The following discussion assumes the use of a UNIX operating system.
When creating your own HDF5 product, there are two header files that should be included, read_vhlhdf.h and write_vhlhdf.h.
When compiling a binary, there are three libraries that must be linked in; these are libhlhdf.a, libhdf5.a and libz.a. It is also possible to link the shared library instead of libhdf5.a.
The HL-HDF package was installed with a file that can be included in your own Makefile in order to get the correct paths to both the zlib and the hdf5 library. It also contains information on which C-compiler the HL-HDF package was compiled with and some other goodies.
A simple Makefile could look like this:
include /usr/local/hlhdf/mkf/ HLHDF_INCDIR = -I/usr/local/hlhdf/include HLHDF_LIBDIR = -L/usr/local/hlhdf/lib CFLAGS = $(OPTS) $(DEFS) -I. $(ZLIB_INCDIR) $(HDF5_INCDIR) \ $(HLHDF_INCDIR) LDFLAGS = -L. $(ZLIB_LIBDIR) $(HDF5_LIBDIR) $(HLHDF_LIBDIR) LIBS = -lhlhdf -lhdf5 -lz -lm TARGET=myTestProgram SOURCES=test_program.c OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.c=.o) all: $(TARGET) $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) $(CC) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) clean: @\rm -f *.o *~ so_locations core distclean: clean @\rm -f $(TARGET) distribution: @echo "Would bring the latest revision upto date" install: @$(HL_INSTALL) -f -o -C $(TARGET) ${MY_BIN_PATH}/$(TARGET)
Now, when the Makefile has been created, it might be a good idea to write your own HDF5 product. The following example will create a dataset with a two-dimensional array of integers, and two attributes connected to this dataset. It will also create a group containing one attribute.
#include <read_vhlhdf.h> #include <write_vhlhdf.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { HL_NodeList* aList=NULL; HL_Node* aNode=NULL; int* anArray=NULL; int anIntValue; float aFloatValue; hsize_t dims[]={10,10}; int npts=100; int i; initHlHdf(); /* Initialize the HL-HDF library */ debugHlHdf(2); /* Activate debugging */ if(!(aList = newHL_NodeList())) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate nodelist"); goto fail; } if(!(anArray = malloc(sizeof(int)*npts))) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to allocate memory for array."); goto fail; } for(i=0;i<npts;i++) anArray[i]=i; addNode(aList,(aNode = newHL_Group("/group1"))); addNode(aList,(aNode = newHL_Attribute("/group1/attribute1"))); anIntValue=10; setScalarValue(aNode,sizeof(anIntValue),(unsigned char*)&anIntValue,"int",-1); addNode(aList,(aNode = newHL_Dataset("/dataset1"))); setArrayValue(aNode,sizeof(int),2,dims,(unsigned char*)anArray,"int",-1); addNode(aList,(aNode = newHL_Attribute("/dataset1/attribute2"))); anIntValue=20; setScalarValue(aNode,sizeof(anIntValue),(unsigned char*)&anIntValue,"int",-1); addNode(aList,(aNode = newHL_Attribute("/dataset1/attribute3"))); aFloatValue=99.99; setScalarValue(aNode,sizeof(aFloatValue),(unsigned char*)&aFloatValue, "float",-1); strcpy(aList->filename,"written_hdffile.hdf"); writeNodeList(aList,6); freeHL_NodeList(aList); exit(0); return 0; /* Won't come here */ fail: freeHL_NodeList(aList); exit(1); return 1; /* Won't come here */ }
When you have created your own HDF5 product, it might be a good idea to create some code for reading this file and checking its contents.
#include <read_vhlhdf.h> #include <write_vhlhdf.h> int main(int argc, char** argv) { HL_NodeList* aList=NULL; HL_Node* aNode=NULL; int* anArray=NULL; int anIntValue; float aFloatValue; int npts; int i; initHlHdf(); /* Initialize the HL-HDF library */ debugHlHdf(2); /* Activate debugging */ if(!(aList = readHL_NodeList("written_hdffile.hdf"))) { fprintf(stderr,"Failed to read nodelist\n"); goto fail; } selectAllNodes(aList); /* Select everything for retrival */ fetchMarkedNodes(aList); if((aNode = getNode(aList,"/group1"))) printf("%s exists\n",aNode->name); if((aNode = getNode(aList,"/group1/attribute1"))) { memcpy(&anIntValue,aNode->data,aNode->dSize); printf("%s exists and have value %d\n",aNode->name,anIntValue); } if((aNode = getNode(aList,"/dataset1"))) { anArray = (int*)aNode->data; npts = 1; for(i=0;i<aNode->ndims;i++) npts*=aNode->dims[i]; printf("%s exists and has the values:\n",aNode->name); for(i=0;i<npts;i++) { printf("%d ", anArray[i]); if((i%aNode->dims[0])==0) { printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); } if((aNode = getNode(aList,"/dataset1/attribute2"))) { memcpy(&anIntValue,aNode->data,aNode->dSize); printf("%s exists and have the value %d\n",aNode->name,anIntValue); } if((aNode = getNode(aList,"/dataset1/attribute3"))) { memcpy(&aFloatValue,aNode->data,aNode->dSize); printf("%s exists and have the value %f\n",aNode->name,aFloatValue); } freeHL_NodeList(aList); exit(0); return 0; /* Never reached */ fail: freeHL_NodeList(aList); exit(1); return 1; /* Never reached */ }