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Some organizations who use HDF
- Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE)
- The ACE spacecraft was launched on August 25, 1997, with a primary
mission of observing energetic particles within the solar system.
The data
from the ACE spacecraft is available to the scientific community and is
stored in HDF format.
In addition, the ACE Science Center (ASC) has written a perl program ( which takes a data structure definition (an include file) as input and generates all the HDF calls needed to read and write the data record. - Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometers (AVHRR) Land Pathfinder
- Aerodyne Research, Inc.
- Aerodyne's Center for Optical
Signature Recognition is primarily using HDF as a means to pass
information from one application to another. HDF provides a simple way to
interface Aerodyne's software with external packages such as GTV
(Georgia Tech Vision Model), GTSIMS and SPIRITS (Spectral and Inband
Radiometric Imaging of Targets and Scenes).
- Aeronautic Technological Center, Brazil
- Using HDF in Meteorological research. (7/06)
- AIP (Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam)
- Using HDF4 in field of Astrophysics Jet Formation. (3/02)
- American Museum of Natural History, New York
- Using HDF4 in gas dynamical and MHD simulations of star formation
and the str ISM; also teaching a class on this at Columbia U.
using HDF files. (Alliance/NPACI User, 1/03)
- Allegheny County Health Department, Pennsylvania
- Using HDF4 in field of health care. (12/03)
- ANL-Advanced Photon Source (ASC
User, 5/02)
- Atlantis Scientific Inc., Canada
- Using HDF4 in Hyperspectral processing. (EOS User, 6/03)
- ARM - Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program
- The Atmospheric and Oceanic Group
- The Atmospheric and Oceanic Group at NCSA is involved in a variety of projects that tie the latest in technological advances
to research and educational endeavors. The
PATHFINDER Project's primary goal is to provide powerful, yet easy to
use visualization tools for atmospheric and oceanic data by augmenting
existing commercial and public domain software packages.
- Belgium Institute for Space Aeronomy
- Uses HDF4 in assimilation of atmospheric chemistry (EOS User). (2/02)
- Ben Gurion University, Israel
- Using HDF to manipulate data and images obtained from an
Scanning Tunneling Microscope. (6/05)
- Breecon Projects, South Africa
- Field: Diamond mining. They are looking for ancient
river flows which could bear minerals around southern Africa. (2/04)
- Using HDF and HDF5 in field of desertification. (2/05)
- CD Adapco Group
- Using HDF for data exchange between CFD and aero acoustic codes. (10/03)
- Center for Astrophysics and Space Science
- Using HDF and HDF5 in field of astronomy. (9/16/02)
- Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling (CISM)
- Using HDF4 in space weather prediction based upon massively parallel
computations using physics-based models. (7/03)
- Center for Simulation of Advanced Rockets (CSAR)
- CSAR is one of five university-based research centers funded by the U.S.
Department of Energy as part of the Accelerated Strategic Computing
Initiative (ASCI). The main goal of CSAR is detailed, integrated,
whole-system simulation of solid propellant rockets under both normal
and abnormal operating conditions. (ASC User)
- Center for Space Science and Applied Research, China (6/02)
- Centro de Investigaciones Oceanograficas, DIMAR
- The "Centro de Investigaciones Oceanograficas" in Cartagena, Colombia,
uses HDF4 in numerical modeling in oceanography. (1/02)
- China Academy of Science, Beijing (ASC User, 3/02)
- China Meteorological Administration, Beijing, China
- Using HDF to study Climate Change. (11/04)
- Cloud Absorption Radiometer (CAR) Data
- Clouds from AVHRR (CLAVR) (1/04)
- Cluster of Applied Remote Sensing, Germany (7/05)
- C-MMACS, Karnatak, India
- Clouds from AVHRR (CLAVR) (1/04)
- Ocean Analysis. (3/02)
- CNRS Ecole Polytechnique, France
- Using HDF4 in field of Astrophysical Magnetohydrodynamics. (4/05)
- CNRS and Aria Technologies SA, France
- Uses HDF4 for atmospheric chemistry transport modeling. (EOS User) (12/01)
- Coastal Zone Color Scanner (CZCS) Data
- CRS4
- CRS4 is an interdisciplinary research centre developing advanced
simulation techniques and applying them, by means of high performance
computers, to the solution of large scale computational problems in various
- Delaware State University
- Project/Field: Data Mining in Geoscience. (4/03)
- Design and Survey institute, Turkmenistan
- Project/Field: Environmental projects (6/03)
- Dipartimento di Chimica, Universita' di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
- Using HDF 4 in field of chemistry. (10/02)
- Divestco Inc.
- Using HDF4 in field of geomatics. (Alliance/NPACI User, 1/2/07)
- The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
- The Berkeley Lab is a multiprogram lab where research
in advanced materials, biosciences, energy efficiency, detectors and
accelerators focuses on national needs in technology and the environment.
- ESSC - Environmental Systems Science Centre, University of Reading, UK (7/03)
- Facultad Ciencias Marinas - UABC
- The "Facultad Ciencias Marinas" in Baja California, Mexico, is using
HDF4 in the field of fisheries oceanography. (1/02)
- Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, Calabar Airport, Nigeria
- Uses HDF4 in GeoTechnical/GeoEnvironmental Engineering. (1/02)
- Federal Institute of Materials Research and Testing (BAM), Berlin, Germany
- Free Field Technologies
- Free Field Technologies develops and supports ACTRAN, an acoustic code
based on the use of Finite and Infinite Element Methods. For aeroacoustic
applications, the sources are predicted separately, e.g. by CFD software.
The use of HDF files allows for a much more efficient exchange of this
huge amount of data across different platforms. (3/04)
- GE Aircraft Engines and Corporate Research & Development Center
- GE CR&D is codeveloping code with NASA Lewis Research Center for
the analysis of multistage compressors and turbines. This is a highly
parallel application of CFD. Using HDF has allowed them to be more
efficient in terms of IO for their parallel application. Its portability
is also a plus.
- General Atomics Fusion Group
- HDF will be installed for use with the TRANSP plasma transport code from
Princeton's Plasma Physics Laboratory. HDF is not currently installed. (2/02)
- Global Aerospace Corporation
- Global Aerospace Corporation is developing a Trajectory Simulation
and Prediction System (TSPS) for NASA's Ultra Long Duration Balloon
project. The ULDB project conducts scientific experiments above 99% of the
Earth's atmosphere at 130,000 foot altitudes. Use of NCSA HDF products allows
Global Aerospace Corporation to forecast balloon trajectories from
stratospheric weather forecasts.
- Global Change Research Program
- A primary goal of the U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is to provide reliable predictions of future climate changes
and their effects.
- Greenergy, C.A.
- Greenergy, C.A., in Venezuela, uses HDF4 with regards to
Renewable Energy - Coastal Wind Potential. (1/02)
- Grupo de Investigaciones Ambientales, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Colombia
- Using HDF in field of atmospheric studies. (3/06)
- HDF-EOS is the data format standard currently being used for EOSDIS science and
science-related data (for Earth Science data from the
Earth Science Enterprise).
- Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Prototype
- Multi-Angle Imaging Spectroradiometer (MISR) Prototype
- HDF UCD - Finite Element Data
- Howard University, Washington D.C.
- Using HDF in field of atmospheric science. (2/04)
- IIT, Bombay
- Project: SSM/I Data Processing. (EOS User, 6/02)
- Imagery Analysis Support Site
(EOS User, 12/02)
- IMM, Technical University of Denmark
- Using HDF4 in Numerical Analysis on two separate projects:
1) Teaching of Numerical Analysis at the Technical University of Denmark,
and 2) A joint RD project with mixed academic and non-academic partners.
- Imperial College
- Using HDF4 in particle in cell (parallel) simulation output and storage
(plasma physics). (4/04)
- Indian Institute of Science, Karnataka, India
- Field: Oceanography (5/03)
- Indian Institute of Technology and Management (Gwalior MP)
- Using HDF4 in field of weather. (9/04)
- Information Technology and Systems Center (ITSC)
- The Information Technology and Systems Center at UAH provides information
technology services and support to NASA's Global Hydrology and Climate
Center located at Huntsville, AL. They additionally have ongoing research
efforts into data mining and aspects of spatial data integration. All of
these efforts contain aspects that hinge around utilizing data, mostly
NASA satellite imagery, stored in either HDF or HDF-EOS formats. Center
staff members have also been routinely involved with the evolution of the
HDF-EOS extensions. Software using HDF that is provided by the ITSC includes
SPOT and
- The InfraRed & Aeronomy Group
- Uses HDF for OSIRIS
, an optical spectrograph that will fly on the Swedish Satellite ODIN,
collecting height profiles of Ozone.
- Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities
- The Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities (IATH) at the University of Virginia offers an image-annotation program called
- Institute of Applied Physics, Russia
- Field: Remote Sensing. (EOS User, 6/02)
- Institute of Hydromechanics and Water Resources Management, Switzerland
- Using HDF4 in Experimental fluid mechanics. (12/03)
- Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias, Spain
- Using HDF in field of Astrophysics. (4/05)
- Instituto Geofisico del Peru, Estacion de Huayao
- Using HDF in study of climate change. (7/04)
- Institute of Geography, Vietnam
- Field: Remote Sensing. (5/03)
- Institute of Marine Research, Norway (EOS User, 5/02)
- Institute for Plasma Research, India
- Instituto de Ecologia, A. C.
- Institute for Plasma Research, India
- Using HDF for environmental modelling. (12/03)
- International Research Institute (IRI) LDEO Climate Data Library
- INVAP SE, Argentina
- Development of image processing software for the SAC-C (Satelite
Aplicaciones Cientificas de Argentina). (1/03)
- IPS Meteostar, Inc.
- Working on an import utility for HDF. (9/02)
- IREAP, Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics, University of Maryland, College Park
- Using HDF4 in field of Laser-plasma interactions. (3/04)
- JHS, Singapore (1/03)
- Japan's NASDA Earth Observation Center
- Japan's NASDA Earth Observation Center
- Using HDF on TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission) project. (EOS user, 7/05)
- The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
- The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory's Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) mission in Laurel, Maryland is the first
launch in the Discovery Program, a NASA initiative for small planetary missions with a maximum 3-year development cycle and a cost capped at
$150 million for construction, launch, and 30 days of operation.
- KISTI Supercomputing Center, Korea
- Using HDF4 in field of astrophysics. (10/03)
- Kongsberg Spacetec AS
- Using HDF4 and HDF5 in remote sensing applications. (2/03)
- Korea Institute of Energy Reserch
- Using HDF in field of Wind Energy. (EOS User, 12/02)
- The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
- The LDEO
Climate Data Library contains a wide variety of earth science data,
primarily oceanographic and atmospheric datasets.
Here are some of their library files. They also offer a utility
called Ingrid which is a
data processing program designed to manipulate datasets.
- Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
- Manchester Visualization Centre
- The Manchester Visualization Centre (formerly the Computer Graphics
Unit (CGU)) is a group within Manchester Computing, one of the national
supercomputing centers which provide facilities and services to the
University of Manchester, UMIST and to the UK academic community. It
provides high-performance interactive computer graphics, multimedia, image
processing and visualization facilities and services, and it undertakes R&D.
- Marta Systems, Inc.
- Provides the Yosemite meteorological software suite to Navy SPAWAR for
their work supporting the NSF Antarctic Program. (EOS User, 8/05)
- The MathWorks
- The MathWorks is a developer and supplier of software for technical
computing and Model-Based Design. MATLAB, one of the core products
from The Mathworks, includes support for HDF5.
- Matrix Metals Limited
- Matrix Metals Limited is an Australian copper producer that uses both
HDF4 and HDF5 in earth science applications.
- Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology, Hamburg, Germany
- Using HDF on the ARCtic Model Intercomparison Project.
- MDA Federal
- Using HDF4 in Environment/GIS applications.
- Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System MSPPS project
- The Microwave Surface and Precipitation Products System MSPPS project is
dedicated to the retrieval of near-real-time operational surface and
precipitation products using antenna temperatures from the AMSU-A and
AMSU-B instruments on board of NOAA's KLM series polar orbiting satellites.
(See NOAA/NESDIS below). (EOS User)
- Mitsubishi Space Software, Kanagawa, Japan (EOS User)
- MODIS Airbourne Simulator (MAS)
- Montclair State University, NJ (EOS User)
- MODIS Airbourne Simulator (MAS)
- The Meteorological and Oceanographic Satellite Data Archival Centre (MOSDAC)
in India stores data in HDF.
- NASA Explores
- K-12 Education.
- NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
- The Goddard Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) provides data and
related services for global change research and education.
- NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory DAAC
- NASA Langley Distributed Active Archive Center
- The Langley Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) is responsible
for archiving and distributing NASA science data in the areas
of radiation budget, clouds, aerosols, and tropospheric chemistry:
Langley DAAC
User's Handbook - HDF
- NASA Scatterometer (NSCAT)
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- National Centre for Antarctic and Ocean Research, Goa, India
- National Institute of Standards and Technology
- Using HDF for sea ice studies (polar remote sensing). 5/05
- National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA)
- National Satellite Meteorological Center, Beijing, China
- Uses HDF in satellite remote sensing. (4/02)
- National Taiwan Teachers College
- Using HDF in field of fishery oceanography. (EOS User, 6/05)
- NEAR - Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous
- NEC Research Institute, Inc. (2/02)
- Uses HDF4 in field of Neural Networks.
- netCDF - network Common Data Format (plans to use HDF 5.0)
- NeXus
- The neutron and X-ray synchrotron scattering communities have
designed a common data format based on HDF. Apart from making it
easier to exchange data between major facilities and their user
base, NeXus is intended to stimulate greater cooperation in
developing analysis and visualization software.
- NOAA's CoastWatch Program
- NOAA's CoastWatch Program makes environmental satellite data products and
in-situ data available to Federal, state and local marine scientists,
coastal resource managers, and the public. It users several
formats, including
HDF. It is operated within NOAA's
National Environmental Satellite Data Information Service (See
NOAA/NESDIS below). (EOS User, 10/03)
- NOAA's National Geophysical Data Center
- The NGDC has written the
The GLOBAL RELIEF CD-ROM contains topography and bathymetry at various
scales, digitized continental coastlines, gridded oceanic
gravity anomalies, ocean-floor gazetteers, and digital topographic
relief images with data in HDF format.
- NOAA's National Ocean Service (NOS)
- One NOS project which uses HDF involves working with data from the Japanese ADEOS
satellite sensor, OCTS. This sensor provides imagery data which will enable
the identification of what is generally called ocean color. Ocean color is
a catch-all for suspended sediments, algal biomass and other oceanic
parameters. The ADEOS satellite was launched in August of 1996.
- NOAA/NESDIS (EOS User, 3/03)
- NESDIS provides timely access to global environmental data from satellites and other sources to promote, protect, and enhance the Nation's economy, security, environment, and quality of life.
- NOAA's Satellite Climate Research Group
- The Satellite Climate Research Group (Climsat) uses data from various environmental satellites in studies of seasonal to interannual climate variability.
- Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering, Russia
- Using HDF as part of International Snow and Ice Center. (EOS User, 10/02)
- OCCAM Global Ocean Model
- The OCCAM Global Ocean Model project in the UK has carried out runs of a global ocean model at resolutions of 1/4 and 1/8 degree. Data available on line includes ocean temperature, salinity, velocity and sea surface height fields in HDF format, plus jpeg loops of selected surface fields.
- Ocean Color and Temperature Scanner (OCTS)
- OGI School of Science and Engineering at OHSU, Oregon (EOS User) (1/02)
- Oldenburg University, Germany
- Using HDF4 in Energy Meteorology. (7/04)
- Pacific Fisheries Environmental Laboratory (PFEL)
- PFEL is a research unit of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, and is home to the Pacific Fisheries Environmental Group (PFEG). PFEG developed CODE for working with COADS (Comprehensive Ocean - Atmosphere Data Set), which can output data in ASCII, HDF or NetCDF formats.
- Parallel Ocean Program (POP) Simulation Model
- This Parallel Ocean Program (POP) Simulation Model is based on ocean circulation data sets provided by Los Alamos National Laboratory and the US Naval Postgraduate School.
- Park Scientific Instruments Co. - All instruments
- PathScale, Inc.
- Compilers & Interconnect vendor. (2/05)
- Peking University, Beijing City, China
- Using HDF4 in complexity science & spatio-temporal system dynamics. (EOS User, 9/03)
- Precipitation Measuring Missions (PMM)
- Precipitation Measuring Missions (PMM) including TRMM and GPM are NASA projects focusing on measuring the precipitation globally.
- Purdue University
- Using HDF in field of Forestry and Natural Resources. (5/05)
- The Random Factory
- Provides scientific software for Linux. (1/02)
- Radiation Protection Institute, Ukraine
- Using HDF in radiation protection and dosimetry. (9/16/02)
- RC-Squared
- RC-Squared (Reservoir Characterization Research and Consulting, Inc.) provides Unix and PC based software and consulting for petroleum reservoir modelling, characterization and development. The software modules use HDF as their basic data format for its speed and cross platform utility.
- R&D Center for Minerals and Coal, West Java, Indonesia
- Using HDF4 in mine zoning area. (Alliance/NPACI User, 9/04)
- Research Systems, Inc.
- Research Systems, Inc. is a leading developer of data analysis and visualization software. Its flagship product is IDL (the Interactive Data Language), an advanced fourth-generation language used to build visualization applications for science, medical, financial, and engineering data analysis. RSI also markets ENVI (written in IDL), the industry-leading remote sensing software.
- San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) (Alliance/NPACI User, 4/04)
- Sea-viewing Wide Field of view Sensor (SeaWiFS)
- SENSYS (3/03)
- Seoul National University, South Korea
- Using HDF4 in Atmospheric Sciences. (6/03)
- SIS Development (1/03)
- South China Sea Institute of Oceanography
- Using HDF 4 in Physical Oceanography. (11/02)
- Southampton Oceanography Centre
- Uses HDF to store, plot and analyse large ocean datasets - most around 0.6 Gbytes, some up to 8 Gbytes.
- Spaceflight Meteorology Group
- Use HDF 4 as part of the ARPS/ADAS mesoscale model. (3/03)
- Space Technology Application Centre, Vietnam
- Using HDF in remote sensing applications. (EOS User, 10/02)
- State University of Rio de Janeiro
- Uses HDF as part of the ECOAIR project for providing the means to monitor environmental degradation based on remote sensing data. (EOS User) (12/01)
- SUPARCO, Pakistan
- Using HDF in environmental research. (9/03)
- TerraSIP, University of Minnesota (EOS User, 1/03)
- TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) Pathfinder Data
- Tokai University, Japan
- Using HDF4 with Satellite Oceanography. (6/03)
- Total Ozone Mass Spectrometer (TOMS)
- Tropical Rainfall Measurement Mission (TRMM)
- Precipitation Radar (PR)
- TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI)
- Visible Infrared Scanner (VIRS)
- Lighting Image Sensor (LIS)
- Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES)
- UNICAMP, Brazil
- Using HDF4 and HDF5 in field of relativity. (12/02)
- University of Bremen, Institute of Environmental Physics
- Using HDF4 in ENVISAT Validation. (EOS User, 8/02)
- University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
- Using HDF in shallow-water modeling. (8/05)
- University of California, Santa Cruz
- Using HDF4 in oceanography. (EOS User, 5/02)
- University of Florida
- Used in Space Science. (4/03)
- Uiversity of Hawaii / JIMAR
- Distribution of satellite-derived data products to researchers, resource managers, and the community. (EOS User, 4/03)
- University of Idaho
- Using HDF in field of surface chemistry. (9/02)
- University of Minnesota
- Using HDF4 as part of the TerraSIP project. (EOS User, 8/03)
- University of New Hampshire, (3/03)
- Working with scientific databases.
- University of Oregon
- Using HDF in field of optics. (Alliance/NPACI User, 09/03)
- University of Oxford
- Using HDF4 and HDF5 in field of atmospheric physics. (EOS User, 3/02)
- University of Physics, Hungary
- Using HDF4 and HDF5 in Fourier Analysis. (1/05)
- University of Sao Paulo, Institute of Geosciences
- Using HDF4 in field of geology. (7/05)
- University of South Florida, Institute for Marine Remote Sensing (EOS User, 4/04)
- The University of Texas at Austin Department of Physics
- See Center for Relativity: Software/Computational.
- University of Washington Radar Remote Sensing
- Concerned with the development of advanced radar systems and signal processing techniques, Radar Remote Sensing applies this technology to the study of ionospheric plasma physics. They offer a software program called
CUPRI. - University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (5/03)
- University of Zaragoza, Department of Nuclear Engineering
- Is using HDF in Inertial Confinement Fusion Diagnostics.
- Maintain an on-going in-house software program (HyperCube) that
exploits multi and hyperspectral software. (9/02)
- USGS, National Mapping Division, Rocky Mountain Mapping (EOS User, 3/03)
- Washington University, Missouri
- Using HDF4 in field of radiology. (6/03)
- Weather Trends International
- Weather Trends International makes substantial use of HDF in the client
deliverable and mapping systems for two of their websites,
Weather Trends International - Business
Weather Guidance, and MYskeye.
- Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Wood's Hole Oceanographic Institution uses HDF4 in oceanographic
research. It is associated with the HDF-EOS project. (1/02)
- World Data Center of Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere (WDC-RSAT), Germany
- The WDC_RSAT provides data, information, and services regarding the
earth's atmosphere and surface. It evolved from the German Remote Sensing
Data Center, and is hosted by the Cluster of
Applied Remote Sensing at DLR. (7/05)
- World Resources Institute
- Using HDF4 in field of Forestry. (11/03)
- Wuhan University ,P.R.China
- Using HDF4 in remote sensing and image processing. (EOS User, 6/03)
- Yale Medical School, CT, USA
- Using HDF4 in Spatial statistics. (EOS User, 3/02)