H5 | |
AbstractDs | AbstractDs is an abstract base class, inherited by Attribute and DataSet |
ArrayType | Class ArrayType inherits from DataType and provides wrappers for the HDF5's Array Datatypes |
AtomType | AtomType is a base class, inherited by IntType, FloatType, StrType, and PredType |
Attribute | Class Attribute operates on HDF5 attributes |
CommonFG | CommonFG is an abstract base class of H5File and H5Group |
CompType | CompType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 compound datatypes |
DataSet | Class DataSet operates on HDF5 datasets |
DataSpace | Class DataSpace inherits from IdComponent and provides wrappers for the HDF5's dataspaces |
DataType | Class DataType provides generic operations on HDF5 datatypes |
DSetCreatPropList | Class DSetCreatPropList inherits from ObjCreatPropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 dataset creation property functions |
DSetMemXferPropList | Class DSetCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 dataset memory and transfer property list |
EnumType | EnumType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 enum datatypes |
Exception | Exception provides wrappers of HDF5 error handling functions |
FileIException | |
GroupIException | |
DataSpaceIException | |
DataTypeIException | |
PropListIException | |
DataSetIException | |
AttributeIException | |
ReferenceException | |
LibraryIException | |
LocationException | |
IdComponentException | |
FileAccPropList | Class FileAccPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 file access property list |
FileCreatPropList | Class FileCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 file create property list |
H5File | Class H5File represents an HDF5 file |
FloatType | FloatType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 floating point datatype |
Group | Class Group represents an HDF5 group |
IdComponent | Class IdComponent provides wrappers of the C functions that operate on an HDF5 identifier |
IntType | IntType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 integer datatype |
LinkAccPropList | Class LinkAccPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 file access property list |
H5Library | Class H5Library operates the HDF5 library globably |
UserData4Aiterate | |
H5Location | H5Location is an abstract base class, providing a collection of wrappers of the C functions that take a location identifier, which can be either file, group, dataset, attribute, or named datatype |
H5Object | Class H5Object is a bridge between H5Location and DataSet, DataType, and Group |
ObjCreatPropList | Class ObjCreatPropList inherits from PropList and provides wrappers for the HDF5 file create property list |
PredType | Class PredType holds the definition of all the HDF5 predefined datatypes |
PropList | Class PropList provides operations for generic property lists |
StrType | StrType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 string datatype |
VarLenType | VarLenType is a derivative of a DataType and operates on HDF5 C's Variable-length Datatypes |