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H5A: Attribute Interface

Attribute API Functions

These functions create and manipulate attributes and information about attributes.
In the following lists, italic type indicates a configurable macro.

The C Interfaces:
Use of these functions is deprecated in Release 1.8.0.

Alphabetical Listing

The Fortran Interface:
In general, each Fortran subroutine performs exactly the same task as the corresponding C function.
Use of these functions is deprecated in Release 1.8.0.

The Attribute interface, H5A, is primarily designed to easily allow small datasets to be attached to primary datasets as metadata information. Additional goals for the H5A interface include keeping storage requirement for each attribute to a minimum and easily sharing attributes among datasets.

Because attributes are intended to be small objects, large datasets intended as additional information for a primary dataset should be stored as supplemental datasets in a group with the primary dataset. Attributes can then be attached to the group containing everything to indicate a particular type of dataset with supplemental datasets is located in the group. How small is "small" is not defined by the library and is up to the user’s interpretation.

See “HDF5 Attributes” in the HDF5 User’s Guide for more information.

Location and name with attribute functions:
Sample file structure:
Several attribute functions, such as H5Acreate2, use a location identifier, an object name, and an attribute name, loc_id, obj_name, and attr_name, respectively.   loc_id and obj_name specify the object to which an attribute is attached and carry exactly the same meaning and interaction modes as described for loc_id and name in “Accessing objects by location and name.” attr_name specifies the attribute as it is attached to that object.

The following example specifies an attribute named A3 attached to the dataset dset3.

Older H5A functions, such as H5Acreate1, generally use only a location identifier and a name. In these functions, loc_id fully specifies the object to which an attribute is attached; the attribute itself is specified by an attribute name, attr_name.

Again, the following example specifies an attribute named A3 attached to the dataset dset3 above.

Name: H5Aclose
herr_t H5Aclose(hid_t attr_id)
Closes the specified attribute.
H5Aclose terminates access to the attribute specified by attr_id by releasing the identifier.

Further use of a released attribute identifier is illegal; a function using such an identifier will fail.

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.
Fortran90 Interface: h5aclose_f
SUBROUTINE h5aclose_f(attr_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code:
                                          ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aclose_f	

Last modified: 9 October 2014
Name: H5Acreate
hid_t H5Acreate( hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id )
hid_t H5Acreate( hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id, hid_t aapl_id ) [2]

Creates an attribute attached to a specified object.

H5Acreate is a macro that is mapped to either H5Acreate1 or H5Acreate2, depending on the needs of the application.

Such macros are provided to facilitate application compatibility. For example:

Macro use and mappings are fully described in “API Compatibility Macros in HDF5”; we urge you to read that document closely.

When both the HDF5 Library and the application are built and installed with no specific compatibility flags, H5Acreate is mapped to the most recent version of the function, currently H5Acreate2. If the library and/or application is compiled for Release 1.6 emulation, H5Acreate will be mapped to H5Acreate1. Function-specific flags are available to override these settings on a function-by-function basis when the application is compiled.

Specific compile-time compatibility flags and the resulting mappings are as follows:

Compatibility setting H5Acreate mapping

Global settings
No compatibility flag H5Acreate2 
Enable deprecated symbols H5Acreate2 
Disable deprecated symbols H5Acreate2 
Emulate Release 1.6 interface     H5Acreate1 

Function-level macros
H5Acreate_vers = 2 H5Acreate2
H5Acreate_vers = 1 H5Acreate1

The attribute identifier returned by this macro must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

Interface history:   Signature [1] above is the original H5Acreate interface and the only interface available prior to HDF5 Release 1.8.0. This signature and the corresponding function are now deprecated but will remain directly callable as H5Acreate1.

Signature [2] above was introduced with HDF5 Release 1.8.0 and is the recommended and default interface. It is directly callable as H5Acreate2.

See “API Compatibility Macros in HDF5” for circumstances under which either of these functions might not be available in an installed instance of the HDF5 Library.

Fortran90 Interface: h5acreate_f
SUBROUTINE h5acreate_f(loc_id, name, type_id, space_id, attr_id, hdferr, &
                       acpl_id, aapl_id )
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id    ! Object identifier 
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name    ! Attribute name
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id   ! Attribute datatype identifier    
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: space_id  ! Attribute dataspace identifier
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code:
                                          ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                                          ! Attribute creation property 
                                          ! list identifier
                                          ! Attribute access property 
                                          ! list identifier
END SUBROUTINE h5acreate_f
See Also:
“Using Identifiers”

Release     C
1.8.0 The function H5Acreate renamed to H5Acreate1 and deprecated in this release.
The macro H5Acreate and the functions H5Acreate2 and H5Acreate_by_name introduced in this release.

Last modified: 16 December 2010
Name: H5Acreate1
hid_t H5Acreate1( hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id )

Creates a dataset as an attribute of another group, dataset, or named datatype.

Deprecated Function:
This function is deprecated in favor of the function H5Acreate2.

H5Acreate1 creates the attribute attr_name attached to the object specified with loc_id.

The attribute name specified in attr_name must be unique. Attempting to create an attribute with the same name as an already existing attribute will fail, leaving the pre-existing attribute in place. To overwrite an existing attribute with a new attribute of the same name, first call H5Adelete then recreate the attribute with H5Acreate1.

The datatype and dataspace identifiers of the attribute, type_id and space_id, respectively, are created with the H5T and H5S interfaces, respectively.

Currently only simple dataspaces are allowed for attribute dataspaces.

The attribute creation property list, acpl_id, is currently unused; it may be used in the future for optional attribute properties. At this time, H5P_DEFAULT is the only accepted value.

The attribute identifier returned from this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Identifier for the object to which the attribute is to be attached
May be any HDF5 object identifier (group, dataset, or committed datatype) or an HDF5 file identifier; if loc_id is a file identifer, the attribute will be attached to that file’s root group.
const char *attr_name     IN: Name of attribute to create
hid_t type_id IN: Identifier of datatype for attribute
hid_t space_id IN: Identifier of dataspace for attribute
hid_t acpl_id IN: Identifier of creation property list
(Currently not used; specify H5P_DEFAULT.)

Returns an attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:
See listing under H5Acreate.

Release     C
1.8.0 The function H5Acreate renamed to H5Acreate1 and deprecated in this release.

Last modified: 9 October 2014
Name: H5Acreate2
hid_t H5Acreate2( hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id, hid_t aapl_id, )

Creates an attribute attached to a specified object.

H5Acreate2 creates an attribute, attr_name, which is attached to the object specified by the identifier loc_id.

The attribute name, attr_name, must be unique for the object.

The attribute is created with the specified datatype and dataspace, type_id and space_id, which are created with the H5T and H5S interfaces, respectively.

If type_id is either a fixed-length or variable-length string, it is important to set the string length when defining the datatype. String datatypes are derived from H5T_C_S1 (or H5T_FORTRAN_S1 for Fortran codes), which defaults to 1 character in size. See H5Tset_size and “Creating variable-length string datatypes.”

The access property list is currently unused, but will be used in the future. This property list should currently be H5P_DEFAULT.

The attribute identifier returned by this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location or object identifier
May be any HDF5 object identifier (group, dataset, or committed datatype) or an HDF5 file identifier; if loc_id is a file identifer, the attribute will be attached to that file’s root group.
const char *attr_name     IN: Attribute name
hid_t type_id IN: Attribute datatype identifier
hid_t space_id IN: Attribute dataspace identifier
hid_t acpl_id IN: Attribute creation property list identifier
(Currently not used; specify H5P_DEFAULT.)
hid_t aapl_id IN: Attribute access property list identifier
(Currently not used; specify H5P_DEFAULT.)

Returns an attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:
See listing under H5Acreate.

See Also:
Creating variable-length string datatypes
“Using Identifiers”

Release     Change
1.8.0 C function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 9 October 2014
Name: H5Acreate_by_name
hid_t H5Acreate_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, const char *attr_name, hid_t type_id, hid_t space_id, hid_t acpl_id, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t lapl_id )

Creates an attribute attached to a specified object.

H5Acreate_by_name creates an attribute, attr_name, which is attached to the object specified by loc_id and obj_name.

loc_id is a location identifier; obj_name is the object name relative to loc_id. If loc_id fully specifies the object to which the attribute is to be attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The attribute name, attr_name, must be unique for the object.

The attribute is created with the specified datatype and dataspace, type_id and space_id, which are created with the H5T and H5S interfaces respectively.

The attribute creation and access property lists are currently unused, but will be used in the future for optional attribute creation and access properties. These property lists should currently be H5P_DEFAULT.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

The attribute identifier returned by this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location or object identifier; may be dataset or group
const char *obj_name IN: Name, relative to loc_id, of object that attribute is to be attached to
const char *attr_name     IN: Attribute name
hid_t type_id IN: Attribute datatype identifier
hid_t space_id IN: Attribute dataspace identifier
hid_t acpl_id IN: Attribute creation property list identifier
(Currently not used.)
hid_t aapl_id IN: Attribute access property list identifier
(Currently not used.)
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns an attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5acreate_by_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5acreate_by_name_f(loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, type_id, space_id, &
     attr, hdferr, acpl_id, aapl_id, lapl_id)

  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id      ! Object identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name  ! Name of object to which 
                                            ! attribute is attached
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name ! Attribute name
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: type_id     ! Attribute datatype identifier
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: space_id    ! Attribute dataspace identifier
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr       ! An attribute identifier
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr            ! Error code:
                                            ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                                            ! Attribute creation property list
                                            ! identifier (Currently not used.)
                                            ! Attribute access property list 
                                            ! identifier (Currently not used.)
                                            ! Link access property list
END SUBROUTINE h5acreate_by_name_f
See Also:
“Using Identifiers”

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Adelete
herr_t H5Adelete( hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name )
Deletes an attribute from a specified location.

H5Adelete removes the attribute specified by its name, attr_name, from a dataset, group, or named datatype. This function should not be used when attribute identifiers are open on loc_id as it may cause the internal indexes of the attributes to change and future writes to the open attributes to produce incorrect results.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5adelete_f
SUBROUTINE h5adelete_f(obj_id, name, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name    ! Attribute name
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code:
                                          ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5adelete_f

Release     C

Name: H5Adelete_by_name
herr_t H5Adelete_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, const char *attr_name, hid_t lapl_id )

Removes an attribute from a specified location.

H5Adelete_by_name removes the attribute attr_name from an object specified by location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively.

If loc_id fully specifies the object from which the attribute is to be removed, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location or object identifier; may be dataset or group
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object, relative to location, from which attribute is to be removed
const char *attr_name     IN: Name of attribute to delete
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5adelete_by_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5adelete_by_name_f(loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, hdferr, lapl_id) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id   ! Identifer for object to which 
                                         ! attribute is attached
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name 
                                         ! Name of object, relative to location, 
                                         ! from which attribute is to be removed
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name 
                                         ! Name of attribute to delete
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:
                                         ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                                         ! Link access property list
END SUBROUTINE h5adelete_by_name_f

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Adelete_by_idx
herr_t H5Adelete_by_idx( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t n, hid_t lapl_id )

Deletes an attribute from an object according to index order.

H5Adelete_by_idx removes an attribute, specified by its location in an index, from an object.

The object from which the attribute is to be removed is specified by a location identifier and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively. If loc_id fully specifies the object from which the attribute is to be removed, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The attribute to be removed is specified by a position in an index, n. The type of index is specified by idx_type and may be H5_INDEX_NAME, for an alpha-numeric index by name, or H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER, for an index by creation order. The order in which the index is to be traversed is specified by order and may be H5_ITER_INC (increment) for top-down iteration, H5_ITER_DEC (decrement) for bottom-up iteration, or H5_ITER_NATIVE, in which case HDF5 will iterate in the fastest-available order. For example, if idx_type, order, and n are set to H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, and 5, respectively, the fifth attribute by alpha-numeric order of attribute names will be removed.

For a discussion of idx_type and order, the valid values of those parameters, and the use of n, see the description of H5Aiterate2

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location or object identifier; may be dataset or group
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object, relative to location, from which attribute is to be removed
H5_index_t idx_type IN: Type of index
H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Order in which to iterate over index
hsize_t n IN: Offset within index
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5adelete_by_idx_f
SUBROUTINE h5adelete_by_idx_f(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, n,  hdferr, &
  INTEGER(HID_T),INTENT(IN) :: loc_id 
                            ! Identifer for object to which 
                            ! attribute is attached
  CHARACTER(LEN=*),INTENT(IN) :: obj_name 
                            ! Name of object, relative to location,
                            ! from which attribute is to be removed
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idx_type       
                            ! Type of index; Possible values are:
                            !  H5_INDEX_UNKNOWN_F     - Unknown index type
                            !    H5_INDEX_NAME_F      - Index on names
                            !    H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER_F - Index on creation order
                            !    H5_INDEX_N_F	      - Number of indices defined
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: order            
                            ! Order in which to iterate over index:
                            !    H5_ITER_UNKNOWN_F  - Unknown order
                            !    H5_ITER_INC_F      - Increasing order
                            !    H5_ITER_DEC_F      - Decreasing order
                            !    H5_ITER_NATIVE_F   - No particular order, 
                            !                         whatever is fastest
                            !    H5_ITER_N_F	    - Number of iteration orders
                            ! Offset within index
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr       
                            ! Error code:
                            ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                            ! Link access property list  
END SUBROUTINE h5adelete_by_idx_f 

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 10 December 2015
Name: H5Aexists
htri_t H5Aexists( hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name )

Determines whether an attribute with a given name exists on an object.

H5Aexists determines whether the attribute attr_name exists on the object specified by obj_id.

hid_t obj_id, IN: Object identifier
const char *attr_name     IN: Attribute name

Returns a positive value if attr_name exists.
Returns 0 if attr_name does not exist.
Returns a negative value when the function fails.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aexists_f
SUBROUTINE h5aexists_f(obj_id, attr_name, attr_exists, hdferr)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id      ! Object identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name ! Attribute name
  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: attr_exists       ! .TRUE. if exists, .FALSE. otherwise
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr            ! Error code:
                                            ! 0 on success and -1 on failure 

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 10 December 2015
Name: H5Aexists_by_name
htri_t H5Aexists_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, const char *attr_name, hid_t lapl_id )

Determines whether an attribute with a given name exists on an object.

H5Aexists_by_name determines whether the attribute attr_name exists on an object. That object is specified by its location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively.

loc_id specifies a location in the file containing the object. obj_name is the name of the object to which the attribute is attached and can be a relative name, relative to loc_id, or an absolute name, based in the root group of the file. If loc_id fully specifies the object, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id, IN: Location identifier
const char *obj_name IN: Object name
Either relative to loc_id, absolute from the file’s root group, or '.' (a dot)
const char *attr_name     IN: Attribute name
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list identifier

Returns a positive value if attr_name exists.
Returns 0 if attr_name does not exist.
Returns a negative value when the function fails.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aexists_by_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5aexists_by_name_f(loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, attr_exists, hdferr,&
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id  ! Location identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name 
                                        ! Object name either relative to loc_id, 
                                        ! absolute from the 
                                        ! file’s root group, or '.'
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name 
                                        ! Attribute name
  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: attr_exists   ! .TRUE. if exists, .FALSE. otherwise
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr        ! Error code:
                                        ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                                        ! Link access property list identifier
END SUBROUTINE h5aexists_by_name_f

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Aget_create_plist
hid_t H5Aget_create_plist(hid_t attr_id)
Gets an attribute creation property list identifier.
H5Aget_create_plist returns an identifier for the attribute creation property list associated with the attribute specified by attr_id.

The creation property list identifier should be released with H5Pclose.

Returns an identifier for the attribute’s creation property list if successful. Otherwise returns a negative value.
Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_create_plist_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_create_plist_f(attr_id, creation_prop_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  
                            ! Identifier of the attribute 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: creation_prop_id 
                            ! Identifier for the attribute’s creation property
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         
                            ! Error code:
                            ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_create_plist_f

Name: H5Aget_info
herr_t H5Aget_info( hid_t attr_id, H5A_info_t *ainfo )

Retrieves attribute information, by attribute identifier.

H5Aget_info retrieves attribute information, locating the attribute with an attribute identifier, attr_id, which is the identifier returned by H5Aopen or H5Aopen_by_idx. The attribute information is returned in the ainfo struct.

The ainfo struct is defined as follows:

typedef struct {
    hbool_t             corder_valid;   
    H5O_msg_crt_idx_t   corder;         
    H5T_cset_t          cset;           
    hsize_t             data_size;      
} H5A_info_t;   

corder_valid indicates whether the creation order data is valid for this attribute. Note that if creation order is not being tracked, no creation order data will be valid. Valid values are TRUE and FALSE.

corder is a positive integer containing the creation order of the attribute. This value is 0-based, so, for example, the third attribute created will have a corder value of 2.

cset indicates the character set used for the attribute’s name; valid values are defined in H5Tpublic.h and include the following:
     H5T_CSET_UTF8     UTF-8 Unicode encoding
This value is set with H5Pset_char_encoding.

data_size indicates the size, in the number of characters, of the attribute.

hid_t attr_id IN: Attribute identifier
H5A_info_t *ainfo     OUT: Attribute information struct

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_info_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_info_f(attr_id, f_corder_valid, corder, cset, data_size,hdferr)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier
  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: f_corder_valid ! Indicates whether the creation order 
                                         ! data is valid for this attribute 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: corder         ! Is a positive integer containing the 
                                         ! creation order of the attribute
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: cset           ! Indicates the character set used for 
                                         ! the ! attribute’s name
  INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: data_size 
                                         ! Indicates the size, in the number
                                         ! of characters, of the attribute
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:
                                         ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_info_f

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Aget_info_by_idx
herr_t H5Aget_info_by_idx( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t n, H5A_info_t *ainfo, hid_t lapl_id )

Retrieves attribute information, by attribute index position.

H5Aget_info_by_idx retrieves information for an attribute that is attached to an object, which is specified by its location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively. The attribute is located by its index position and the attribute information is returned in the ainfo struct.

If loc_id fully specifies the object to which the attribute is attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The attribute is located by means of an index type, an index traversal order, and a position in the index, idx_type, order and n, respectively. These parameters and their valid values are discussed in the description of H5Aiterate2.

The ainfo struct, which will contain the returned attribute information, is described in H5Aget_info.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location of object to which attribute is attached
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object to which attribute is attached, relative to location
H5_index_t idx_type IN: Type of index
H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Index traversal order
hsize_t n IN: Attribute’s position in index
H5A_info_t *ainfo OUT: Struct containing returned attribute information
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_info_by_idx_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_info_by_idx_f(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, n, &
     f_corder_valid, corder, cset, data_size, hdferr, lapl_id)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id   
                             ! Object identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name  
                             ! Name of object to which attribute is attached
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idx_type        
                             ! Type of index; Possible values are:
                             !   H5_INDEX_UNKNOWN_F   - Unknown index type
                             !   H5_INDEX_NAME_F      - Index on names
                             !   H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER_F - Index on creation order
                             !   H5_INDEX_N_F	      - Number of indices defined
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: order              
                             ! Order in which to iterate over index:
                             !   H5_ITER_UNKNOWN_F  - Unknown order
                             !   H5_ITER_INC_F      - Increasing order
                             !   H5_ITER_DEC_F      - Decreasing order
                             !   H5_ITER_NATIVE_F   - No particular order, 
                             !                        whatever is fastest
                             ! Attribute’s position in index

  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: f_corder_valid 
                             ! Indicates whether the creation order data is 
                             ! valid for this attribute 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: corder 
                             ! Is a positive integer containing the creation 
                             !order of the attribute
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: cset   
                             ! Indicates the character set used for the 
                             ! attribute’s name
  INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: data_size   
                             ! Indicates the size, in the number of characters, 
                             ! of the attribute
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr       
                             ! Error code:
                             ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                             ! Link access property list
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_info_by_idx_f  

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Aget_info_by_name
herr_t H5Aget_info_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, const char *attr_name, H5A_info_t *ainfo, hid_t lapl_id )

Retrieves attribute information, by attribute name.

H5Aget_info_by_name retrieves information for an attribute, attr_name, that is attached to an object, specified by its location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively. The attribute information is returned in the ainfo struct.

If loc_id fully specifies the object to which the attribute is attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The ainfo struct is described in H5Aget_info.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location of object to which attribute is attached
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object to which attribute is attached, relative to location
const char *attr_name     IN: Attribute name
H5A_info_t *ainfo OUT: Struct containing returned attribute information
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_info_by_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_info_by_name_f(loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, &
     f_corder_valid, corder, cset, data_size, hdferr, lapl_id)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id       ! Object identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name   ! Name of object to which attribute 
                                             ! is attached
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name  ! Attribute name
  LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: f_corder_valid     ! Indicates whether the creation 
                                             ! order data is valid for this 
                                             ! attribute 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: corder             ! Is a positive integer containing 
                                             ! the creation order of the 
                                             ! attribute
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: cset               ! Indicates the character set used 
                                             ! for the attribute’s name
  INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: data_size ! Indicates the size, in the number
                                             ! of characters, of the attribute
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr             ! Error code:
                                             ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                                             ! Link access property list
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_info_by_name_f

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Aget_name
ssize_t H5Aget_name(hid_t attr_id, size_t buf_size, char *buf )
Gets an attribute name.
H5Aget_name retrieves the name of an attribute specified by the identifier, attr_id. Up to buf_size characters are stored in buf followed by a \0 string terminator. If the name of the attribute is longer than (buf_size -1), the string terminator is stored in the last position of the buffer to properly terminate the string.

If the user only wants to find out the size of this name, the values 0 and NULL can be passed in for the parameters bufsize and buf.

Returns the length of the attribute's name, which may be longer than buf_size, if successful. Otherwise returns a negative value.
Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_name_f(attr_id, size, buf, hdferr)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER(SIZE_T), INTENT(IN) :: size            ! Buffer size 
                                               ! Buffer to hold attribute name
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:
                                         ! name length is successful,
                                         ! -1 if fail
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_name_f

Last modified: 3 April 2013
Name: H5Aget_name_by_idx
ssize_t H5Aget_name_by_idx( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t n, char *name, size_t size, hid_t lapl_id )

Gets an attribute name, by attribute index position

H5Aget_name_by_idx retrieves the name of an attribute that is attached to an object, which is specified by its location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively. The attribute is located by its index position, the size of the name is specified in size, and the attribute name is returned in name.

If loc_id fully specifies the object to which the attribute is attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The attribute is located by means of an index type, an index traversal order, and a position in the index, idx_type, order and n, respectively. These parameters and their valid values are discussed in the description of H5Aiterate2.

If the attribute name’s size is unknown, the values 0 and NULL can be passed in for the parameters size and name. The function’s return value will provide the correct value for size.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.


hid_t loc_id IN: Location of object to which attribute is attached
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object to which attribute is attached, relative to location
H5_index_t idx_type IN: Type of index
H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Index traversal order
hsize_t n IN: Attribute’s position in index
char *name OUT: Attribute name
size_t size IN: Size, in bytes, of attribute name
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns attribute name size, in bytes, if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_name_by_idx_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_name_by_idx_f(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, &
       n, name, size, lapl_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id ! Identifer for object to which 
                                       ! attribute is attached
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name ! Name of object, relative to 
                                           ! location,from which attribute is to
                                           ! be removed
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idx_type
                               ! Type of index; Possible values are:
                               !  H5_INDEX_UNKNOWN_F   - Unknown index type
                               !  H5_INDEX_NAME_F      - Index on names
                               !  H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER_F - Index on creation order
                               !  H5_INDEX_N_F         - Number indices defined

  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: order ! Order in which to iterate over index:
                               !  H5_ITER_UNKNOWN_F - Unknown order
                               !  H5_ITER_INC_F     - Increasing order
                               !  H5_ITER_DEC_F     - Decreasing order
                               !  H5_ITER_NATIVE_F  - No particular order, 
                               !                      whatever is fastest
                               !  H5_ITER_N_F       - Number of iteration orders

                               ! Attribute’s position in index
                               ! Attribute name
                               ! Buffer size
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: lapl_id  
                               ! Link access property list
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr        
                               ! Error code:
                               !  Returns attribute name size,
                               !  -1 if fail
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_name_by_idx_f

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 27 April 2010
Name: H5Aget_num_attrs
int H5Aget_num_attrs( hid_t loc_id )

Determines the number of attributes attached to an object.

Deprecated Function:
This function is deprecated in favor of the functions H5Oget_info, H5Oget_info_by_name, and H5Oget_info_by_idx.

H5Aget_num_attrs returns the number of attributes attached to the object specified by its identifier, loc_id. The object can be a group, dataset, or named datatype.

hid_t loc_id     IN: Identifier of a group, dataset, or named datatype.

Returns the number of attributes if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_num_attrs_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_num_attrs_f(obj_id, attr_num, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id  ! Object identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: attr_num      ! Number of attributes of the object
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr        ! Error code:
                                        ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_num_attrs_f

Name: H5Aget_space
hid_t H5Aget_space(hid_t attr_id)
Gets a copy of the dataspace for an attribute.
H5Aget_space retrieves a copy of the dataspace for an attribute. The dataspace identifier returned from this function must be released with H5Sclose or resource leaks will develop.
Returns attribute dataspace identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.
Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_space_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_space_f(attr_id, space_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id   ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: space_id ! Attribute dataspace identifier
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code:
                                          ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_space_f

Name: H5Aget_storage_size
hsize_t H5Aget_storage_size(hid_t attr_id)
Returns the amount of storage required for an attribute.
H5Aget_storage_size returns the amount of storage that is required for the specified attribute, attr_id.
Returns the amount of storage size allocated for the attribute; otherwise returns 0 (zero).
Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_storage_size_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_storage_size_f(attr_id, size, hdferr)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier  
  INTEGER(HSIZE_T), INTENT(OUT) :: size  ! Attribute storage requirement
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:
                                         !   0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_storage_size_f

Last modified: 9 October 2014
Name: H5Aget_type
hid_t H5Aget_type(hid_t attr_id)

Gets an attribute datatype.

H5Aget_type retrieves a copy of the datatype for an attribute.

The datatype is reopened if it is a named type before returning it to the application. The datatypes returned by this function are always read-only. If an error occurs when atomizing the return datatype, then the datatype is closed.

The datatype identifier returned from this function must be released with H5Tclose or resource leaks will develop.

Returns a datatype identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aget_type_f
SUBROUTINE h5aget_type_f(attr_id, type_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: type_id ! Attribute datatype identifier
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr         ! Error code:
                                         ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aget_type_f
See Also:
“Using Identifiers”

Name: H5Aiterate
herr_t H5Aiterate( hid_t loc_id, unsigned * idx, H5A_operator_t op, void *op_data )
herr_t H5Aiterate( hid_t obj_id, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t *n, H5A_operator2_t op, void *op_data ) [2]

Calls a user’s function for each attribute on an object.

H5Aiterate is a macro that is mapped to either H5Aiterate1 or H5Aiterate2, depending on the needs of the application.

Such macros are provided to facilitate application compatibility. For example:

Macro use and mappings are fully described in “API Compatibility Macros in HDF5”; we urge you to read that document closely.

When both the HDF5 Library and the application are built and installed with no specific compatibility flags, H5Aiterate is mapped to the most recent version of the function, currently H5Aiterate2. If the library and/or application is compiled for Release 1.6 emulation, H5Aiterate will be mapped to H5Aiterate1. Function-specific flags are available to override these settings on a function-by-function basis when the application is compiled.

Specific compile-time compatibility flags and the resulting mappings are as follows:

Compatibility setting H5Aiterate mapping

Global settings
No compatibility flag H5Aiterate2 
Enable deprecated symbols H5Aiterate2 
Disable deprecated symbols H5Aiterate2 
Emulate Release 1.6 interface     H5Aiterate1 

Function-level macros
H5Aiterate_vers = 2 H5Aiterate2
H5Aiterate_vers = 1 H5Aiterate1

Interface history:   Signature [1] above is the original H5Aiterate interface and the only interface available prior to HDF5 Release 1.8.0. This signature and the corresponding function are now deprecated but will remain directly callable as H5Aiterate1.

Signature [2] above was introduced with HDF5 Release 1.8.0 and is the recommended and default interface. It is directly callable as H5Aiterate2.

See “API Compatibility Macros in HDF5” for circumstances under which either of these functions might not be available in an installed instance of the HDF5 Library.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 The function H5Aiterate renamed to H5Aiterate1 and deprecated in this release.
The macro H5Aiterate and the functions H5Aiterate2 and H5Aiterate_by_name introduced in this release.

Name: H5Aiterate1
herr_t H5Aiterate1( hid_t loc_id, unsigned * idx, H5A_operator1_t op, void *op_data )

Calls a user’s function for each attribute on an object.

This function is deprecated in favor of the function H5Aiterate2.

H5Aiterate1 iterates over the attributes of the object specified by its identifier, loc_id. The object can be a group, dataset, or named datatype. For each attribute of the object, the op_data and some additional information specified below are passed to the operator function op. The iteration begins with the attribute specified by its index, idx; the index for the next attribute to be processed by the operator, op, is returned in idx. If idx is the null pointer, then all attributes are processed.

The prototype for H5A_operator_t is:
typedef herr_t (*H5A_operator1_t)(hid_t loc_id, const char *attr_name, void *operator_data);

The operation receives the identifier for the group, dataset or named datatype being iterated over, loc_id, the name of the current attribute about the object, attr_name, and the pointer to the operator data passed in to H5Aiterate1, op_data. The return values from an operator are:


If successful, returns the return value of the last operator if it was non-zero, or zero if all attributes were processed. Otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 The function H5Aiterate renamed to H5Aiterate1 and deprecated in this release.

Name: H5Aiterate2
herr_t H5Aiterate2( hid_t obj_id, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t *n, H5A_operator2_t op, void *op_data, )

Calls user-defined function for each attribute on an object.

H5Aiterate2 iterates over the attributes attached to a dataset, named datatype, or group, as specified by obj_id. For each attribute, user-provided data, op_data, with additional information as defined below, is passed to a user-defined function, op, which operates on that attribute.

The order of the iteration and the attributes iterated over are specified by three parameters: the index type, idx_type; the order in which the index is to be traversed, order; and the attribute’s position in the index, n.

The type of index specified by idx_type can be one of the following:
     H5_INDEX_NAME      An alpha-numeric index by attribute name
H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER An index by creation order

The order in which the index is to be traversed, as specified by order, can be one of the following:
     H5_ITER_INC      Iteration is from beginning to end, i.e., a top-down iteration incrementing the index position at each step.
H5_ITER_DEC Iteration starts at the end of the index, i.e., a bottom-up iteration decrementing the index position at each step.
H5_ITER_NATIVE HDF5 iterates in the fastest-available order. No information is provided as to the order, but HDF5 ensures that each element in the index will be visited if the iteration completes successfully.

The next attribute to be operated on is specified by n, a position in the index.

For example, if idx_type, order, and n are set to H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, and 5, respectively, the attribute in question is the fifth attribute from the beginning of the alpha-numeric index of attribute names. If order were set to H5_ITER_DEC, it would be the fifth attribute from the end of the index.

The parameter n is passed in on an H5Aiterate2 call with one value and may be returned with another value. The value passed in identifies the parameter to be operated on first; the value returned identifies the parameter to be operated on in the next step of the iteration.

The H5A_operator2_t prototype for the op parameter is as follows:

typedef herr_t (*H5A_operator2_t)( hid_t location_id/*in*/, const char *attr_name/*in*/, const H5A_info_t *ainfo/*in*/, void *op_data/*in,out*/)

The operation receives the location identifier for the group or dataset being iterated over, location_id; the name of the current object attribute, attr_name; the attribute’s info struct, ainfo; and a pointer to the operator data passed into H5Aiterate2, op_data.

Valid return values from an operator and the resulting H5Aiterate2 and op behavior are as follows:

hid_t obj_id IN: Identifier for object to which attributes are attached; may be group, dataset, or named datatype.
H5_index_t idx_type IN: Type of index
H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Order in which to iterate over index
hsize_t *n IN/OUT: Initial and returned offset within index
H5A_operator2_t op IN: User-defined function to pass each attribute to
void *op_data IN/OUT: User data to pass through to and to be returned by iterator operator function

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Further note that this function returns the return value of the last operator if it was non-zero, which can be a negative value, zero if all attributes were processed, or a positive value indicating short-circuit success (see above).

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Name: H5Aiterate_by_name
herr_t H5Aiterate_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t *n, H5A_operator2_t op, void *op_data, hid_t lapd_id )

Calls user-defined function for each attribute on an object.

H5Aiterate_by_name iterates over the attributes attached to the dataset or group specified with loc_id and obj_name. For each attribute, user-provided data, op_data, with additional information as defined below, is passed to a user-defined function, op, which operates on that attribute.

If loc_id fully specifies the object to which these attributes are attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The order of the iteration and the attributes iterated over are specified by three parameters: the index type, idx_type; the order in which the index is to be traversed, order; and the attribute’s position in the index, n.

The type of index specified by idx_type can be one of the following:
     H5_INDEX_NAME      An alpha-numeric index by attribute name
H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER An index by creation order

The order in which the index is to be traversed, as specified by order, can be one of the following:
     H5_ITER_INC      Iteration is from beginning to end, i.e., a top-down iteration incrementing the index position at each step.
H5_ITER_DEC Iteration starts at the end of the index, i.e., a bottom-up iteration decrementing the index position at each step.
H5_ITER_NATIVE HDF5 iterates in the fastest-available order. No information is provided as to the order, but HDF5 ensures that each element in the index will be visited if the iteration completes successfully.

The next attribute to be operated on is specified by n, a position in the index.

For example, if idx_type, order, and n are set to H5_INDEX_NAME, H5_ITER_INC, and 5, respectively, the attribute in question is the fifth attribute from the beginning of the alpha-numeric index of attribute names. If order were set to H5_ITER_DEC, it would be the fifth attribute from the end of the index.

The parameter n is passed in on an H5Aiterate_by_name call with one value and may be returned with another value. The value passed in identifies the parameter to be operated on first; the value returned identifies the parameter to be operated on in the next step of the iteration.

The H5A_operator2_t prototype for the op parameter is as follows:

typedef herr_t (*H5A_operator2_t)( hid_t location_id/*in*/, const char *attr_name/*in*/, const H5A_info_t *ainfo/*in*/, void *op_data/*in,out*/)

The operation receives the location identifier for the group or dataset being iterated over, location_id; the name of the current object attribute, attr_name; the attribute’s info struct, ainfo; and a pointer to the operator data passed into H5Aiterate_by_name, op_data.

Valid return values from an operator and the resulting H5Aiterate_by_name and op behavior are as follows:

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location or object identifier; may be dataset or group
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object, relative to location
H5_index_t idx_type IN: Type of index
H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Order in which to iterate over index
hsize_t *n IN/OUT: Initial and returned offset within index
H5A_operator2_t op IN: User-defined function to pass each attribute to
void *op_data IN/OUT: User data to pass through to and to be returned by iterator operator function
hid_t lapd_id IN: Link access property list

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Further note that this function returns the return value of the last operator if it was non-zero, which can be a negative value, zero if all attributes were processed, or a positive value indicating short-circuit success (see above).

Fortran90 Interface:

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 9 October 2014
Name: H5Aopen
hid_t H5Aopen( hid_t obj_id, const char *attr_name, hid_t aapl_id )

Opens an attribute for an object specified by object identifier and attribute name.

H5Aopen opens an existing attribute, attr_name, that is attached to an object specified an object identifier, object_id.

The attribute access property list, aapl_id, is currently unused and should currently be H5P_DEFAULT.

This function, H5Aopen_by_idx, or H5Aopen_by_name must be called before an attribute can be accessed for any further purpose, including reading, writing, or any modification.

The attribute identifier returned by this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t obj_id IN: Identifer for object to which attribute is attached
const char *attr_name     IN: Name of attribute to open
hid_t aapl_id IN: Attribute access property list

Returns an attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aopen_f
SUBROUTINE h5aopen_f(obj_id, attr_name, attr_id, hdferr, aapl_id) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id      ! Object identifier 
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name ! Attribute name
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id    ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr            ! Error code:
                                            ! 0 on success and -1 on failure 
  INTEGER(HID_T), OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN) :: aapl_id     
                                            ! Attribute access property list
See Also:
“Using Identifiers”

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 11 May 2016
Name: H5Aopen_by_idx
hid_t H5Aopen_by_idx( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, H5_index_t idx_type, H5_iter_order_t order, hsize_t n, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t lapl_id )

Opens the nth attribute attached to an object.

H5Aopen_by_idx opens an existing attribute that is attached to an object specified by location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively. If loc_id fully specifies the object to which the attribute is attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The attribute is identified by an index type, an index traversal order, and a position in the index, idx_type, order and n, respectively. These parameters and their valid values are discussed in the description of H5Aiterate2.

The attribute access property list, aapl_id, is currently unused and should currently be H5P_DEFAULT.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

This function, H5Aopen, or H5Aopen_by_name must be called before an attribute can be accessed for any further purpose, including reading, writing, or any modification.

The attribute identifier returned by this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location of object to which attribute is attached
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object to which attribute is attached, relative to location
H5_index_t idx_type IN: Type of index
H5_iter_order_t order     IN: Index traversal order
hsize_t n IN: Attribute’s position in index
hid_t aapl_id IN: Attribute access property list
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns an attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aopen_by_idx_f
SUBROUTINE h5aopen_by_idx_f(loc_id, obj_name, idx_type, order, n, attr_id, &
     hdferr, aapl_id, lapl_id)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id      
                              ! Object identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name  
                              ! Name of object to which attribute is attached
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: idx_type      
                              ! Type of index; Possible values are:
                              !  H5_INDEX_UNKNOWN_F   - Unknown index type
                              !  H5_INDEX_NAME_F      - Index on names
                              !  H5_INDEX_CRT_ORDER_F - Index on creation order
                              !  H5_INDEX_N_F	      - Number of indices defined
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: order              
                              ! Order in which to iterate over index:
                              !  H5_ITER_UNKNOWN_F  - Unknown order
                              !  H5_ITER_INC_F      - Increasing order
                              !  H5_ITER_DEC_F      - Decreasing order
                              !  H5_ITER_NATIVE_F   - No particular order, 
                              !                       whatever is fastest
                              ! Attribute’s position in index
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  
                              ! Attribute identifier
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          
                              ! Error code:
                              ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                              ! Attribute access property list
                              ! Link access property list
END SUBROUTINE h5aopen_by_idx_f
See Also:
“Using Identifiers”

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 9 October 2014
Name: H5Aopen_by_name
hid_t H5Aopen_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, const char *attr_name, hid_t aapl_id, hid_t lapl_id )

Opens an attribute for an object by object name and attribute name.

H5Aopen_by_name opens an existing attribute, attr_name, that is attached to an object specified by location and name, loc_id and obj_name, respectively.

loc_id specifies a location from which the target object can be located and obj_name is an object name relative to loc_id. If loc_id fully specifies the object to which the attribute is attached, obj_name should be '.' (a dot).

The attribute access property list, aapl_id, is currently unused and should currently be H5P_DEFAULT.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

This function, H5Aopen, or H5Aopen_by_idx must be called before an attribute can be accessed for any further purpose, including reading, writing, or any modification.

The attribute identifier returned by this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location from which to find object to which attribute is attached
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object to which attribute is attached, relative to loc_id
const char *attr_name     IN: Name of attribute to open
hid_t aapl_id IN: Attribute access property list
(Currently unused; should be passed in as H5P_DEFAULT.)
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list

Returns an attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aopen_by_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5aopen_by_name_f(loc_id, obj_name, attr_name, attr_id, hdferr, &
      aapl_id, lapl_id)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id     
                                     ! Location identifier
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name 
                                     ! Object name either relative to loc_id, 
                                     ! absolute from file’s root group, or '.'
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: attr_name 
                                     ! Attribute name
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id 
                                     ! Attribute identifier
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr     ! Error code:
                                     ! 0 on success and -1 on failure

                                     ! Attribute access property list 
                                     ! (Currently unused; set to H5P_DEFAULT_F)
                                     ! Link access property list identifier
See Also:
“Using Identifiers”

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 27 April 2010
Name: H5Aopen_idx
hid_t H5Aopen_idx( hid_t loc_id, unsigned int idx )

Opens the attribute specified by its index.

Deprecated Function:
This function is deprecated in favor of the function H5Aopen_by_idx.

H5Aopen_idx opens an attribute which is attached to the object specified with loc_id. The location object may be either a group, dataset, or named datatype, all of which may have any sort of attribute. The attribute specified by the index, idx, indicates the attribute to access. The value of idx is a 0-based, non-negative integer. The attribute identifier returned from this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Identifier of the group, dataset, or named datatype attribute to be attached to.
unsigned int idx     IN: Index of the attribute to open.

Returns attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aopen_idx_f
SUBROUTINE h5aopen_idx_f(obj_id, index, attr_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: index            ! Attribute index 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code:
                                          ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aopen_idx_f

Last modified: 27 April 2010
Name: H5Aopen_name
hid_t H5Aopen_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *name )

Opens an attribute specified by name.

Deprecated Function:
This function is deprecated in favor of the function H5Aopen_by_name.

H5Aopen_name opens an attribute specified by its name, name, which is attached to the object specified with loc_id. The location object may be either a group, dataset, or named datatype, which may have any sort of attribute. The attribute identifier returned from this function must be released with H5Aclose or resource leaks will develop.

hid_t loc_id IN: Identifier of a group, dataset, or named datatype that attribute is attached to.
const char *name     IN: Attribute name.

Returns attribute identifier if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aopen_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5aopen_name_f(obj_id, name, attr_id, hdferr) 
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: obj_id    ! Object identifier 
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: name    ! Attribute name
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(OUT) :: attr_id  ! Attribute identifier 
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr          ! Error code:
                                          ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5aopen_name_f

Last modified: 16 September 2014
Name: H5Aread
herr_t H5Aread(hid_t attr_id, hid_t mem_type_id, void *buf )

Reads an attribute.

H5Aread reads an attribute, specified with attr_id. The attribute's memory datatype is specified with mem_type_id. The entire attribute is read into buf from the file.

Datatype conversion takes place at the time of a read or write and is automatic. See the “Data Transfer: Datatype Conversion and Selection” section in the “HDF5 Datatypes” chapter of the HDF5 User’s Guide for a discussion of data conversion.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5aread_f

  SUBROUTINE h5aread_f(attr_id, memtype_id, buf, dims, hdferr) 
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)               :: attr_id
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)               :: memtype_id
    TYPE            , INTENT(INOUT)            :: buf
    INTEGER         , INTENT(OUT)              :: hdferr


  attr_id     - Attribute identifier
  memtype_id  - Attribute datatype identifier  (in memory)
  dims        - Array to hold corresponding dimension sizes of data buffer buf;
                dim(k) has value of the k-th dimension of buffer buf;
                values are ignored if buf is a scalar


  buf         - Data buffer; may be a scalar or an array
  hdferr      - Returns 0 if successful and -1 if fails

Fortran2003 Interface: h5aread_f

  SUBROUTINE h5aread_f(attr_id, memtype_id, buf, hdferr) 
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)    :: attr_id
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)    :: memtype_id
    TYPE(C_PTR)     , INTENT(INOUT) :: buf
    INTEGER         , INTENT(OUT)   :: hdferr


  attr_id     - Attribute identifier
  memtype_id  - Attribute datatype identifier  (in memory)


  buf         - Data buffer; may be a scalar or an array
  hdferr      - Returns 0 if successful and -1 if fails

Release     Fortran
1.8.8 Fortran updated to Fortran2003.
1.4.2 The dims parameter was added in this release.

Name: H5Arename
herr_t H5Arename( hid_t loc_id, char *old_attr_name, char *new_attr_name )

Renames an attribute.

H5Arename changes the name of the attribute located at loc_id.

The old name, old_attr_name, is changed to the new name, new_attr_name.


Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5arename_f
SUBROUTINE h5arename_f(loc_id, old_attr_name, new_attr_name, hdferr) 
    INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id          ! Object identifier
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: old_attr_name ! Prior attribute name
    CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: new_attr_name ! New attribute name
    INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr                ! Error code:
                                                  !  0 on success, -1 on failure
END SUBROUTINE h5arename_f

Name: H5Arename_by_name
herr_t H5Arename_by_name( hid_t loc_id, const char *obj_name, const char *old_attr_name, const char *new_attr_name, hid_t lapl_id )

Renames an attribute.

H5Arename_by_name changes the name of attribute that is attached to the object specified by loc_id and obj_name. The attribute named old_attr_name is renamed new_attr_name.

The link access property list, lapl_id, may provide information regarding the properties of links required to access the object, obj_name. See “Link Access Properties” in the H5P APIs.

hid_t loc_id IN: Location or object identifier; may be dataset or group
const char *obj_name IN: Name of object, relative to location, whose attribute is to be renamed
const char *old_attr_name     IN: Prior attribute name
const char *new_attr_name IN: New attribute name
hid_t lapl_id IN: Link access property list identifier

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5arename_by_name_f
SUBROUTINE h5arename_by_name_f(loc_id, obj_name, old_attr_name, new_attr_name, &
     hdferr, lapl_id)
  INTEGER(HID_T), INTENT(IN) :: loc_id  ! Object identifier 
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: obj_name 
                                        ! Name of object, relative to location, 
                                        ! whose attribute is to be renamed
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: old_attr_name 
                                        ! Prior attribute name
  CHARACTER(LEN=*), INTENT(IN) :: new_attr_name 
                                        ! New attribute name
  INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr        ! Error code:
                                        ! 0 on success and -1 on failure
                                        ! Link access property list identifier
END SUBROUTINE h5arename_by_name_f

Release     C
1.8.0 Function introduced in this release.

Last modified: 16 September 2014
Name: H5Awrite
herr_t H5Awrite(hid_t attr_id, hid_t mem_type_id, const void *buf )

Writes data to an attribute.

H5Awrite writes an attribute, specified with attr_id. The attribute's memory datatype is specified with mem_type_id. The entire attribute is written from buf to the file.

If mem_type_id is either a fixed-length or variable-length string, it is important to set the string length when defining the datatype. String datatypes are derived from H5T_C_S1 (or H5T_FORTRAN_S1 for Fortran codes), which defaults to 1 character in size. See H5Tset_size and “Creating variable-length string datatypes.”

Datatype conversion takes place at the time of a read or write and is automatic. See the “Data Transfer: Datatype Conversion and Selection” section in the “HDF5 Datatypes” chapter of the HDF5 User’s Guide for a discussion of data conversion.

hid_t attr_id IN: Identifier of an attribute to write.
hid_t mem_type_id     IN: Identifier of the attribute datatype (in memory).
const void *buf IN: Data to be written.

Returns a non-negative value if successful; otherwise returns a negative value.

Fortran90 Interface: h5awrite_f

  SUBROUTINE h5awrite_f(attr_id, memtype_id, buf, dims, hdferr) 
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)               :: attr_id
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)               :: memtype_id
    TYPE            , INTENT(IN)               :: buf
    INTEGER         , INTENT(OUT)              :: hdferr


  attr_id     - Attribute identifier
  memtype_id  - Attribute datatype identifier  (in memory)
  dims        - Array to hold corresponding dimension sizes of data buffer buf;
                dim(k) has value of the k-th dimension of buffer buf;
                values are ignored if buf is a scalar
  buf         - Data buffer; may be a scalar or an array


  hdferr      - Returns 0 if successful and -1 if fails

Fortran2003 Interface: h5awrite_f

  SUBROUTINE h5awrite_f(attr_id, memtype_id, buf, hdferr) 
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)  :: attr_id
    INTEGER(HID_T)  , INTENT(IN)  :: memtype_id
    TYPE(C_PTR)     , INTENT(IN)  :: buf
    INTEGER         , INTENT(OUT) :: hdferr


  attr_id     - Attribute identifier
  memtype_id  - Attribute datatype identifier  (in memory)
  buf         - Data buffer; may be a scalar or an array


  hdferr      - Returns 0 if successful and -1 if fails

See Also:
Creating variable-length string datatypes

Release     Change
1.8.8 Fortran updated to Fortran2003.
1.4.2 Fortran dims parameter added in this release.

HDF5 documents and links 
Introduction to HDF5 
HDF5 User’s Guide 
In the HDF5 Reference Manual 
H5DS   H5IM   H5LT   H5PT   H5TB  Optimized 
H5   H5A   H5D   H5E   H5F   H5G   H5I   H5L 
H5O   H5P   H5PL   H5R   H5S   H5T   H5Z 
Tools   Datatypes   Fortran   Compatibility Macros 
Collective Calls in Parallel 

The HDF Group Help Desk:
Describes HDF5 Release 1.10.
  Copyright by The HDF Group
and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois