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Please see The HDF Group's new Support Portal for the latest information.

Newsletter #140
May 15, 2014


Release of HDF5 1.8.13

The HDF5-1.8.13 release is now available and can be downloaded from The HDF Group Downloads page:


It can also be obtained directly from:


HDF5-1.8.13 is a minor release with a few new features and changes. Important changes include:

This release contains many other changes that are not listed here. Please be sure to read the Release Notes for a comprehensive list of new features and changes:


Changes that affect maintainers of HDF5-dependent applications are listed in HDF5 Software Changes from Release to Release. See:


Future Changes to Supported Platforms

Please be aware that after this release, we will be moving to CMake 3.0 and will add testing for VS 2013. VS 2012 will remain the standard.

In addition, we will only support Cygwin built with CMake and will be dropping VS 2010.

- - Last modified: 14 October 2016