Package hdf.object

Interface CompoundDataFormat

  • All Superinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Attribute, CompoundDS

    public interface CompoundDataFormat
    extends DataFormat
    An interface that provides general operations for data with a Compound datatype. For example, getting the names, dataspaces or datatypes of the members of the Compound datatype.

    1.0 5/3/2018
    Jordan T. Henderson
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getMemberCount

        int getMemberCount()
        Returns the number of members of the compound data object.
        the number of members of the compound data object.
      • getSelectedMemberCount

        int getSelectedMemberCount()
        Returns the number of selected members of the compound data object. Selected members are the compound fields which are selected for read/write.

        For example, in a compound datatype of {int A, float B, char[] C}, users can choose to retrieve only {A, C} from the data object. In this case, getSelectedMemberCount() returns two.

        the number of selected members.
      • getMemberNames

        String[] getMemberNames()
        Returns the names of the members of the compound data object. The names of compound members are stored in an array of Strings.

        For example, for a compound datatype of {int A, float B, char[] C} getMemberNames() returns ["A", "B", "C"}.

        the names of compound members.
      • getSelectedMemberNames

        String[] getSelectedMemberNames()
        Returns an array of the names of the selected compound members.
        an array of the names of the selected compound members.
      • isMemberSelected

        boolean isMemberSelected​(int idx)
        Checks if a member of the compound data object is selected for read/write.
        idx - the index of compound member.
        true if the i-th memeber is selected; otherwise returns false.
      • selectMember

        void selectMember​(int idx)
        Selects the i-th member for read/write.
        idx - the index of compound member.
      • setAllMemberSelection

        void setAllMemberSelection​(boolean selectAll)
        Selects/deselects all members.
        selectAll - The indicator to select or deselect all members. If true, all members are selected for read/write. If false, no member is selected for read/write.
      • getMemberOrders

        int[] getMemberOrders()
        Returns array containing the total number of elements of the members of the compound data object.

        For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as

             COMP {
                 int A;
                 float B[5];
                 double C[2][3];
        getMemberOrders() will return an integer array of {1, 5, 6} to indicate that member A has one element, member B has 5 elements, and member C has 6 elements.
        the array containing the total number of elements of the members of the compound data object.
      • getSelectedMemberOrders

        int[] getSelectedMemberOrders()
        Returns array containing the total number of elements of the selected members of the compound data object.

        For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as

             COMP {
                 int A;
                 float B[5];
                 double C[2][3];
        If A and B are selected, getSelectedMemberOrders() returns an array of {1, 5}
        array containing the total number of elements of the selected members of the compound data object.
      • getMemberDims

        int[] getMemberDims​(int i)
        Returns the dimension sizes of the i-th member.

        For example, a compound dataset COMP has members of A, B and C as

             COMP {
                 int A;
                 float B[5];
                 double C[2][3];
        getMemberDims(2) returns an array of {2, 3}, while getMemberDims(1) returns an array of {5}, and getMemberDims(0) returns null.
        i - the i-th member
        the dimension sizes of the i-th member, null if the compound member is not an array.
      • getMemberTypes

        Datatype[] getMemberTypes()
        Returns an array of datatype objects of the compound members.

        Each member of a compound data object has its own datatype. The datatype of a member can be atomic or other compound datatype (nested compound). The datatype objects are setup at init().

        the array of datatype objects of the compound members.
      • getSelectedMemberTypes

        Datatype[] getSelectedMemberTypes()
        Returns an array of datatype objects of the selected compound members.
        an array of datatype objects of the selected compound members.