) op_data;
        if (info->type == H5O_TYPE_DATASET)  // current object is a dataset
            hid_t dset, dcpl;
            if ((dset = H5Dopen(obj, name, H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
              retval = -1;
              goto func_leave;
            if ((dcpl = H5Dget_create_plist(dset)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
              retval = -1;
              goto fail_dcpl;
            if (H5Pget_layout(dcpl) == H5D_CHUNKED) // dataset is chunked
                __label__ fail_dtype, fail_dspace, fail_fig;
                hid_t dspace, dtype;
                size_t size, i;
                int rank;
                hsize_t cdims[H5S_MAX_RANK];
                // get resources
                if ((dtype = H5Dget_type(dset)) < 0) {
                  retval = -1;
                  goto fail_dtype;
                if ((dspace = H5Dget_space(dset)) < 0) {
                  retval = -1;
                  goto fail_dspace;
                // get the figures
                if ((size = H5Tget_size(dtype)) == 0 ||
                    (rank = H5Sget_simple_extent_ndims(dspace)) < 0 ||
                    H5Pget_chunk(dcpl, H5S_MAX_RANK, cdims) < 0) {
                  retval = -1;
                  goto fail_fig;
                // calculate the nominal chunk size
                size = 1;
                for (i = 0; i < (size_t) rank; ++i)
                  size *= cdims[i];
                // print dataset info
                printf("%s%s : nominal chunk size %lu [B] \n", base_path, name,
                // get the allocated chunk sizes
                if (H5Dchunk_iter(dset, H5P_DEFAULT, &chunk_cb, NULL) < 0) {
                  retval = -1;
                  goto fail_fig;
        return retval;
    • Callback for H5Dchunk_iter
      int chunk_cb(const hsize_t *offset, uint32_t filter_mask, haddr_t addr,
                   uint32_t nbytes, void *op_data)
        // for now we care only about the allocated chunk size
        printf("%d\n", nbytes);
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Clinic 2021-07-27

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?
Is there any experience using HDF5 for MPI output with compression on a progressively striped Lustre system? We’re seeing some file corruption and we are wondering where the problem lies. - Sean Freeman
Nothing comes to mind that's related to that, but it might be good to see what MPI and MPI I/O backend the user is using, since we've had issues with ROMIO in the past for example. - Jordan Henderson
  • HPE MPT from SGI, not using ROMIO
  • Maybe an MVE?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • User-defined Properties
    • Use case: You want to pass property list-like things (dictionaries) around, your language doesn't have dictionaries, and you don't want to re-invent the wheel
      • You want to stay close to the "HDF5 way of doing things"
    • See General Property List Operations (Advanced)
    • You can define your own property list classes w/ pre-defined or "permanent" properties
    • You can insert "temporary" (= non-permanent) properties into any property list
    • WARNING: Permanent or temporary, none of this is persisted in the HDF5 file!
      • These property lists (and properties) get copied between APIs provided you've implemented the necessary callbacks
      • Depending on the property value types, make sure you implement proper resource management, or memory leaks might occur
    • It's an esoteric/advanced/infrequently used feature, but might be just what you need in certain circumstances

Clinic 2021-07-20

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?
Named types, what are the benefits?
Documentation and convenience. You don't have to (re-)create the datatype over and over. Just open it and pass the handle to attribute and dataset creations!

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Migrating pandas and local HF5 to HSDS
      • John Readey posted a nice comment referencing an article that shows how to map pandas dataframes to HDF5 via h5py
      • The same will also work w/ h5pyd
    • Local HSDS performance vs local HDF5 files
      • Interesting exchange of benchmark results
      • Data (response) preparation in HSDS seems to be slow
      • The big question is why HSDS is sending data at a 10x lower rate than a vanilla REST API (339 MB/s versus 4,384 MB/s)
    • MPI-IO file info actually used
      • The MPI_Info object returned by H5Pget_fapl_mpio does not return the full set of hints seen by MPI
    • Make a wish!
      • What small changes would make a big difference in your HDF5 workflow?
      • Chime in!

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 File Images
    • Use cases
      • In-memory I/O
      • Share HDF5 data between processes w/o a file system
      • Transmit HDF5 data packets over a network
    • See also Vijay Kartik's (DESY) presentation and slides from HUG 2021 Europe
    • Starting point: HDF5 core VFD
      • Replace the file (logical byte sequence) with a memory buffer
      • read, write -> memcpy
    • HDF5 file images generalize that concept
    • HDF5 file images can be exchanged between processes via IPC (shared memory segment) or a TCP connection
    • See section 4 (Examples) in the reference

      +++ Process A +++                          +++ Process B +++
      <Open and construct the desired file       hid_t file_;
      with the Core file driver>
      size = H5Fget_file_image(fid, NULL, 0);
      buffer_ptr = malloc(size);
      H5Fget_file_image(fid, buffer_ptr, size);
      <transmit size>                           <receive size>
                                                buffer_ptr = malloc(size)
      <transmit *buffer_ptr>                    <receive image in *buffer_ptr>
      <close core file>                         file_id = H5LTopen_file_image
                                                <read data from file, then close.
                                                 note that the Core file driver
                                                 will discard the buffer on close>

Clinic 2021-07-13

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

Clinic 2021-07-06

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • HDF5 ecosystem: HDFql
    • HDFql = Hierarchical Data Format query language
    • High-level and declarative
    • SQL is the gold standard for simplicity and power
      • Adapted to HDF5
    • A single guest language (HDFql) for multiple host languages (C, C++, Java, Python, C#, Fortran, R)
    • Seamless parallelism (multiple cores, MPI)
    • Example
      • Host language: Fortran
      • Find all datasets existing in an HDF5 file named data.h5 that start with temperature and are of data type float
      • For each dataset found, print its name and read its data
      • Write the data into a file named output.txt in an ascending order
      • Each value (belonging to the data) is written in a new line using a UNIX-based end of line (EOL) terminator
            PROGRAM Example
            USE HDFql
            INTEGER :: state
            state = hdfql_execute("USE FILE data.h5")
            state = hdfql_execute(
            "SHOW DATASET LIKE **/^temperature WHERE DATA TYPE == FLOAT")
      D     O WHILE(hdfql_cursor_next() .EQ. HDFQL_SUCCESS)
            WRITE(*, *) "Dataset found: ", hdfql_cursor_get_char()
            state = hdfql_execute(
            "SELECT FROM " // hdfql_cursor_get_char() //
            " ORDER ASC INTO UNIX FILE output.txt SPLIT 1")
            END DO
            state = hdfql_execute("CLOSE FILE")
            END PROGRAM
      CREATE FILE my_file.h5
      CREATE FILE experiment.h5 IN PARALLEL
      CREATE GROUP countries
      INSERT INTO measurements VALUES FROM EXCEL FILE values.xlsx
      SHOW ATTRIBUTE group2 LIKE **/1|3

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-06-29

Your Questions

Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • How do I delete an HDF5 item?
    • HDF5 item = something a user created and that gets stored in an HDF5 file
    • High-level view
    • Low-level view
      • Objects are reference-counted (in the object OHDR in the file!)
      • A positive reference count means the object is considered in-use or referenced
      • A zero reference count signals to the HDF5 library free space availability
      • If that free space can be used or reclaimed depends on several factors
        • Position of the gap (middle of the file, end of the file)
        • Intervening file closure
        • Library version free-space management and tracking support
        • Virtual File Driver support
      • A detailed description of file space management (including free space) can be found in this RFC
      • Highlights:
        • Pre-HDF5 1.10.x
          • Free space info is not persisted across file open/close epochs
            • Typical symptom: deleting an object in another epoch will not reduce file size
          • Use h5stat to discover the amount of free-/unused space
          • h5repack is the cheapest way to recover unused space
            • May not be practical for large files
        • HDF5 1.10.x+
          • Free space info can be persisted across file open/close epochs
            • Needs to be enabled in file creation property list
            • Set threshold on smallest quanta to be tracked
            • Combine with paged allocation!
      • The story too involved for most users
      • Summary
        • Don't create (in the file) what you don't need
        • Use h5stat to assess and h5repack to reclaim free space: don't obsess over a few KB!
        • If you really want to get into file space management, use HDF5 1.10.x+ and come back next time with a question!

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-06-22

Your Questions

What is the CacheVOL and what can I do with it? How can I use node-local storage on an HPC system?
  • Complexity is hidden from users
  • Use in conjunction w/ Async VOL
  • Data migration to and from the remote storage is performed in the background
  • Developed by NERSC w/ Huihuo Zheng as the lead developer
  • No official release yet
  • See this ECP BoF presentation (around slide 29)
  • GitHub
  • Spack integration
Will the HDF5 1.12.1 file locking changes be brought to 1.10.8?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • How do I use a newer HDF5 file format?
    • Versions
      • HDF5 library
      • File format specification
    • HDF5 library forward- and backward-compatibility
      The latest version of the library can read HDF5 files created with all earlier library versions
      A given version of the library can read all (objects in) HDF5 files created by later versions as long as they are compatible with this version.
    • By default, newer HDF5 library versions use settings compatible with the earliest library version
    #include "hdf5.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    int main()
      __label__ fail_fapl, fail_file;
      int ret_val = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      hid_t fapl, file;
        unsigned maj, min, rel;
        if (H5get_libversion(&maj, &min, &rel) < 0) {
          ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
          goto fail_fapl;
        printf("Welcome to HDF5 %d.%d.%d!\n", maj, min, rel);
      if ((fapl = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS)) < 0) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_fapl;
      // bracket the range of LIBRARY VERSIONS for object creation and access,
      // e.g., min. vers. 1.8, max. version current
      if (H5Pset_libver_bounds(fapl, H5F_LIBVER_V18, H5F_LIBVER_LATEST) < 0) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_file;
      if ((file = H5Fcreate("my.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, fapl)) < 0) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_file;
      // do something useful w/ FILE
      return ret_val;

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-06-15

Your Questions

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • File Locking (Dana Robinson)
    • Outline

      The basic file locking algorithm is simple:

      • On opening the file, we place the lock as described below. This is true for all file opens, not just SWMR (Single Write Multiple Readers).
      • For SWMR writers, this lock is removed after we flush the file's superblock.
      • All other processes will hold the lock until the file is closed or H5Fstart_swmr_write() is called.
    • Architecture

      File locking is handled in the native HDF5 virtual object layer (VOL) connector, so other VOL connectors (REST, etc.) don't do any locking.

      File locking is handled at the library level, not the virtual file level (VFL). Virtual file drivers (VFDs) do have to provide an implementation of the lock and unlock VFD operations for file locking to work, though. If a VFD doesn't provide a lock operation, file locking will be ignored when using that VFD. Most of the VFDs provided with the library are based on the POSIX SEC2 VFD (the default on all platforms, including Windows) and provide the locking I've described.

      The stdio VFD only uses flock(2) when it's available, it ignores file locking when it's not (e.g., on Windows). This is because the stdio VFD is a demo VFD that uses very little of the library's helper functions and macros and that's where the flock/fcntl/fail code lies.

      The MPI-IO VFD, as you might expect, ignores file locking.

    • SWMR

      The H5Fstart_swmr_write() API call will unlock the file after it flushes everything in memory.

      Related to the OS-level locking algorithm, if the file was opened by a SWMR writer (either by using the H5F_ACC_SWMR_WRITE flag at create/open or via H5Fstart_swmr_write()) it will have its superblock marked as such. This mark will prevent readers from opening the file unless they open it with the H5F_ACC_SWMR_READ flag.

      HDF5 1.8.x and earlier do not understand this version of the superblock and will return an error code when trying to open the file. This mark is cleared when the file is closed. If the writer crashes, you can remove the mark using the h5clear tool provided with the library.

    • UNIX/Linux, Non-Windows

      Compile time option:

                              Sets the default for whether or not to use file
                              locking when opening files. Can be overridden with
                              the HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING environment variable and
                              the H5Pset_file_locking() API call. best-effort
                              attempts to use file locking but does not fail when
                              file locks have been disabled on the file system
                              (useful with Lustre). [default=best-effort]

      You can disable all file locking at runtime by setting an environment variable named HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING to the string "FALSE".

      We preferentially use flock(2) in POSIX-like environments where it's available. If that is not available, we fall back on fcntl(2). If that is not found and not best effort, the lock operation uses an internal function that simply fails.

      With flock(2), we use LOCK_EX with read/write permissions and LOCK_SH with read-only. Both are combined with LOCK_NB to create non-blocking locks.

      With fcntl(2), we lock the entire file. We use F_WRLCK with read/write permissions and F_RDLCK with read-only.

    • Windows

      There is no locking on Windows systems since the Windows POSIX layer doesn't support that. File locking on Windows is just a no-op (as opposed to failing, as we do when neither flock(2) nor fcntl(2) are found). We'd need a a virtual file driver based on Win32 API calls to handle file locking on Windows.

      Windows uses the POSIX VFD as the default driver. We do not (yet) have a VFD that uses Win32 API calls like CreateFile(). The POSIX layer in Windows is incomplete, however, and does not include flock(2) or fcntl(2) so we simply skip file locking there for the time being.

      See below for an update!

    • Summary

      File locking is only implemented to help prevent users from accessing files when SWMR write ordering is not turned on (or when we're doing the superblock marking). It's not inherent to the SWMR algorithm, which is lock-free and instead based on write ordering.

    • Hot off the press

      In the 1.12.1-6-rc2 release notes, we find this entry:

      • File locking updates:
      File locks now work on Windows
      Adds BEST_EFFORT value to HDF5_USE_FILE_LOCKING environment variable
      Adds H5Pset/get_file_locking() API calls
      Adds --enable-file-locking=(yes|no|best-effort) option to Autotools

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-06-08

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Make a wish!
      • What small changes would make a big difference in your HDF5 workflow?
      • Great comments already
        • Revised filter interface
        • Updates to HDF5_PLUGIN_PATH
        • Amalgamated source
        • Modern language bindings for Fortran
      • Chime in!
    • Issue unlocking HDF5 file?
      • Case of poor documentation & flip-flopping on our part?
    • H5I_dec_ref hangs

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Jam-packed HDF5 Files - The HDF5 User Block
    • "Keeping things together." - mantra
      • Metadata and data
      • Stuff - a zip file of ancillary (non-HDF5) data, documentation, etc.
      • "HDF5 can be on the inside or the outside"
    • Reserved space at the beginning of an HDF5 file
      • Fixed size 2N bytes, min. size 512 KiB
      • Ignored by the HDF5 library
    • Tooling h5jam, h5unjam

        usage: h5jam -i <in_file.h5> -u <in_user_file> [-o <out_file.h5>] [--clobber]
      Adds user block to front of an HDF5 file and creates a new concatenated file.
        -i in_file.h5    Specifies the input HDF5 file.
        -u in_user_file  Specifies the file to be inserted into the user block.
                         Can be any file format except an HDF5 format.
        -o out_file.h5   Specifies the output HDF5 file.
                         If not specified, the user block will be concatenated in
                         place to the input HDF5 file.
        --clobber        Wipes out any existing user block before concatenating
                         the given user block.
                         The size of the new user block will be the larger of;
                          - the size of existing user block in the input HDF5 file
                          - the size of user block required by new input user file
                         (size = 512 x 2N,  N is positive integer.)
        -h               Prints a usage message and exits.
        -V               Prints the HDF5 library version and exits.
      Exit Status:
         0   Succeeded.
         >0  An error occurred.
      usage: h5unjam -i <in_file.h5>  [-o <out_file.h5> ] [-u <out_user_file> | --delete]
      Splits user file and HDF5 file into two files: user block data and HDF5 data.
        -i in_file.h5   Specifies the HDF5 as input.  If the input HDF5 file
                        contains no user block, exit with an error message.
        -o out_file.h5  Specifies output HDF5 file without a user block.
                        If not specified, the user block will be removed from the
                        input HDF5 file.
        -u out_user_file
                        Specifies the output file containing the data from the
                        user block.
                        Cannot be used with --delete option.
        --delete        Remove the user block from the input HDF5 file. The content
                        of the user block is discarded.
                        Cannot be used with the -u option.
        -h              Prints a usage message and exits.
        -V              Prints the HDF5 library version and exits.
        If neither --delete nor -u is specified, the user block from the input file
        will be displayed to stdout.
      Exit Status:
        0      Succeeded.
        >0    An error occurred.
    • Let's try this!

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-06-01

Your Questions

  • Does h5repack have any impact on reading?
    • What can h5repack do for you?
      • Reclaim unused file space
      • (Down-)Upgrade file format features
      • Change dataset layout
      • (Un-)Compress datasets
      • … (incomplete list! - Run h5dump --help!)
    • Yes, the read performance of a re-packed HDF5 file could be better or worse (or about the same).
  • Is there any difference in reading a variable/field if it is compressed or un-compressed? (This question came in at the end of our May 18 session.)
    • Assuming loss-less compression, no, in terms of value
    • Yes, most likely, because (de-)compression requires CPU-cycles
      • Potential reduction in I/O bandwidth
      • Pathology: the data size increases as a result of compression
    • HDF5 Data Flow Pipeline for H5Dread
  • Do you have recommendations for setting Figure of Merit (FOM) to measure/capture I/O improvements? Any consideration based on current supercomputers/hybrid systems, # of files used, kind of I/O (e.g. different for read than for write), HDF5 versions, HDF5 features, if using SSDs/Burst buffers, etc. What would be a good sample of FOM to follow?
    • Baseline, metric (file size, throughput, IOPs)
    • Large number of combinations? Perhaps polar diagrams? See this webinar around 15:18.

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Jam-packed HDF5 Files - The HDF5 User Block
    • "Keeping things together." - mantra
      • Metadata and data
      • Stuff - a zip file of ancillary (non-HDF5) data, documentation, etc.
      • "HDF5 can be on the inside or the outside"
    • Reserved space at the beginning of an HDF5 file
      • Fixed size 2N bytes, min. size 512 KiB
      • Ignored by the HDF5 library
    • Tooling h5jam, h5unjam

        usage: h5jam -i <in_file.h5> -u <in_user_file> [-o <out_file.h5>] [--clobber]
      Adds user block to front of an HDF5 file and creates a new concatenated file.
        -i in_file.h5    Specifies the input HDF5 file.
        -u in_user_file  Specifies the file to be inserted into the user block.
                         Can be any file format except an HDF5 format.
        -o out_file.h5   Specifies the output HDF5 file.
                         If not specified, the user block will be concatenated in
                         place to the input HDF5 file.
        --clobber        Wipes out any existing user block before concatenating
                         the given user block.
                         The size of the new user block will be the larger of;
                          - the size of existing user block in the input HDF5 file
                          - the size of user block required by new input user file
                         (size = 512 x 2N,  N is positive integer.)
        -h               Prints a usage message and exits.
        -V               Prints the HDF5 library version and exits.
      Exit Status:
         0   Succeeded.
         >0  An error occurred.
      usage: h5unjam -i <in_file.h5>  [-o <out_file.h5> ] [-u <out_user_file> | --delete]
      Splits user file and HDF5 file into two files: user block data and HDF5 data.
        -i in_file.h5   Specifies the HDF5 as input.  If the input HDF5 file
                        contains no user block, exit with an error message.
        -o out_file.h5  Specifies output HDF5 file without a user block.
                        If not specified, the user block will be removed from the
                        input HDF5 file.
        -u out_user_file
                        Specifies the output file containing the data from the
                        user block.
                        Cannot be used with --delete option.
        --delete        Remove the user block from the input HDF5 file. The content
                        of the user block is discarded.
                        Cannot be used with the -u option.
        -h              Prints a usage message and exits.
        -V              Prints the HDF5 library version and exits.
        If neither --delete nor -u is specified, the user block from the input file
        will be displayed to stdout.
      Exit Status:
        0      Succeeded.
        >0    An error occurred.
    • Let's try this!

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-05-25

Your Questions

  • Does h5repack have any impact on reading?
    • Yes, the read performance of a re-packed HDF5 file could be better or worse (or about the same).
  • Is there any difference in reading a variable/field if it is compressed or un-compressed? (This question came in at the end of our May 18 session.)
  • Do you have recommendations for setting Figure of Merit (FOM) to measure/capture I/O improvements? Any consideration based on current supercomputers/hybrid systems, # of files used, kind of I/O (e.g. different for read than for write), HDF5 versions, HDF5 features, if using SSDs/Burst buffers, etc. What would be a good sample of FOM to follow?
    • Baseline, metric
    • Large number of combinations? Perhaps polar diagrams? See this webinar around 15:18.

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • h5repack - Getting stuff done w/o writing a lot of code

    Sanity check:

    h5repack --help

    The output should look like this:

    usage: h5repack [OPTIONS] file1 file2
      file1                    Input HDF5 File
      file2                    Output HDF5 File
       -h, --help              Print a usage message and exit
       -v, --verbose           Verbose mode, print object information
       -V, --version           Print version number and exit
       -n, --native            Use a native HDF5 type when repacking
       --enable-error-stack    Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they
       -L, --latest            Use latest version of file format
                               This option will take precedence over the options
                               --low and --high
       --low=BOUND             The low bound for library release versions to use
                               when creating objects in the file
                               (default is H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST)
       --high=BOUND            The high bound for library release versions to use
                               when creating objects in the file
                               (default is H5F_LIBVER_LATEST)
       --merge                 Follow external soft link recursively and merge data
       --prune                 Do not follow external soft links and remove link
       --merge --prune         Follow external link, merge data and remove dangling link
       -c L1, --compact=L1     Maximum number of links in header messages
       -d L2, --indexed=L2     Minimum number of links in the indexed format
       -s S[:F], --ssize=S[:F] Shared object header message minimum size
       -m M, --minimum=M       Do not apply the filter to datasets smaller than M
       -e E, --file=E          Name of file E with the -f and -l options
       -u U, --ublock=U        Name of file U with user block data to be added
       -b B, --block=B         Size of user block to be added
       -M A, --metadata_block_size=A  Metadata block size for H5Pset_meta_block_size
       -t T, --threshold=T     Threshold value for H5Pset_alignment
       -a A, --alignment=A     Alignment value for H5Pset_alignment
       -q Q, --sort_by=Q       Sort groups and attributes by index Q
       -z Z, --sort_order=Z    Sort groups and attributes by order Z
       -f FILT, --filter=FILT  Filter type
       -l LAYT, --layout=LAYT  Layout type
       -S FS_STRATEGY, --fs_strategy=FS_STRATEGY  File space management strategy for
       -P FS_PERSIST, --fs_persist=FS_PERSIST  Persisting or not persisting free-
                               space for H5Pset_file_space_strategy
       -T FS_THRESHOLD, --fs_threshold=FS_THRESHOLD   Free-space section threshold
                               for H5Pset_file_space_strategy
       -G FS_PAGESIZE, --fs_pagesize=FS_PAGESIZE   File space page size for

    There's a lot of stuff to chew over, but let's focus on the examples:

    Examples of use:
    1) h5repack -v -f GZIP=1 file1 file2
       GZIP compression with level 1 to all objects
    2) h5repack -v -f dset1:SZIP=8,NN file1 file2
       SZIP compression with 8 pixels per block and NN coding method to object dset1
    3) h5repack -v -l dset1,dset2:CHUNK=20x10 -f dset3,dset4,dset5:NONE file1 file2
       Chunked layout, with a layout size of 20x10, to objects dset1 and dset2
       and remove filters to objects dset3, dset4, dset5
    4) h5repack -L -c 10 -s 20:dtype file1 file2
       Using latest file format with maximum compact group size of 10 and
       minimum shared datatype size of 20
    5) h5repack -f SHUF -f GZIP=1 file1 file2
       Add both filters SHUF and GZIP in this order to all datasets
    6) h5repack -f UD=307,0,1,9 file1 file2
       Add bzip2 filter to all datasets
    7) h5repack --low=0 --high=1 file1 file2
       Set low=H5F_LIBVER_EARLIEST and high=H5F_LIBVER_V18 via
       H5Pset_libver_bounds() when creating the repacked file, file2

    Let's create some test data and play!

    #include "hdf5.h"
    #include <assert.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define SIZE 1024*1024
    int main()
      int ret_val = EXIT_SUCCESS;
      hid_t file, fspace, dset;
      double* data = (double*) malloc(SIZE*sizeof(double));
      if ((file = H5Fcreate("foo.h5", H5F_ACC_TRUNC, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) ==
          H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_file;
      if ((fspace = H5Screate_simple(1, (hsize_t[]){ SIZE }, NULL)) ==
          H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_fspace;
      if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "sequential", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, fspace,
                            H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) ==
          H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
        data[i] = (double)i;
      if (H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data)
          < 0)
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
      if ((dset = H5Dcreate(file, "random", H5T_IEEE_F64LE, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                            H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i)
        data[i] = (double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX;
      if (H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL, H5P_DEFAULT, data)
          < 0)
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
      assert(ret_val == EXIT_SUCCESS);
      return ret_val;

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-05-18

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • When should you consider using chunked layout for a dataset?

    "Consider" means that you should also consider alternatives. None of the items listed below mandates chunked layout.

    • Considerations
      • I would like to use a compression or other filter w/ my data
      • I cannot know/estimate the data size in advance
      • I need the ability to append data indefinitely
      • My read/write pattern is such that contiguous layout would reduce performance
    • Caveats
      • What's a good chunk size?
      • Is my chunk cache the right size?
      • Compound types?
      • Variable-length datatypes?
      • Are there edge chunks?
    • Experimentation
      • Don't waste your time writing a lot of code!
        • Use a tool such as h5repack
        • Use intuitive and boilerplate-free language bindings for Python, Julia, or C++ that exist thanks to the HDF community

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

Clinic 2021-05-11

Your Questions

  • Where is the page that I'm showing?
  • How did we prepare the webinar radial diagrams?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

    Let us know!

Clinic 2021-05-04

Your Questions


Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • What is H5S_ALL all about?
      __label__ fail_update, fail_fspace, fail_dset, fail_file;
      hid_t file, dset, fspace;
      unsigned mode           = H5F_ACC_RDWR;
      char     file_name[]    = "d1.h5";
      char     dset_name[]    = "σύνολο/δεδομένων";
      int      new_elts[6][2] = {{-1, 1}, {-2, 2}, {-3, 3}, {-4, 4},
                                 {-5, 5}, {-6, 6}};
      if ((file = H5Fopen(file_name, mode, H5P_DEFAULT))
          == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_file;
      if ((dset = H5Dopen2(file, dset_name, H5P_DEFAULT))
          == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_dset;
      // get the dataset's dataspace
      if ((fspace = H5Dget_space(dset)) == H5I_INVALID_HID) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_fspace;
      // select the first 5 elements in odd positions
      if (H5Sselect_hyperslab(fspace, H5S_SELECT_SET,
                              NULL) < 0) {
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;
        goto fail_update;
      // (implicitly) select and write the first 5 elements of the second
      // column of NEW_ELTS
      if (H5Dwrite(dset, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL, fspace, H5P_DEFAULT,
                   new_elts) < 0)
        ret_val = EXIT_FAILURE;

Coming soon

  • Fixed- vs. variable-length string performance cage match
    • Contributed by Steven (Canada Dry) Varga
    • You don't want to miss that one!
  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

    Let us know!

Clinic 2021-04-27

Your questions

  • Question 1

    Last week you mentioned that one might use the Fortran version of the HDF5 library from C/C++ when working with column-major data. Could you say more about this? Is the difference simply how the arguments to the library functions are interpreted (e.g H5Screate, H5Sselect_hyperslab) are interpreted, or is it possible to discern from the file itself whether the data is column-major or row-major?

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • The h5stat tool
    Usage: h5stat [OPTIONS] file
         -h, --help            Print a usage message and exit
         -V, --version         Print version number and exit
         -f, --file            Print file information
         -F, --filemetadata    Print file space information for file's metadata
         -g, --group           Print group information
         -l N, --links=N       Set the threshold for the # of links when printing
                               information for small groups.  N is an integer greater
                               than 0.  The default threshold is 10.
         -G, --groupmetadata   Print file space information for groups' metadata
         -d, --dset            Print dataset information
         -m N, --dims=N        Set the threshold for the dimension sizes when printing
                               information for small datasets.  N is an integer greater
                               than 0.  The default threshold is 10.
         -D, --dsetmetadata    Print file space information for datasets' metadata
         -T, --dtypemetadata   Print datasets' datatype information
         -A, --attribute       Print attribute information
         -a N, --numattrs=N    Set the threshold for the # of attributes when printing
                               information for small # of attributes.  N is an integer greater
                               than 0.  The default threshold is 10.
         -s, --freespace       Print free space information
         -S, --summary         Print summary of file space information
         --enable-error-stack  Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they occur
         --s3-cred=<cred>      Access file on S3, using provided credential
                               <cred> :: (region,id,key)
                               If <cred> == "(,,)", no authentication is used.
         --hdfs-attrs=<attrs>  Access a file on HDFS with given configuration
                               <attrs> :: (<namenode name>,<namenode port>,
                                           <kerberos cache path>,<username>,
                                           <buffer size>)
                               If an attribute is empty, a default value will be

    Let's see this in action:

    File information
            # of unique groups: 718
            # of unique datasets: 351
            # of unique named datatypes: 4
            # of unique links: 353
            # of unique other: 0
            Max. # of links to object: 701
            Max. # of objects in group: 350
    File space information for file metadata (in bytes):
            Superblock: 48
            Superblock extension: 0
            User block: 0
            Object headers: (total/unused)
                    Groups: 156725/16817
                    Datasets(exclude compact data): 129918/538
                    Datatypes: 1474/133
                    B-tree/List: 21656
                    Heap: 33772
                    B-tree/List: 0
                    Heap: 0
            Chunked datasets:
                    Index: 138
                    Heap: 0
            Shared Messages:
                    Header: 0
                    B-tree/List: 0
                    Heap: 0
            Free-space managers:
                    Header: 0
                    Amount of free space: 0
    Small groups (with 0 to 9 links):
            # of groups with 0 link(s): 1
            # of groups with 1 link(s): 710
            # of groups with 2 link(s): 1
            # of groups with 3 link(s): 2
            # of groups with 4 link(s): 1
            # of groups with 5 link(s): 1
            Total # of small groups: 716
    Group bins:
            # of groups with 0 link: 1
            # of groups with 1 - 9 links: 715
            # of groups with 100 - 999 links: 2
            Total # of groups: 718
    Dataset dimension information:
            Max. rank of datasets: 1
            Dataset ranks:
                    # of dataset with rank 1: 351
    1-D Dataset information:
            Max. dimension size of 1-D datasets: 736548
            Small 1-D datasets (with dimension sizes 0 to 9):
                    # of datasets with dimension sizes 1: 1
                    Total # of small datasets: 1
            1-D Dataset dimension bins:
                    # of datasets with dimension size 1 - 9: 1
                    # of datasets with dimension size 100000 - 999999: 350
                    Total # of datasets: 351
    Dataset storage information:
            Total raw data size: 9330522
            Total external raw data size: 0
    Dataset layout information:
            Dataset layout counts[COMPACT]: 0
            Dataset layout counts[CONTIG]: 0
            Dataset layout counts[CHUNKED]: 351
            Dataset layout counts[VIRTUAL]: 0
            Number of external files : 0
    Dataset filters information:
            Number of datasets with:
                    NO filter: 1
                    GZIP filter: 0
                    SHUFFLE filter: 350
                    FLETCHER32 filter: 0
                    SZIP filter: 0
                    NBIT filter: 0
                    SCALEOFFSET filter: 0
                    USER-DEFINED filter: 350
    Dataset datatype information:
            # of unique datatypes used by datasets: 4
            Dataset datatype #0:
                    Count (total/named) = (1/1)
                    Size (desc./elmt) = (60/64)
            Dataset datatype #1:
                    Count (total/named) = (347/0)
                    Size (desc./elmt) = (14/1)
            Dataset datatype #2:
                    Count (total/named) = (2/0)
                    Size (desc./elmt) = (14/2)
            Dataset datatype #3:
                    Count (total/named) = (1/1)
                    Size (desc./elmt) = (79/12)
            Total dataset datatype count: 351
    Small # of attributes (objects with 1 to 10 attributes):
            # of objects with 1 attributes: 1
            # of objects with 2 attributes: 551
            # of objects with 3 attributes: 147
            # of objects with 4 attributes: 2
            # of objects with 5 attributes: 4
            # of objects with 6 attributes: 1
            Total # of objects with small # of attributes: 706
    Attribute bins:
            # of objects with 1 - 9 attributes: 706
            Total # of objects with attributes: 706
            Max. # of attributes to objects: 6
    Free-space persist: FALSE
    Free-space section threshold: 1 bytes
    Small size free-space sections (< 10 bytes):
            Total # of small size sections: 0
    Free-space section bins:
            Total # of sections: 0
    File space management strategy: H5F_FSPACE_STRATEGY_FSM_AGGR
    File space page size: 4096 bytes
    Summary of file space information:
      File metadata: 343731 bytes
      Raw data: 9330522 bytes
      Amount/Percent of tracked free space: 0 bytes/0.0%
      Unaccounted space: 5582 bytes
    Total space: 9679835 bytes

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

    Let us know!

Clinic 2021-04-20

Your questions

Last week's highlights

Tips, tricks, & insights

  • Do I need a degree to use H5Pset_fclose_degree?
    • Identifiers are transient runtime handles to manage HDF5 things
    • Everything begins with a file handle, but how does it end?
      • Files can be re-opened
      • Other files can be mounted in HDF5 groups
      • Traversal of external links may trigger the opening of other files and objects, but see H5Pset_elink_file_cache_size
    • What happens if a file is closed before other (non-file) handles?
      • File is closed if last open handle
      • Invalidate file handle and delay file close until remaining objects are closed
      • File is closed if last open handle
      • H5Fclose generates error if open handles remain
      • File is closed, closing any remaining handles if necessary.
      VFD decides, H5F_CLOSE_WEAK for most VFDs. Notable exception: MPI-IO - H5F_CLOSE_SEMI

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

    Let us know!

Clinic 2021-04-06

Your questions

  • Question 1

    We have observed that reading a dataset with variable-length ASCII strings and setting the read mem. type to H5T_C_S1 (size=H5T_VARIABLE / cset=H5T_CSET_UTF8), produces an error with “H5T.c line 4893 in H5T__path_find_real(): no appropriate function for conversion path”. However, if we read first another dataset of the same file that contains UTF8 strings and then the same dataset with ASCII strings, no errors are returned whatsoever and the content seems to be retrieved. Is this an expected behaviour, or are we missing something?

    • As a side note, the same situation can be replicated by setting the cset to H5T_CSET_ASCII and opening first the ASCII-based dataset before the UTF8-dataset, or any other combination, as long as the first call succeeded (e.g., opening the ASCII dataset with cset=H5T_CSET_ASCII, then opening the same ASCII dataset with cset=H5T_CSET_UTF8 also seems to work).
    • Tested using HDF5 v1.10.7, v1.12.0, and manually compiling the most recent commit on the official GitHub repository. The code was compiled with GCC 9.3.0 + HPE-MPI v2.22, but no MPI file access property was given (i.e., using H5P_DEFAULT to avoid MPI-IO).
    • Further information:

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • How can attributes of an existing object be modified?
      • There are several different "namespaces" in HDF5
      • Examples:
        • Global (=file-level) path names
        • Per object attribute names
        • Per compound type field names
        • Etc.
      • Some have constraints such as reserved characters, character encoding, length, etc.
      • Most importantly, they are disjoint and don't mix
        • Disambiguation would be too costly, if not impossible
    • HDF5DotNet library
      • There's perhaps a place for wrappers of the HDF5 C-API and and independent .NET native (=full-managed) solution (e.g., HDF5.NET)
      • SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) has come a long way
        • Should that be the path forward for HDF.PInvoke
        • We need greater automation and (.NET) platform independence
        • Focus on testing
        • Any thoughts/comments?
    • Parallel HDF5 write with irregular size in one dimension
      • Posted an example that shows how different ranks can write varying amounts of data to a chunked dataset in parallel. Some ranks don't write any data. The chunk size is chosen arbitrarily.

Tips & tricks

  • The "mystery" of the HDF5 file format
    • The specification published here can seem overwhelming. Part of the problem is that you are seeing at least three versions layered on top of each other.
    • The first (?) release was a lot simpler, and has all the core ideas
    • Once you've digested that, you are ready for the other releases and consider writing your own (de-)serializer
    • Don't get carried away: only a tiny fraction of the HDF5 library's code deals w/ serialization

Coming soon

  • What happens to open HDF5 handles/IDs when your program ends?
    • Suggested by Quincey Koziol (LBNL)
    • We'll take it in pieces
      • Current behavior
      • How async I/O changes that picture
  • Other topics of interest?

    Let us know!

Clinic 2021-03-30

Canceled because of ECP event.

Clinic 2021-03-23

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • How to convert XML to HDF5
      • There is no canonical conversion path, even if you have an XML schema
        • XML is simpler because elements are strictly nested
        • XML can be trickier because of element repetition and the non-obligatory nature of certain elements or attributes
      • Start w/ a scripting language that has XML (parsing) and HDF5 modules
        • Jannson works well if you prefer C
      • Consider XSLT to simplify first
    • HDF5DotNet library
      • It's been out of maintenance for many years
      • Alternatives: HDF.PInvoke (Windows only) and HDF.PInvoke.1.10 (.NET Standard)
        • Both are based on HDF5 1.10.x
      • Note: We (The HDF Group) are neither C# nor .NET experts. PInvoke is about the level of abstraction we can handle. We count on and rely on knowledgeable community members for advice and contributions.
      • There are many interesting community projects, for example, HDF5.NET:
        • Based on the HDF5 file format spec. & no HDF5 library dependence!
    • Parallel HDF5 write with irregular size in one dimension
      • Many of our examples s..k, and we have to do a lot better
        • Maybe we created them this way to generate more questions? :-/
      • HDF5 dataspaces are logical, chunks are physical
        • Write a (logically) correct program first and then optimize performance!

Tips & tricks

  • Large (> 64 KiB) HDF5 attributes
    import h5py, numpy as np
    with h5py.File('my.h5', 'w', libver='latest') as file:
        file.attrs['random[1024]'] = np.random.random(1024)
        file.attrs['random[1048576]'] = np.random.random(1024*1024)

    The h5dump output looks like this:

    gerd@guix ~/scratch/run$ h5dump -pBH my.h5
    HDF5 "my.h5" {
       OFFSET_SIZE 8
       LENGTH_SIZE 8
       BTREE_RANK 16
       BTREE_LEAF 4
       ISTORE_K 32
       USER_BLOCK {
          USERBLOCK_SIZE 0
    GROUP "/" {
       ATTRIBUTE "random[1024]" {
          DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
          DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1024 ) / ( 1024 ) }
       ATTRIBUTE "random[1048576]" {
          DATATYPE  H5T_IEEE_F64LE
          DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 1048576 ) / ( 1048576 ) }

    The libver='latest' keyword is critical. Running without produces this error:

    gerd@guix ~/scratch/run$ python3
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 6, in <module>
        file.attrs['random[1048576]'] = np.random.random(1024*1024)
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "/home/gerd/.guix-profile/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 100, in __setitem__
        self.create(name, data=value)
      File "/home/gerd/.guix-profile/lib/python3.8/site-packages/h5py/_hl/", line 201, in create
        attr = h5a.create(self._id, self._e(tempname), htype, space)
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 54, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/_objects.pyx", line 55, in h5py._objects.with_phil.wrapper
      File "h5py/h5a.pyx", line 47, in h5py.h5a.create
    RuntimeError: Unable to create attribute (object header message is too large)

    libver=('v108', 'v108') also works. (v108 corresponds to HDF5 1.8.x).

Clinic 2021-03-16

Your questions


Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Multithreaded writing to a single file in C++
      • Beware of non-thread-safe wrappers or language bindings!
      • Compiling the C library with --enable-threadsafe is only the first step
    • Reference Manual in Doxygen
    • H5Iget_name call is very slow for HDF5 file > 5 GB
      • H5Iget_name constructs an HDF5 path name given an object identifier
        • Use Case: You are in a corner of an application where all you've got is a handle (identifier) and you would like to render something meaningful to humans.
      • It's not so much the file size but the number and arrangement of objects that makes H5Iget_name slow
        • See the h5stat output the user provided!
      • What contributes to H5Iget_name being slow?
        • The path names are not stored in an HDF5 file (except in symbolic links…) and are created on-demand
        • In general, HDF5 arrangements are not trees, not even directed graphs, but directed multi-graphs
          • A node can be the target of multiple edges (including from the same source node)
          • Certain nodes (groups) can be source and target of an edge
      • *Take-Home-Message:*Unless you are certain that your HDF5 arrangement is a tree, you are skating on thin ice with path names!
        • Trying to uniquely identify objects via path name is asking for trouble
          • Use addresses + file IDs (pre-HDF 1.12) or tokens (HDF 1.12+) for that!
      • Quincey points out that
        • The library caches metadata that can accelerate H5Iget_name
        • But there are other complications

          • For example, you can have "anonymous" objects (objects that haven't

          been linked to groups in the file. i.e., no path yet)

          • Another source of trouble are objects that have been unlinked

Tips & tricks

  • How to open an HDF5 in append mode?

    To be clear, there is no H5F* call that behaves like an append call. But we can mimic one as follows:

    Credits: Werner Benger

     2: hid = H5Fcreate(filename, H5F_ACC_EXCL|H5F_ACC_SWMR_WRITE, fcpl_id, fapl_id);
     3: if (hid < 0)
     4:   {
     5:     hid = H5Fopen(filename, H5F_ACC_RDWR|H5F_ACC_SWMR_WRITE, fapl_id);
     6:   }
     8: if (hid < 0)
     9:   // something's going on...
    • If the file exists H5Fcreate will fail and H5Fopen with H5F_ACC_RDWR will kick in.
      • If the file is not an HDF5 file, both will fail.
    • If the file does not exist, H5Fcreate will do its job.

Clinic 2021-03-09

Your questions (as of 9:00 a.m. Central Time)

  • Question 1

    Is there a limit on array size if I save an array as an attribute of a dataset?

    In terms of the performance, is there any consequence if I save a large amount of data into an attribute?

    Size limit
    No, not in newer versions (1.8.x+) of HDF5. See What limits are there in HDF5?
    • Make sure that downstream applications can handle such attributes (i.e., use HDF5 1.8.x or later)
    • Remember to tell the library that you want to use the 1.8 or later file format via H5Fset_libverbounds (e.g., set low to H5F_LIBVER_V18)
    • Also keep an eye on H5Pset_attr_phase_change (Consider setting max_compact to 0.)
    It depends. (…on what you mean by performance)
    • Attributes have a different function (from datasets) in HDF5
      • They "decorate" other objects - application metadata
    • Their values are treated as atomic units, i.e., you will always write and read the entire "large" value.
      • In other words, you lose partial I/O
      • Several layouts available for datasets are not supported with attributes
        • No compression
  • Question 2

    Question regarding hdf5 I/O performance, compare saving data into a large array in one dataset Vs saving data into several smaller arrays and in several dataset. Any consequence in terms of the performance? Will there be any sweet spot for best performance? Or any tricks to make it reading/writing faster? I know parallel I/O but parallel I/O would need hardware support which is not always available. So the question is about the tricks to speed up I/O without parallel I/O.

    One large dataset vs. many small datasets, which is faster?
    It depends.
    • How do you access the data?
      • Do you always write/read the entire array in the order it was written?
      • Is it WORM (write once read many)?
        • How and how frequently does it change?
    • How compressible is the data?
      • Do you need to store data at all? E.g., HDF5-UDF
    • What is performance for you and how do you measure it?
    • What percentage of total runtime does your application spend doing I/O?
    • What scalability behavior do you expect?
    • Assuming throughput is the measure, create a baseline for your target system, for example, via FIO or IOR
      • Your goal is to saturate the I/O subsystem
      • Is this a dedicated system?
    • Which other systems do you need to support? Are you the only user? What's the future?
    • What's the budget?

Last week's highlights

  • Announcements
  • Forum
    • Get Object Header size
      • The user created a compound type with 100s of fields and eventually saw this error:

        H5Oalloc.c line 1312 in H5O__alloc(): object header message is too large
      • This issue was first raised (Jira-ticket HDFFV-1089 date) on Jun 08, 2009
      • Root cause: the size of header message data is represented in a 2 byte unsigned integer (see section IV.A.1.a and IV.A.1.b of the HDF5 file format spec.)
        • Ergo, header messages, currently, cannot be larger than 64 KB.
        • Datatype information is stored in a header message (see section IV.A.2.d)
        • This can be fixed with a file format update, but it's fallen through the cracks for over 10 years
      • The customer is always right, but who needs 100s of fields in a compound type?
        • Use Case: You have a large record type and you always (or most of the time) read and write all fields together.
        • Outside this narrow use case you are bound to lose a lot of performance and flexibility
      • You are Leaving the American Sector Mainstream: not too many tools will be able to handle your data
      • Better approach: divide-and-conquer, i.e., go w/ a group of compounds or individual columns
    • Using HDF5 in Qt Creator
      • Linker can't find H5::FileAccPropList() and H5::FileCreatPropList()
      • Works fine in release mode, but not in debug mode
      • AFAIK, we don't distribute debug libraries in binary form. Still doesn't explain why the user couldn't use the release binaries in a debug build, unless QT Creator is extra pedantic?
    • Reference Manual in Doxygen
    • H5Iget_name call is very slow for HDF5 file > 5 GB
      • H5Iget_nname constructs an HDF5 path name given an object identifier
        • Use Case: You are in a corner of an application where all you've got is a handle (identifier) and you would like to render something meaningful to humans.
      • It's not so much the file size but the number and arrangement of objects that makes H5Iget_name slow
        • See the h5stat output the user provided!
      • What contributes to H5Iget_name being slow?
        • The path names are not stored in an HDF5 file (except in symbolic links…) and are created on-demand
        • In general, HDF5 arrangements are not trees, not even directed graphs, but directed multi-graphs
          • A node can be the target of multiple edges (including from the same source node)
          • Certain nodes (groups) can be source and target of an edge
      • *Take-Home-Message:*Unless you are certain that your HDF5 arrangement is a tree, you are skating on thin ice with path names!
        • Trying to uniquely identify objects via path name is asking for trouble
          • Use addresses + file IDs (pre-HDF 1.12) or tokens (HDF 1.12+) for that!

Clinic 2021-03-02

Your questions

  • h5rnd
    • Question: How are generated HDF5 objects named? An integer name, or can a randomized string be used?
      • h5rnd Generates a pool of random strings as link names
      • Uniform length distribution between 5 and 30 over [a-z][A-Z]
    • Question: Does it create multi-dimensional datasets with a rich set of HDF5 datatypes? Compound datatypes, perhaps?
      • Currently, it creates 1,000 element 1D FP64 datasets (w/ attribute)
      • RE: types - anything is possible. Budget?
    • Question: Are named datatypes generated? If not, are these reasonable types of extensions for h5rnd?
      • Not currently, but anything is possible
  • Other questions?
    • Question: How do these extensions fit with the general intent and extensibility of h5rnd?
      • It was written as an illustration
      • Uses an older version of H5CPP
      • Labeling could be improved
      • Dataset generation under development
      • Some enhancements in a future version

Last week's highlights

  • Forum
    • External link access in parallel HDF5 1.12.0
      • Can't access externally linked datasets in parallel; fine in 1.10.x and in serial
      • It appears that someone encountered a known bug in the field
      • Dev. claim it's fixed in develop, waiting for confirmation from the user
    • H5I_dec_ref hangs
      • H5Idec_ref is one of those functions that needs to be used w/ extra care
      • Using mpi4py and h5py
      • User provided an MWE (in Python) and, honestly, there is limited help we can offer (as we are neither mpi4py nor h5py experts)
      • A C or C++ MWE might be the better starting point
    • h5diff exits with 1 but doesn’t print differences
      • Case of out-of-date/poor documentation
      • h5diff is perhaps the most complex tool (multi-graph comparison + what does '=' mean?)
      • Writing code is the easy part
      • We need to do better
    • Independent datasets for MPI processes. Progress?
      • Need some clarification on the problem formulation
      • Current status (w/ MPI) MD-modifying ops. must be collective
      • On the horizon: asynchronous operations (ASYNC VOL)
    • Writing to virtual datasets
      • Apparently broken when a datatype conversion (truncation!) is involved

Clinic 2021-02-23

Your questions

  • How to use H5Ocopy in C++ code?
    • Forum post

      sandhya.v250 (Feb 19)

      Hello Team, I want to copy few groups from one hdf5 file to hdf5 another file which is not yet created and this should be done inside the C++ code..can you please tell me how can I use this inside this tool

    • The function in question (there is also a tool called h5copy):

      herr_t H5Ocopy
       hid_t       src_loc_id,
       const char* src_name,
       hid_t       dst_loc_id,
       const char* dst_name,
       hid_t       ocpypl_id,
       hid_t       lcpl_id
    • The emphasis appears to be on C++
      • You can do this in C. It's just more boilerplate.
      • Whenever I need something C++, I turn to my colleague Steven Varga (= Mr. H5CPP)
      • He also created a nice random HDF5 file generator/tester (= 'Prüfer' in German)
  • Steven's solution (excerpt)

    The full example can be downloaded from here.

    Basic idea: Visit all objects in the source via H5Ovisit and invoke H5Ocopy in the callback.

     2: #include "argparse.h"
     3: #include <h5cpp/all>
     4: #include <string>
     6: herr_t ocpy_callback(hid_t src, const char *name, const H5O_info_t *info,
     7:                      void *dst_) {
     8:   hid_t* dst = static_cast<hid_t*>(dst_);
     9:   int err = 0;
    10:   switch( info->type ){
    11:   case H5O_TYPE_GROUP:
    12:     if(H5Lexists( *dst, name, H5P_DEFAULT) >= 0)
    13:       err = H5Ocopy(src, name, *dst, name, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    14:     break;
    15:   case H5O_TYPE_DATASET:
    16:     err = H5Ocopy(src, name, *dst, name, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
    17:     break;
    19:     ; // nop to keep compiler happy
    20:   }
    21:   return 0;
    22: }
    24: int main(int argc, char **argv)
    25: {
    26:   argparse::ArgumentParser arg("ocpy", "0.0.1");
    27:   arg.add_argument("-i", "--input")
    28:     .required().help("path to input hdf5 file");
    29:   arg.add_argument("-s", "--source")
    30:     .default_value(std::string("/"))
    31:     .help("path to group within hdf5 container");
    32:   arg.add_argument("-o", "--output").required()
    33:     .help("the new hdf5 will be created/or opened rw");
    34:   arg.add_argument("-d", "--destination")
    35:     .default_value(std::string("/"))
    36:     .help("target group");
    38:   std::string input, output, source, destination;
    39:   try {
    40:     arg.parse_args(argc, argv);
    41:     input = arg.get<std::string>("--input");
    42:     output = arg.get<std::string>("--output");
    43:     source = arg.get<std::string>("--source");
    44:     destination = arg.get<std::string>("--destination");
    46:     h5::fd_t fd_i = h5::open(input, H5F_ACC_RDONLY);
    47:     h5::fd_t fd_o = h5::create(output, H5F_ACC_TRUNC);
    48:     h5::gr_t dgr{H5I_UNINIT}, sgr = h5::gr_t{H5Gopen(fd_i,,
    49:                                                      H5P_DEFAULT)};
    50:     h5::mute();
    51:     if( destination != "/" ){
    52:       char * gname =;
    53:       dgr = H5Lexists(fd_o, gname, H5P_DEFAULT) >= 0 ?
    54:         h5::gr_t{H5Gcreate(fd_o, gname, H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT,
    55:                            H5P_DEFAULT)}
    56:         : h5::gr_t{H5Gopen(fd_i, gname, H5P_DEFAULT)};
    57:       H5Ovisit(sgr, H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_NATIVE, ocpy_callback, &dgr );
    58:     } else
    59:       H5Ovisit(sgr, H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, H5_ITER_NATIVE, ocpy_callback, &fd_o);
    60:     h5::unmute();
    61:   } catch ( const h5::error::any& e ) {
    62:     std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
    63:     std::cout << arg;
    64:   }
    65:   return 0;
    66: }
  • Parting thoughts
    • This is can be tricky business depending on how selective you want to be
    • H5Ovisit visits objects and does not account for dangling links, etc.
    • H5Ocopy's behavior is highly customizable. Check the options & play w/ h5copy to see the effect!
  • More Questions
    • Question 1

      I have an unrelated question. I have 7,000 HDF5 files, each 500 MB long. When I use them, should I open them selectively, when I need them, or is it advantageous to make one big file, or to open virtual files? I am interested in the speed of the different approaches.

      • 40 GbE connectivity
      • 10 contiguously laid out Datasets per file => ~50 MB per dataset
      • Always reading full datasets
      • Considerations:
        • If you have the RAM and use all data in an "epoch" just read whole files and use HDF5 file images for "in-memory I/O."
        • You could maintain an index file I which contains external links (one for each of the 7,000 files), and a dataset which for each external file and dataset contains the offset of the dataset in the file. You would keep I (small!) in memory and, for each dataset request, read the ~50MB directly w/o the HDF5 library. This assumes that no datatype conversion is necessary and you have no trouble interpreting the bytes.
        • A variation of the previous approach would be for the stub-file to contain HDF5 virtual datasets, datasets stitched together from other datasets. This would we a good option, if you wanted to simplify your application code and make everything appear as a single large HDF5 file. It'd be important though to have that (small) stub-file on the clients in memory to not incur a high latency penalty.
        • Both approaches can be easily parallelized, assuming read-only access. If there are writers involved, it's still doable, but additional considerations apply.

      Another question: what is the recommended way to combine Python with C++ with C++ reading in and working on large hdf5 files that require a lot of speed.

      • To be honest, we ran out of time and I (GH) didn't fully grasp the question.
      • Steven said something about Julia
      • Henric uses Boost Python. What about Cython?
      • What's the access pattern?

        Let's continue the discussion on the forum or come back next week!

Last week's highlights


  • The h5copy command line tool
    gerd@guix ~$ h5copy
    usage: h5copy [OPTIONS] [OBJECTS...]
          -i, --input        input file name
          -o, --output       output file name
          -s, --source       source object name
          -d, --destination  destination object name
          -h, --help         Print a usage message and exit
          -p, --parents      No error if existing, make parent groups as needed
          -v, --verbose      Print information about OBJECTS and OPTIONS
          -V, --version      Print version number and exit
                      Prints messages from the HDF5 error stack as they occur.
          -f, --flag         Flag type
          Flag type is one of the following strings:
          shallow     Copy only immediate members for groups
          soft        Expand soft links into new objects
          ext         Expand external links into new objects
          ref         Copy references and any referenced objects, i.e., objects
                      that the references point to.
                        Referenced objects are copied in addition to the objects
                      specified on the command line and reference datasets are
                      populated with correct reference values. Copies of referenced
                      datasets outside the copy range specified on the command line
                      will normally have a different name from the original.
                        (Default:Without this option, reference value(s) in any
                      reference datasets are set to NULL and referenced objects are
                      not copied unless they are otherwise within the copy range
                      specified on the command line.)
          noattr      Copy object without copying attributes
          allflags    Switches all flags from the default to the non-default setting
          These flag types correspond to the following API symbols

Clinic 2021-02-09

THIS MEETING IS BEING RECORDED and the recording will be available on The HDF Group's YouTube channel. Remember to subscribe!


This is a meeting dedicated to your questions.

In the unlikely event there aren't any

We have a few prepared topics (forum posts, announcements, etc.)

Sometimes life deals you an HDF5 file

No question is too small. We are here to learn. All of us.

Meeting Etiquette

Be social, turn on your camera (if you've got one)

Talking to black boxes isn't fun.

Raise your hand to signal a contribution (question, comment)

Mute yourself while others are speaking, be ready to participate.

Be mindful of your "airtime"

We want to cover as many of your topics as possible. Be fair to others.

Introduce yourself

  1. Your Name
  2. Your affiliation/organization/group
  3. One reason why you are here today

Use the shared Google doc for questions and code snippets

The link can be found in the chat window.

When the 30 min. timer runs out, this meeting is over.

Continue the discussion on the HDF Forum or come back next week!


Don't miss our next webinar about data virtualization with HDF5-UDF and how it can streamline your work

  • Presented by Lucas Villa Real (IBM Research)
  • Feb 12, 2021 11:00 AM in Central Time (US and Canada)
  • Sign-up link

Bug-of-the-Week Award (my candidate)

  • Write data to variable length string attribute by Kerim Khemraev
  • Jira issue HDFFV-11215
  • Quick demonstration

    #include "hdf5.h"
    #include <filesystem>
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #define H5FILE_NAME "Attributes.h5"
    #define ATTR_NAME   "VarLenAttr"
    namespace fs = std::filesystem;
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
      hid_t file, attr;
      auto attr_type = H5Tcopy(H5T_C_S1);
      H5Tset_size(attr_type, H5T_VARIABLE);
      H5Tset_cset(attr_type, H5T_CSET_UTF8);
      auto make_scalar_attr = [](auto& file, auto& attr_type)
        -> hid_t
        auto attr_space  = H5Screate(H5S_SCALAR);
        auto result = H5Acreate(file, ATTR_NAME,
                                attr_type, attr_space,
                                H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
        return result;
      if( !fs::exists(H5FILE_NAME) )
        { // If the file doesn't exist we create it &
          // add a root group attribute
          std::cout << "Creating file...\n";
          file = H5Fcreate(H5FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_TRUNC,
                           H5P_DEFAULT, H5P_DEFAULT);
          attr = make_scalar_attr(file, attr_type);
        { // File exists: we either delete the attribute and
          // re-create it, or we just re-write it.
          std::cout << "Opening file...\n";
          file = H5Fopen(H5FILE_NAME, H5F_ACC_RDWR, H5P_DEFAULT);
    #ifndef REWRITE_ONLY
          H5Adelete(file, ATTR_NAME);
          attr = make_scalar_attr(file, attr_type);
          attr = H5Aopen(file, ATTR_NAME, H5P_DEFAULT);
      // Write or re-write the attribute
      const char* data[1] = { "Let it be λ!" };
      H5Awrite(attr, attr_type, data);
      hsize_t size;
      H5Fget_filesize(file, &size);
      std::cout << "File size: " << size << " bytes\n";

Documentation update

Clinic 2021-02-16

Your questions

Last week's highlights


  • What (if any) are the ACID properties of HDF5 operations?
    • Split-state

      The state of an open (for RW) HDF5 file is split between RAM and persistent storage. Often the partial states will be out of sync. In the event of a "catastrophic" failure (power outage, application crash, system crash), it is impossible to predict what the partial state on disk will be.

      skinparam componentStyle rectangle
      package "HDF5 File State" {
          database "Disk" {
              [Partial State 1]
          cloud "RAM" {
              [Partial State 2]


    • Non-transactional

      The main reason why it is impossible to predict the outcome is that HDF5 operations are non-transactional. By 'transaction' I mean a collection of operations (and the effects of their execution) on the physical and abstract application state. In particular, there are no concepts of beginning a transaction, a commit, or a roll-back. Since they are not transactional, it is not straightforward to speak about the ACID properties of HDF5 operations.

    • File system facilities

      People sometimes speak about ACID properties with respect to file system operations. Although the HDF5 library relies on file system operations for the implementation of HDF5 operations, the correspondence is not as direct as might wish. For example, what appears as a single HDF5 operation to the user often includes multiple file system operations. Several file system operations have a certain property only at the level of a single operation, but not multiple operations combined.

    • ACID
      All changes to an HDF5 file's state must complete or fail as a whole unit.
      • Supported in HDF5? No.
      • Some file systems only support single op. atomicity, if at all.
      • A lot of HDF5 operations are in-place; mixed success -> impossible to recover
      An operation is a correct transformation of the HDF5 file's state.
      • Supported in HDF5? Yes and No
      • Depends on one's definition of HDF5 file/object integrity constraints
      • Assuming we are dealing with a correct program
      • Special case w/ multiple processes: Single Writer Multiple Reader
      Isolation (serialization)
      Even though operations execute concurrently, it appears to each operation, OP, that others executed either before OP or after OP, but not both.
      • Supported in HDF5? No.
      • Depends on concurrency scenario and requires special configuration (e.g., MT, MPI).
      • Time-of-check-time-of-use vulnerability
      Once an operation completes successfully, it's changes to the file's state survive failure.
      • Supported in HDF5? No.
      • "Split brain"
      • No transaction log

Author: gerd

Created: 2022-11-29 Tue 12:05
