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This web site is no longer maintained (but will remain online).
Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.

Newsletter #107
May 15, 2009


Release of HDF5 1.8.3

As of May 14th, the HDF5 1.8.3 release has been made available from the HDF5 home page.

The HDF5 Home Page is located here:


To download HDF5 1.8.3, see this page:


There are several new features and changes in HDF5 1.8.3, which include:

Please refer to the Release Notes for a comprehensive list of new features and changes in this release:


Release of HDF5 1.6.9

The HDF5 1.6.9 release is now available, and can be downloaded from the HDF5 Home Page, at:


The download page for HDF5 1.6.9 is located here:


HDF5 1.6.9 is a minor release with a few new features and changes. Please refer to the Release Notes for a detailed list of what changed in this release:


Status of HDF5 1.6

Please note that there will only be one more release of HDF5 1.6 (version HDF5 1.6.10), due out in November 2009. Although it is not yet urgent to move to the HDF5 1.8 release, users are encouraged to do so when possible.

Support Status of .NET 2003

HDF5 1.6.9 and HDF5 1.8.3 are the last HDF5 releases to support .NET 2003.

- - Last modified: 14 October 2016