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Other Examples
Example of Converting Remotely Sensed Data into Chunked HDF (4) Files:
This example converts a 6144 x 6144 array of 16 bit unsigned ints into a chunked HDF scientific data set.
Since a 6144x6144 array is very large the array must be converted by reading in the array in sections, a smaller array or set of scanlines.
If your machine does not have enough memory to read in the first set of scanlines, the chunkbinary program will subdivide the array into smaller fractions and try to read in that smaller array into memory.
This example converts PATHFINDER Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data in HDF format into chunked HDF files.
Chunkit reads from one PATHFINDER SST input file and writes to a new file containing the new chunked datasets.
- - Last modified: 18 October 2016