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H5E_error2_t Class Reference

Detailed Description

Information struct for Attribute (For H5Ewalk)

+ Inheritance diagram for H5E_error2_t:

Data Fields

long cls_id
long maj_num
long min_num
int line
String func_name
String file_name
String desc

Field Documentation

◆ cls_id

long cls_id

class ID

◆ desc

String desc

optional supplied description

◆ file_name

String file_name

file in which error occurred

◆ func_name

String func_name

function in which error occurred

◆ line

int line

line in file where error occurs

◆ maj_num

long maj_num

major error ID

◆ min_num

long min_num

minor error number

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: